Totally agree with you...
We need a master plan, but we also need to have the "baby steps" to accomplish it. Otherwise, the big plan seems almost impossible to complete.
For exemple. You want to travel once per year. If you save $10 each day, you will have $3600 in 12 month.
So big plan... Baby steps to reach big plan.
You want to be an astronaut?
Baby steps: study, learn, spacex interview, study more...
When each step is accomplished, you will have the feeling that you are getting there, so, the possibility to discourage yourself become each step less and less... And you can cheers all your small victories on your master plan path , getting a Great realizarion sensation.
Tks dor your insists. Very valuable.
That's thinking like a winner :) We can do anything if we just stop sitting there thinking about it, in hopes that it will walk up and offer itself to us.