Urgently pull up the tummy for a short T-shirt and keep his shape for a few months will help today's set of exercises!
To perform exercises, only a mat is required. So you can train at home, at the dacha, and even on vacation in the hotel room or on the beach. Exercise should be done 3 to 5 times a week.
Torsion of the pelvis
Lie down on your back, lift your bent legs and cross your ankles. The shins are roughly parallel to the floor, the waist is pressed against the rug, hands are stretched along the trunk. On exhalation strain the muscles of the press and pull the hips to the stomach, tearing the pelvis off the floor, as if twisting it in the direction of the ribs. On inhalation, return to the starting position with your legs raised. You can put your feet on the floor only after completing all the repetitions for this exercise.
Lie down on your back, lift your legs above yourself and slightly bend your knees. Socks are aimed at themselves, hands are stretched along the trunk (you can grab yourself by the thighs). On exhalation, lower one leg to the floor approximately to a parallel or higher - to the point where the loin does not come off the floor yet. At the same time, bend the other leg, lowering it with the knee to the chest. On inhalation, return both legs up, in the next inspiration again lower, changing places.
This is great @newscelebrities, thanks for sharing.
Thanks, cutting stomach fat is one of the hardest things to do. This helps alot