Follow Me to Worship Places all over the World - Gebetshäuser aus aller Welt, komm mit!

in #world7 years ago (edited)


Hey guys, many of you are writing to me that I like to visit places of worship. You are right! As I told one week ago in one of my post I am not religious, but I still believe in something that is not easy to explain with words! There is a power over us that is not that easy palpable! Each own culture has its different faiths and the associated prayer houses. I visited mosques in Kasachstan, Churches in Europe, Orthodox churches in Russia and temples in Mongolia. I like to feel the magical atmosphere in this kind of buildings, like to observe praying people to get to know more about their culture! It does not matter who we are: moslems, christian, buddhists, orthodox etc! If we begin to think about it, at the beginning every single one of us is born the same way. A women is giving birth and it will always stay like this. And at the end everyone of us will die. Our blood will stay red, no matter in which country we will grow up, blood is staying red. I hope one day people will stop to fight against brothers and sisters. It is important to spread education all over the world, everyone should be allowed to have an own opinion without discrimination, people should get smart enough not to touch guns. Will it be possible? Why do humans want to gain power? Maybe the greed for power could be the destruction of humanity? Educated, modest and mind open people do not want to spread hate and wars. Everyone of us should let our world as beautiful as possible for our children, each one of us contributes a part to the responsibility for our earth, our earthlings, animals and nature!

I was able to visit some places on this earth. I love to visit all kind of places with different traditions, it is important to stay peaceful and show respect to each other in a peaceful way without hate and jealousy ...

My visit in Turkistan, Mausoleum of Hodja Ahmad Yasawi

Praying women in the Mausoleum in Turkistan

Mosque in Astana

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Me inside the mosque in Astana

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Me inside an orthodox church in Yekaterinburg in Russia

Orthodox Church in Yekaterinburg (Russia) from the outside

Basilius Cathedral in Moscow

Me in front of the Basilious Cathedral in Moscow

Buddhist Temple in Buryatia

My buryiat friend and me in front of the buddhist temple in Buryatia

Buddhist temple in Mongolia on the countryside

Inside the temple in Mongolia

My Mongolian friends and me in front of the temple

Another huge temple in Mongolia, not that far away from Ulan Baator

I was exploring the area around the temple in Mongolia :P

What do you think, how should people begin to act for a better and peaceful world? What are you doing for your next generation? Would be interesting to read!!!

Wish you all a nice Saturday evening! See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in German


Hallo! Vielen von euch ist aufgefallen, dass ich gerne Gebetshäuser besuche (Kommentare von euch haben mir gezeigt, dass es euch aufgefallen ist :P ) Letze Woche habe ich in meinem Eintrag erwähnt, dass ich nicht gläubig bin. Jedoch glaube ich an eine Macht über uns, die nicht greifbar ist und mit Worten auch nicht einfach zu beschreiben ist! Jede einzelne Kultur hat ihren Glauben und unterschiedliche Gebetshäuser. Besucht habe ich Moscheen in Kasachstan, Kirchen in Europa, Orthodox Kirchen in Russland und buddhistische Tempels in der Mongolei. Die magische Atmosphäre an solchen Orten kann man oft spüren und bleibt of unvergesslich. Ich beobachte gerne Menschen beim Gebet und möchte auch gleichzeitig mehr über unterschiedliche Kulturen lernen. Egal ob Moslems, Christen, Buddhisten, Orthodoxen u. s. w.

Wir alle kommen über denselben Weg auf die Welt, das wird immer so bleiben. Am Ende müssen wir auch alle sterben, das wird ebenso immer so bleiben. Unser Blut wird immer rot bleiben, egal wo wir leben werden, die Farbe des Blutes wird sich nie verändern. Ich hoffe, dass eines Tages die Menschheit aufhören wird gegen Brüder und Schwestern zu kämpfen. Es ist wichtig Bildung auf der ganzen Welt zu verbreiten, jeder sollte seine eigene Meinung sagen dürfen ohne dabei Diskriminierung zu erfahren. Die Intelligenz der Menschheit sollte soweit sein und Waffen sollten nicht mehr berührt werden. Wird sowas eines Tages möglich sein? Warum streben wir immer mehr nach Macht und gehen dabei oft über Leichen? Vielleicht ist die Gier nach Macht die Zerstörung unserer Spezies? Gebildete, bescheidene und aufgeschlossenen Personen möchten kein Hass verbreiten und auch keine Kriege führen. Jeder einzelne sollte unsere Erde so schön wie möglich für unsere Nachfahren, Tiere und die Natur hinterlassen! Jeder von uns trägt die Verantwortung ..

