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RE: 5 Ways To Get Back On Track When You've Lost Your Way

in #world6 years ago

I think what should also be considered when we lose track of where we are going is what was the end goal of our focus. I have kind of felt this with not really posting a daily sketch as much as I did as I was taking a social media class about this. I feel like my original goal of getting a passing grade has come and gone with success, but where does this leave me now?

Lately I have been reformulating what direction that I want to take Sarge's Corner now that it isn't a school project anymore. How will I move forward and make Sarge's Corner more than just homework that I feel compelled to do than enjoy? I still want to make money but it then leads me to the question of how to find enjoyment and letting the money follow after. I think starting where you are now and taking that a step at a time is how we can regain that focus we once had. Life doesn't end when we reach point A to point B, it keeps going probably until we reach point Z!