Hi everyone!
As many of you know, my husband and I are both looking for work. An employer contacted me last week, and wanted to set up an interview. I was leery about this place because I had talked to someone who worked there, and she spoke of the residents being violent. She showed me scratches on her arm from being clawed. It is a house that cares for the severely mentally challenged. I had applied for this company several years ago, and would've worked there if it hadn't been for Jared deciding to go back to work after his last depression. Anyway, before the interview, I did notice that the residents there were obviously mentally disabled.
Looking at the E-mail they sent me again, I noticed the place they are hiring for isn't the same address at all. They must have more than one home in the area, and here's the real surprise. It's literally a block away!!! We can see this house from our front window. After one of my friends moved out of this house, we've been wondering about it ever since. It doesn't appear to house the severely mentally challenged either. We always see people coming and going, different people always appear to be living there, and the lights are always on. First we speculated that it was a drug house because of this, but things didn't really fit. Upon further observation, we think it's a halfway house of some kind...either way I will find out tomorrow. Here's a picture of it taken right from my front window.

Often we see (mostly overweight) people smoking outside. I've also seen people with name tags coming and going (must be the employees). Some of these residents have their own vehicle. That's not to say they aren't disturbed though. Last summer, my husband and I were sitting on our front stoop, just hanging out, and we noticed a woman looking down at us in one of the upstairs windows. She was stark naked! It was quite disturbing to say the least! Last summer we also saw the cops were there a lot, but I haven't seen them there in a long time. I really don't completely know what I'm in for here, but I'm still excited.
One slight concern of mine is the fact that the people living there will know where I live, which makes me feel a bit uneasy. That said, I don't really think I have anything to worry about. Maybe it's because I'm looking forward to this job being so convenient! No gas money needed!!
Someone had to get a job, and if it's me - so be it! No one has contacted Jared to set up an interview as of yet, and he applied to more places than me. I'm not sure what this means as far as homeschooling goes. When Jared is at the top of his game, he is very efficient at juggling housework, cooking, and children's activities. If he doesn't kick this depression soon, I regret that I'll have to send the kids back to school. 😢 My schedule would work for it though. I could come home, get them ready, take them to school, come back home, and sleep. Jared can pick them up if I'm still sleeping when they are dismissed at the end of the day. Then I can wake up, make supper, spend time with them, and get them into bed before my shift begins.
Really 11pm-7am is the most ideal shift for me if things are going to work out this way. I worked 11-7 for 6 years before I had kids.
Hopefully I'm not getting too excited! I don't even know if I'm hired yet! 😂
Wish me luck, and thanks for reading!
Love, snowpea ❤

Best of luck with the interview.
Wonder if it would make sense for you to drive around the block to work to kind of hide where you live. Know it would seem silly, but if it helped to keep some naked lady from showing up at your doorstep it might be worth it. Just drive up from the opposite way of your home and leave the same way you come. Might not matter if the view is that direct, but it might be enough to confuse someone that isn't of right mind.
Thank you! It did cross my mind to evade being found out in this way, but I know sooner or later I'm going to want to be able to just walk over there...not sure what to do yet.
You could walk the long way to work. Then again, we are kind of putting the cart before the horse here, first see if you even like the job and then if you get it ;) .
Good luck! Hopefully the residents there turn out to be decent or manageable at least!
I hope so too, thank you!
Such happy news for you @snowpea. All the best for the interview.
Thank you @jusipassetti! :)
You are going to land that job for sure @snowpea!! It was tailor-made for you!!! Best wishes for you and your family! Stay positive!!! 😄 😉 😊
Thank you so much for the encouragement @cpol! 💪😎
I wish you good luck with the interview! And I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I wish Jared would get better soon!
I hope people there won't be that disturbed and it won't be dangerous for you that they'll know where you live.
Let us know how it went! :)
PS: I somehow found you by clicking through several profiles and I'm happy I did!
Thank you @delishtreats! It's nice to meet you, and I'm following you back! :)
Sorry babes, I missed this. How did your interview go???
It went fine, but I wasn't hired. :(
Good luck, it would be very handy to work so near to your home.
#thealliance #witness
Little late to comment here, but will still like to know how was the interview?? Did you get in?@snowpea
No, not hired. :(
Good luck @snowpea. Hopefully it will work well.
Thank you @soulbella! :)
Good luck @snowpea. Hopefully soon the work
Thank you! :)