DISCLAIMER: This post in no way is encouraging any aggression towards any feathered creatures.
Honestly, I did not even come up with that phrase, although I am guilty of using it. "Killing two birds with one stone" is just a phrase used to imply very effective effort, and that's the part that I like. In this video, I share a recent example.
Along with all of my other projects waiting for me back in Arkansas is this project that I got started before I left. I'm expanding the culvert for our driveway, but that's not exactly what this post is about. Basically, this is a lot of hard work with a pickax at the moment, but I am thankfully able to make a lot of use of it, as I will show you.
Two main byproducts of this labor are generally created, and both of them are useful to me.The first is small rocks and the other is dirt. Just by grabbing some five gallon buckets I was able to get a lot more done than I had originally planned on.
The bucket is a great way to collect the small rocks, because it allows you to store and move many small rocks at once. Also, a bucket-full of small rocks seems to be a good weight for me to move.
I am still working on building the rock columns around my T-posts on our perimeter fence, and it takes a lot of small rocks to fill these in. Since we have to collect small rocks for that project anyway, this was a perfect opportunity. I was encountering a lot of small rocks that I had to move anyway, so now I've got a bunch collected to be used in our fence.
The work I did at the moment generated four full buckets, which may be able to fill about a third of one column. Trust me, that rock column project will take a while to actually complete, but we are making progress!
The other resource that I gathered as I worked on the culvert was buckets full of dirt. Again, I had to move the dirt any way, but thankfully I had another project just waiting for an opportunity like this!
Our small power pole with the meter box on it still had a hole around it in the ground. Somehow I always end up missing dirt when I dig a hole, and there is never enough to fill it back in. Even with @little-peppers periodically trying to shovel more soil into the hole it never really got filled in.
Now, though, with buckets full of dirt at my disposal, I could finally finish securing this pole. It took quite a few buckets, so I am glad that I had so many of them!
We didn't finish until after dark, but we got that job done anyway, and it wasn't even on our current "to-do list." It just happened to fall into place to be finished. Thankfully, I was aware of these other uses for the "waste" from the job I was working on, and it's just one more example of working smarter and being effective! Thanks for checking it out!
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Until next time…
how many of those rock posts are you making?
Maybe a couple hundred.......
that's a lot of buckets!
Don't killed that
but I once the bird is dead, if you can not avoid them.it's a very good job @papa-pepper.
killing 2 birds with one stone is a saying, it means to do two jobs at once, or three in @papa-peppers case.
oo, sorry I just misunderstood.
do the columns come pre-made or did you have to make them your selves? and while I am thinking about it was it easy to make? I am green fingered as you know but when it comes to building things that is a different story haha.hay @papa-pepper, have you a post on how you built the fence? me and my neighbour are thinking about putting a fence between our houses and I think the stone effect wall is a great idea.
I do believe that some people who have looked at your post really think that you have killed 2 birds with one stone, its funny as it is a phrase that is used very often in our worlds but mean 2 different things in different countries.
Hope your well @papa-pepper and get some rest from your 750 mile trip you must be knackered
Good job Monster-Truck, While Daddy was talking we saw who was doing the work. :-)
Wow this is totally outstanding
Little @papa-pepper just showed me that no effort is wasted... Nice one young leader..
Little @papa-pepper just showed me that no effort is wasted... Nice one young leader..
Postingan yang sangat bermanfaat @papa-pepper
@papa-pepper's son is very diligent and brave like his father I salute the same child @papa-pepper
killing birds it's so bad news for us.
killing 2 birds with one stone is a saying, it means to do two jobs at once, or three in @papa-peppers case.
How much more work can @little-peppers do, less digging up the soil and filling up a hole. But what an encouraging effort there by your little but powerful man. 😂 Being a farmer and learning to hunt is amazing, I hope papa, you will consider that soon? (my random thought).
The "Rock-around-T-post" is the first time I have seen that! It's a great idea. Kudos for your ingenuity! How you find the time to do all you do has to be a mystery to most folks.
