Teuku Markam is a wealthy businessman of Aceh during the reign of President Soekarno. Teuku Marks the offspring of the uleebalang born in 1925 in Seuneudon and Alue Capli, Panton Labu Aceh Utara and his father named Teuku Marhaban. Since childhood Teuku Markam has become an orphan. When the age of 9 years, Teuku Marhaban died. While his mother had already died. Teuku Markam was later raised by his brother Cut Nyak Putroe. Teuku Markam only received education until grade 4 SR (Sekolah Rakyat). Teuku Markam is involved in infrastructure development in Aceh and West Java, the Medan-Banda Aceh, Bireuen-Takengon, Meulaboh, Tapaktuan roads funded by the World Bank. Teuku Markam donated 28 kg of gold from 38 kg of gold to the National Monument.
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