Ich habe die Möglichkeit gehabt einige Orte auf dieser Erde zu sehen. Ich liebe es unterschiedliche Länder und die Kultur des Landes kennenzulernen. Wichtig dabei ist es friedlich zu bleiben, Respekt zeigen sollte sich zur Selbstverständlichkeit entwickeln. Hass und Eifersucht ist Gift...

Mein Besuch in Türkistan, Mausoleum von Hodcha Ahmad Yasawi

Frauen beim Beten im Mausoleum in Türkistan

Moschee in Astana

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Ich in der Moschee in Astana

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Ich im Inneren in der orthodoxKirche in Jekaterinburg in Russland

Orthodox Kirche in Jekaterinburg (Russland) von aussen

Basilius Kathedrale in Moskau

Ich vor der Basilius Kathedrale in Moskau

Buddhistischer Tempel in Burjatien

Meine Burjatische Freundin und ich vor dem Tempel in Burjatien

Buddhistischer Tempel auf dem Land

Im Tempelinneren

Meine mongolischen Freunde und ich vor dem Tempel

Grosser Tempel in der Mongolei, nicht weit entfernt von Ulan Baator

Die Gegend habe ich um den Tempel in der Mongolei erkundet :P

Was denkt ihr, mit welchen Tätigkeiten könnte unsere Menschheit unsere Erde zu einem besseren Ort machen? Was macht ihr persönlich dafür? Freue mich auf die Kommentare!!!

Wünsche euch allen einen schönen Samstag Abend - Bis Bald und nen fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3

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yaaaah :O What a nice place, thank you so much for sharing these wonderful areas and photos :*

Hi My Dear Friend. Thank you! So Much For Sharing Another Nice" Traveling story.have a nice day.

I am very glad to see you visit Astana mosque, meaning you can live religion and appreciate religion and belief to each other, your journey is very pleasant, when you will visit my country Indonesia, many tourist places in indonesia for example in bali, if you are interested to indonesia , I am waiting for your arrival to Indonesia
, , thanks dear @lenatramper
Nice photography dear
I upvote and resteem

Very beautiful pictures my girlfriend , I would like to thank you very much for sharing with us the most beautiful moments of your travel

Schon wieder so ein "Kirchen"post :D
Aber es sei dir gerechtfertigt, weil du dich ja schon so intensiv damit befasst hast. ^^

Was denkt ihr, mit welchen Tätigkeiten könnte unsere Menschheit unsere Erde zu einem besseren Ort machen?

Selbst gar nicht groß. Am ehesten noch mit einem nachhaltigen Umgang von Ressourcen und einem respektvollen Umgang mit Mitmenschen.
Ich kann ja nicht nach Afrika reisen und den Menschen dort helfen. Ich kann aber sehr wohl den Menschen direkt um mich herum helfen.

Was macht ihr persönlich dafür?

Hin und wieder was spenden an ausgewählte Organisationen. Manche Organisationen möchte ich nämlich auch erst gar nciht unterstützen, weil es eben dort eindeutige Fehltritte gab.
Dann kommt eben noch hinzu die Hilfe und Unterstützung für Freunde. Das kennt ja jeder. Man hilft ihm / ihr mal und mal wird einem selbst geholfen. Es ist dieses Geben und Nehmen, was letztendlich zu einem besseren Ort führt, da sich keiner alleine fühlen muss.

Und wenn ich manchmal jemanden reinlege, dann hab ich wenigstens Spaß. :D

Gruß Naturicia

Come visit my place "Aceh" - Indonesia... You can see the beuty of our nature and beauty beach..

I'll really like to be your friends ..
Regards @taqdirul94😊

Germany the best @lenatramper

nice photography with beautiful scenery, I like.

what a nice a place is really beautifull place of religion. i am very happy to see you travel to charch russia.turkistan mosque very beautifull.i think that you enjoy this all moment of good place.thank you very much for your good place posting.dear @lenatramper

Great post @lenatramper :)

I salute once again your tolerance and your otherness dear friend. Yes @lenatramper the difference is a richness. We will live a day in peace if, and if we get rid of our evil thoughts about the other that we ignore.
Finally a mosque among the places of worship that you visited dear friend. Have a great weekend and respect for you again

Thank you for coming in my Blog @ @lenatramper pretty good person, I am amazed to read your post and I strongly agree and agree. I will pray for you always healthy and long life

an awesome trip. many new experiences gained. you really are a true adventurer @lenatramper

This is an amazing experience... i like it very very muchhhhhh.... 😀😀😀😀

Very good post and interesting to see

Have a good day, I am a Muslim, sorry I can not follow your will, but I am happy to get to know you

It was a very beautiful journey. I am very happy to see you at the religious worship. . Everybody has their own religious worship,But I think God is one. The churches of Russia and the mosque of Turkistan are very beautiful. .

