Written by:Diomer Antonio Galán Rincón.
Bachelor's Degree.Public Accounting / MSc.Science of Higher Education.

Image taken from:Pixabay
Organizations are social entities because they are made up of people who represent the human resource that is used as a necessary tool to build a company for the benefit of society. That is why their development is associated with the work performance of their human resources, who allow positive and measurable innovation to open new paths.
The success of today's companies in an entrepreneurial and competitive business environment is increasingly the result of a truly efficient management of human resources. Thus, structure, technology, financial and material resources contribute greatly to guaranteeing the profitability of companies, but it is not only the physical aspects that must be intelligently managed by people, since they constitute the dynamic element that renews and gives direction to any organization.
In relation to this, Newstrom (2007) refers to the term quality of life at work as "the favorable or unfavorable condition of a general work environment for the personnel" Thus it is clear that the quality of life at work is a matter closely related to the sense of satisfaction of the worker; that is, the greater the security, the greater the degree of productivity of the human resource in the organization.

Image taken from:Pixabay
In this context, the quality of the employees, their knowledge, skills, competencies, enthusiasm, satisfaction. As well as their sense of initiative to generate value and wealth, has a strong impact on the organizational behavior shown. For this, it is necessary to have an adequate process of quality of life at work to ensure greater productivity derived from the work of each individual.
For this, it is important to count on the organizational effectiveness that arises as time goes by and experience improves. In fact, this process can only be achieved with the support of the talents that are part of the organization because their behavior has a significant effect on the achievement of the established goals since this process is a function of people.
It should be noted that the behavior of individuals and groups has a significant and profound effect on how well your organization will be able to achieve its goals and success. In fact, in order to function effectively, organizations need to have an architecture that integrates all resources, capabilities and competencies, including people with their positions and hierarchies and teams with their tasks and relationships. To this end, it is necessary for management to apply an introspective approach that provides a deep insight into what the organization is and what it will be in the future.
All of the above allows us to infer that before initiating any administrative action, it is essential for management, through its leaders, to determine the results it intends to achieve within the social groups, creating future opportunities and the precise elements for them to function effectively. This can only be achieved through effective policies of quality of life at work that represent the different ways in which the management of human resources is coordinated and the multiple technological currents are integrated.
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