I really like the rocks around the t-post. I have not seen that before but it looks really good. What kind of wire are you using to hold them in? You have given me a great idea;)
It is kind of popular in some areas down here. It's a 2X4 wire weld that is 48 inches tall... not sure of the actual name.
Thank you, we will have to give it a try. Maybe we can start a fad here in Kentucky;)
@papa-pepper.... People who produces things like this are very smart and intelligent. I appreciate your effort and I am sure your project will turn out successful. Nice work
Great job. i like it.
The contents of an interesting post ,, suitable for the practice directly in our own home ,, thanks @papa-pepper
Good lord that looks like a lot of hard work. Hauling around buckets of rock and dirt is no easy thing on the body. You must be in very excellent physical condition.
I like the way you make use of the things that are by products of one project in order to further another project.
This reminds me, I've gotta go redig the hole for my mailbox post and pour some concrete in it and re-position the post so it doesn't lean so badly (it's been hit by cars twice in the past year). Work work work....
One thing I'll point out is that if your mailbox post is wood, you may not want to pour concrete around. Since concrete doesn't absorb water, more actual ends up in the wood, which can cause it to rot more rapidly. If it is a metal pole though it won't matter. Just a thought, if you don't mind the advice.
I'm getting there! Options are limited.
Hey thanks for the advice! I'm always open to learning from others. The post is wood actually so maybe I'll reconsider the material I use to support it. That makes sense as I once learned you can't put a wood floor on top of concrete slab because of this very reason (the moisture issue).
Perhaps filling the hole with a mix of gravel and dirt would be a better option for long term stability (or maybe I should just get a metal one and use concrete with it as you suggested).
'After rowing two three islands exceeded'
that's the old saying goes ,,,
you are really smart and innovative ,,, papa ,,,
life experience science who very valuable ,,, success always for you ,,,
Now that's being smart and resourceful! And it's really great to see you work with your kid. Starting them young is the best way indeed. 😄Thanks for sharing this @papa-pepper! Cheers and all the best on your projects.
The rock columns are a nice effect around the pen. Do you mortar those stones at all or just leave them inside the fencing? They would look good as pillars on either side of my sons camp driveway. Great job and thanks for the inspiration.
NO mortar as of yet, but I thought of it too.
nice post @pappa-pepper, no one can achieve a success without going through hard work, work hard with high spirits
I like your post
I was totally expecting some pictures of dead birds.
You guys work your ass off.
Really wish I had the chance to meet the family when were there.
It was actually the reason I messaged you before we had actually arrived.
I was trying to make my way to the homestead on our way in.
Maybe next time.
I'm ready for some more hot shots...they were tasty.
Maybe next time. @Mama-pepper needs a vacation soon anyway, maybe we will head to Florida!
There's more steemians out there.
It's very possible #hotsorshots comes back to Missouri. Would be great to get @stellabelle on the show
I was so curious with @papa-pepper. Is he an agricultural engineer, architect, or building civil engineering? multi talented
And the talent that is now transmitted to the great boy
Indeed you killed 3 birds with one stone.. Hahaha
Kudos papa
LOL - Thanks man!
Nice job, @papa-pepper. Three jobs are done at once. I do the same around here. Don't waste anything and if you can do one job and be able to start a second or third at the same time, so much the better.
I have been studying your pillars. I really like the idea of using up the stones on the property to make the posts perhaps stronger, but also look quite attractive. But I have a question. The wire you are using to form the cage to fill with the rocks, is it galvanised or does it have some form of rust proofing? Here, that is something we need to think about because of the salt in the air. In Canada, we had to be aware of salt from the roads. Roads are generally heavily salted and then the snow/salt mixture is plowed back to the fence-lines.
I would hate to think you do allthat work to have to redo it because of rust. I have seen one other place in my travels that used a similar method, but they used a cement slurry poured down the center to help hold the rocks in place. Just some thoughts...
I have seen this type of wire rust eventually. I figured that eventually I may have to rewrap them, but I'm thinking I've got a lot of years before I need to worry about that.
Talking of taking advantage, being smart, being prepared and being sensitive. Well done Papa. It's easy to fall in love with @little-peppers. Well done cuties.