Backpacking Slavery in Australia (Banana farms)

in #working8 years ago

Often I hear that Australia is the richest country in the world, and that you should go there to make good money!

I want to disclose the truth!

Most of the farm workers are fooled, and will be stuck for months in a same place working 4 days a week for an average of $Aud650 a week

Farmers and backpackers hostels are exploiting them as a Mafia who rules the city.

Banana farms...

Most of them use the asian workers as slaves to achieving business goals that are their million dollars companies...

Plus they will not respect the Earth by poisoning banana tree with gasoline to promote new stem growth!!!

False image.

People tend to be happy! But in fact they go through a lot of struggle by eating cheap food when paying huge amounts of their small wages to stay in backpackers hostels.

You finally arrive in a place where  you can find a job, will have to wait for more than two weeks in a $Aud200 accommodation before to get your first job. Then, you will be able to work for an average of 3-4 days a week to pay the first 2 weeks of accommodation and food.

Being stuck...

At the end of the month you will only be able to start saving money, but here we come!

-Public holidays are in an enormous amount in Australia.

-Working the weekend for farmers is not considered as extra.

-Farmers do not care about giving you a decent wage.

After a month of work, you will start spending money to enjoy at least a bit your life. And you better not be a smoker or a drinker here because taxes are really high ($Aud15 cigarettes/$Aud45 bottle of alcohol).

Rethink twice before engaging you in that kind of experience...

Months will fly before you could expect being on the road again!!!


Some interesting points , many travellers on a working holiday visa need to 3 months in a rural job so they do these types of jobs not for the money but to get the 12 month visa extension

And they will be stuck for a year or so before thinking about being on the road again!

You most be thankful that you are in Australia in a Holiday Visa, if you don't Like it just go were you belong and work there for better money, there is not slavery, stop working take a plane and go to your place and be free.

There is slavery! Tell that to all the dreamers that came in Australia for a decent wage... There is many of them with high degrees, and they are still working for $650 a week in a farm after 4 years spending all their money paying extension visa in the hope of a better life. Sure they have a better life compare to Asian/Indian countries but still enslaved to a job they didn't dream for...

Why don't they leave and find another job then?

Because when you are short in money, you need to keep working...

By the way, I just disclose a fact. I'm a sparky, and do not work for farmers.

While the average wage of an australian is more than $Aud1500 a week, we can wonder why they do not want farm jobs...

BIG difference between Average and Median...most Australians would give their left nut for $1500 a week and A lot would barely take home $650-$700.

Are you australian? I know how it is in Australia... The recession started here around 2008!!!

Unfortunately the elites have taken over Australia and are turning it into a police state - so even if you had a well paid job, you would not like it there long term

I lived and worked for 2 years in Australia - one of those years being in Queensland, a poor rural state

I'm now back in the UK, in a rural area, and we have Polish workers in the same position as you - they came to the UK to make good money, now they're working in the fields for minimum wage, and living in rented shared houses with fellow Poles trying to survive