After a day on duty, almost in the same state of mind, having a quick bite and moderately shaved, I hasten to free surgery. Two operations: osteosynthesis of the clavicle and reamputation of the thigh. The first patient passed with a bang. And here is the second one. Even when I picked up the story, I felt some tickling in the epigastrium. 77 years. Vicious stump of the left hip. And concomitant: Cr pancreas 4 clinical group. Surprised, I hasten to look at the patient: cachexia, mechanical jaundice. And next to him sits his wife: "Doctor, you really have to operate it, we're all alone, and he already can not put on a prosthesis and his pain is strong." I did not explain to her that he would not have to wear a prosthesis ever again. Have taken. Put the epidural. Have operated on. I was afraid that we would not be removed from the table-they removed it and even extubated it on the table. And in the evening I saw them gazing at each other gently.
And now believe it, the angels in the shower sang ... Home came back so tired, almost on autopilot, but inspired. :)
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