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RE: ADSactly World - Continuing the discussion about Venezuela and socialism

in #world6 years ago

I'm not here to disagree or to discuss, but to observe what it is.
To do it, I need data and facts.
"Facts" not supported by data are OPINIONS and as such questionable.


Again, which facts do you want to see supported by data? Everything she mentioned was accurate.

  1. chavismo is worse than a bomb! It is a plague.
    (This is an opinion, right?)

  2. Chavism is a disease that spreads, multiplies and kills little by little.
    (Are we sure Chavism isn't the other side of the same Capitalism coin??)

  3. they promote anarchy.
    (Really? Anarchy is the absence of a central government! How " they promote anarchy"?

  4. the government has ordered that the houses of all those who have left the country be seized.
    (Is it absolutely wrong or judgment depends on the point of view?)

  5. This malandro government promotes delinquency, crime.
    (What are the evidence?)

  6. It is easier for them to invade or expropriate than to build houses, high schools, universities, businesses.
    (What do you think could be the reason for this choice?)

I lived in Venezuela a few months, not as a tourist but together with Venezuelans, at the time of one of Chavez's many re-elections. (I have maintained close (family) contacts both before and after this experience in Venezuela.)
There were rumors of electoral fraud, of "loans" of Colombian voters taking the place of Venezuelans, a bipolar climate at 50-50 between pros and cons Chavez.
I was neither pro nor against. My impression was of propaganda from both sides.

To conclude, the absolute "truth" about these events does not exist. Are there so many truths depending on the point of observation?

A warm hug!