Stay blessed dear @lenatramper

An interesting trip👍👍

you are true @lenatramper, although different beliefs, but we must respect each other.

Good morning Friends steem all.

Introduce me newcomer to steem world, I really need support from all my friends.
My name is zulfisyita I was born in October.1997
I am the first of six siblings, and I live in aceh

very beautiful place

A very beautiful historic place. I really want to visit a historical place like you. You people who have a noble heart, accept others with a sweet smile. may you record history in this life and be remembered by all people.

Ein sehr schöner historischer Ort. Ich möchte wirklich einen historischen Ort wie Sie besuchen. Sie Menschen, die ein edles Herz haben, akzeptieren Sie andere mit einem süßen Lächeln. mögest du Geschichte in diesem Leben aufzeichnen und von allen Menschen in Erinnerung bleiben.

Hello @lenatramper.. how are you?, Nice to meet you Lena.

This would have been something divine and spiritual experiance.perfect for mind relaxation.

The pictures are beautiful and I like it a lot that you respected and visited many places of worship...I wish you a blessed weekend

really, very good story @lenatramper

amazingly beautiful photos @lenatramper

really I really like your post @lenatramper, I've read some of your posts. very very like

a place so beautifully dear, I really want to visit this tourist place which has a lot of history, really a pride for me if can visit 😍😘

your look amaing with a moslams clouth what you think about islam

I agree with you friend, with the difference, the world is full of colors because the difference is what makes the world and its contents is full of balance and harmony. The existence of difference, also a test for us, whether we can live side by side peacefully or vice versa, even make us become hostile to each other.

very beautiful place
I have not made a trip like this.
would have been nice.

sorry i can not upvote because i do not have steempower i am a beginner.
just finished two posts.

Sorry friend.

Thanks for your comment :)

Nice, nice, nice!!! Excellent topic wonderful work! Congratulations!

very amazing photography i like👍

Believe that the difference is a beautiful gift from God that we must follow with patience and wisdom

Post yang sanga bagus..
Saya sangat menyukai nya..
Dan Saya ingin persembahkan satu photo buat @lenatramper..
Semoga anda menyukai nya..

return your beautiful journey @lenatramper travel about culture and religion, I really like and I also dream to meet with you, when you visit to Indonesia. it's a wonderful dream to wait for a woman as beautiful as you. But here I am very impressed with the word hopefully someday people will stop to fight brothers and sisters
I hope that the world is peaceful and there is no chaotic and peaceful life of mutual intimacy between one religion, ethnicity and the other
Thanks you so much @lenatramper

wow .. a very amazing vacation place to visit by sister @lena

@lenatramper i think you have visited some different pleces around the word, but i think you to visit to sumatra, that is a nice place, and you will get new culture that is there is no in another country...
Good journey.


A very beautiful place dear, wherever you are you always look very beautiful @lenatramper

thanks a lot!

amazing picture.i also like travel.thank you for your nice post.

thanks, glad you like it!!

Have a good day, I am an Islamic person I can not follow your worship, I am glad to know you

you have not to follow a religion , in my post I am just presenting worship places all over the world where I have been :)

yes, i am glad to get to know you, can i ask for help from you

I 100% agree with everything. You said it so beautiful.. nice words. One world. One love :)

Unbelievable my friend you can always enjoy the scenery and cultures of other countries I salute your friends ..

Thanks a lot!

You are welcome, friend

I'm so happy because you visit The mosque.


I want to give an advice about your upvote to users , you should stop upvoting some days
This is you vote weight

Thank you @lenatramper

:) thanks, I will always help as many steemians as possible ^^

Nice post the important in religions, the tolerance.

yes tolerance live and let live I agree

Beautiful photo collection "Lena & churches from around the world" :)) Original idea, I like it :)) Btw have you been to Sagrada Familia in Barcelona? Thats the most impressive church I have seen so far...

Thanks! Maybe I will do it this year :)

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