Dallas-Ft Worth, TX, USA
These images were taken by me last week (Monday to Friday). They represent a sliver of what I see in my day-to-day life, commuting through Dallas and the DFW area for work.

Dallas may not be the most aesthetic city in the world, but a sunrise like this is a reminder of the beauty that’s all around us.

Peanut Butter beer? What’ll they think of next?

Ever been to a Buc-ee’s? It’s a chain of giant gas stations that has a cartoon beaver as its mascot. This new store in Denton is coming soon.

Tell me about it, buddy.

Local entrepreneurs, en route to their next appointment, presumably. That's an eye-catching company car.

Here I am ready for work!
Love the No Fair sign. Got a good chuckle out of it. It sure does make the day go by faster, photo-ing as you go, doesn't it? There is so much to see and be amused by, in the world around us. Thanks to Steemit for being further impetus to take and put it all out there. Fascinating indeed.
What are you doing for work, if that is not being too nosy? If so, just ignore me and tell me what the weather is doing at the moment.
My life seems to be very busy, doing farmer and get-ready-for-winter rains chores. I'm putting a wall up around a tarp building work-area by the garage, so I can do stuff without getting wet in our incessant winter rains. The pump house is done, and pumping water as it should (yaay), and the fruit season is upon me. There are grapes coming soon out my ears. Nice problem to have, though a bit hard on the hearing...nuartch nuartch. Well, hope all is well down yonder, sounds like it is. Keep on sharing your weekly views, it's quite enjoyable. Wow, can I talk on a Monday, or what?! Cheerio(s)
Wow, your days are full of activity. The weather your way is opposite of here. A wet winter sounds better than dry and windy, and much better for growing edible food. Yes! To the functional pump house, I remember that project.
Fruit season?! I must keep my eyes open for the next wave of HH/DD food posts, considering they are the cream of the Steemit crop, imho. Speaking of grapes, isn't it remarkable they grow down in Texas and up your way? Not the same varieties, of course, still no less remarkable. Try getting an apple harvest down here - Hah!
Regarding my work, I help with daily tasks in the office and occasionally in the field at a local HVAC company. It's a bit of a commute so I see many interesting sights on the highways and byways during the week.
Glad to see you in the comments, take care!
That sunrise is STUNNING!
Loved the 'No Fair Parking' and the car company ad, haha.
My week involves a bunch of deadlines, hoping to write some articles for my page, a wedding party, moving into a new house, signing up for korean class and figuring out how the hell to use my bank account.
You have a whirlwind of activity going on! So, wait do you speak Korean also?
Yeah, I just want things to slow down for a teeny tiny bit but it's also kind of nice to be in this mad work rush.
If only I could speak Korean. My life would be so much easier. Unfortunately, I don't. Hence the classes.
Ooh peanutbutter beer!!! :O I haven't even considered the possibility. I don't like beer, but I found apple cider beer kind of nice, so I'd at least try peanut peer xD
Also that sky is so pretty! :D
Beer is delicious! Peanut butter beer sounds like an unruly combination, but it might be better than it sounds (I skipped that purchase though).
Thanks for stopping by!
haha " the parking aint not fair here at all ! " :D
Wow, Peanut Butter Beer, I can't imagine what that would taste like...
Nice to have a glimps of your everyday view, what seems so normal to you may be such a difference for someone else.
Peanut butter beer sounds really out there, I can't imagine what it tastes like either! You're absolutely right about perspective. Sometimes it can be easy to forget how different things look through each person's eyes. Thanks for your support, you are always appreciated!
Love the beaver. There's something melancholy about seeing it sitting on the ground - great timing in capturing that.
I don't get what the Scratch company is meant to do. It looks like the car is driven by an old man. Maybe they drive teens to their jobs?
Who doesn't love that goofy beaver?! I was also excited about snagging that pic - considering I was traveling by at 60 or 65 MPH, it turned out perfectly.
Hah! I was saying the same thing, "What the heck are we looking at here?" There's too many unanswered questions, gotta document this crazy skratch bubble car and its chauffeur.