You look like you were in a hole
But I wasnt :D
What is the nature of this job.. you seem heavily protected
well, mostly we are painting but sometimes you need to get rid of old paint so this is the reason why I look like this :D
oh alright
Are you a firefighter?
No I'm not :D
respiraatorist kasu ka v
pmst on kll, nägu ikka paska täis aga hingamisteed on puhtad tänu sellele. Ilma selleta oleks liiga ulme
Dirty hands, clean money eksole :D
just täpselt, no more bullshit :D
Töömees! :D
hahahha, ikka :D work hard play harder
You look like you were in a hole
But I wasnt :D
What is the nature of this job.. you seem heavily protected
well, mostly we are painting but sometimes you need to get rid of old paint so this is the reason why I look like this :D
oh alright
Are you a firefighter?
No I'm not :D
respiraatorist kasu ka v
pmst on kll, nägu ikka paska täis aga hingamisteed on puhtad tänu sellele. Ilma selleta oleks liiga ulme
Dirty hands, clean money eksole :D
just täpselt, no more bullshit :D
Töömees! :D
hahahha, ikka :D work hard play harder