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RE: Why do I beleive that the Earth is Flat?

in #world7 years ago

Haven't you ever been on an aeroplane? You feel the humming of the engines and the air buffeting the fuselage, but you don't feel that you're flying at 500 miles an hour, what would it even mean to feel that?

And yes, the amount the sky changes in 1,000 years out of a 250,000,000 year orbit is not much. If anyone 1,000 years ago had had accurate enough star maps to compare, you'd be able to see the little changes that happened over that time, but such records are unfortunately lacking.

Again, no, rockets do not work by pushing against the atmosphere. Movement does not require "a frictional force". Regular forces do fine. Every action produces an equal and opposite reaction, so when the exhaust gases are shot out of the base of a rocket with so many kiloNewtons of force, the same amount of force also acts on the rocket.


Yes I have been on aeroplane. Yes you are right. If you go with an exact speed, you can't this maybe. But If your speed changes you feel the acceleration. The question is, If you go on an aeroplane from north or south to equator your speed changes. Because if the earth is rounding its speed is faster on the equator. Do you feel this speed change. It is not small amount. Really big amount change if it is true.

The total change in velocity is substantial, yes, but on a flight that takes several hours the actual acceleration in metres per second per second is too small to feel.

Plus the earth is not spinning very fast. Spin is not calculated in m/s, but in revolutions per minute, RPM. There is a reason for this and it's because moving at one rpm feels the same regardless of how 'fast' that spin is. And the spin of the earth is a PAINFULLY slow 0.000694 rpm. If you sat on a merry go round and had someone spin you at one revolution every 24 hours, you'd die of BOREDOM before you felt anything. It's the same way on earth. It's PAINFULLY slow. It's ONE HALF the rate of the hour hand on a clock. Making the clock hands bigger doesn't make the SPIN faster, even though the m/s would increase.

So, think about it. Take two clocks with hands: one small, one big. Put an ant on the hour hand of the first and an ant on the hour hand of the second. Do you think the ant feels like he's going fast on either one of them? And that is twice the spin of the earth.

It's simply unrealistic to think you'd feel anything with a spin so painfully and incredibly slow.

Then you said, "And think about star map. We see same shape over thousands of years in different position and direction. But the key point is they are in same shape."

No, they are not. There is an entire branch of science called Archeoastronomy that can date megalights by their alignment with ancient star alignments. We absolutely know that the constellations change. Just, again, painfully slow.

Please do some research on these things. It gets tiresome correcting what people simply repeat without first having fact checked them. There are very good sources with excellent explanations all over the internet.

Or perhaps you could take an astronomy course so that you are more informed and can ask better questions and get answers in the class about these known phenomenon.

Astronomy is accessible to everyone, at not a very high cost, and many cities even have planetariums or open times that you can ask astronomers questions and even look through their telescopes if you do not have the ability to get one.

I appreciate that people are asking questions about these things, but to write posts on things as if they cannot happen when they are perfectly explainable, is simply dishonest. Why not do some actual research to try to find the answers to these questions first? It would be more honest.

:) I made my research. But you? This article is not enough to tell everything at once. And my English also not enough. Please first watch Dave Murphy's video on youtube. And then go to beach and take a photo of horizon. Then use a ruler. You will see the horizon is completely straight. NASA's photos all fake and CGI. There are so many evidence of this. Yes I know we learn that it is like a sphere since we were children and It is very hard to change this. But you should belive what you see and what you feel. Because they are lying.

I've watched TONS of your flat earth videos. I'm not sure why you think that because I disagree with you, that I have not done any research. It's a ridiculous assumption on the part of flat earthers.

You made several very easy to research mistakes, but pass them off as facts.

Yes, we were taught this as children. But it happens to be true. It's kind of a ridiculous argument to say that BECAUSE we were taught it as children, it must be false.

And yes, it seems like it's flat, however, it's not. Here's why it seems flat. There is a very good reason for that that I explain here. That does not mean it's flat. It's PROVABLY curved. That you BELIEVE you should be able to go to the BEACH and see the curvature of the earth is unrealistic and unscientific. Here is the EXPECTED curvature of the earth that you could see with your eyes at 100,000 feet! It's BARELY anything! The gif below illustrates the curvature at 1000 feet and 100,000 feet. You can see that curvature on a high altitude balloon, bu you have to measure it carefully.

Curvature of the earth gif.gif

Seriously, you are just repeating nonsense without fact checking it. DECLARING something is true, does not make it so. I pointed out the obvious errors you made, that you could fact check yourself in a few minutes. Again, perhaps an astronomy class would be extremely beneficial. Perhaps going out with a surveyor, doing a time lapse of the sun and moon, etc. I can see that you are excited about learning about the planet, you should ACTUALLY go learn about it instead of watching youtube videos of people who do not have any idea of what they are talking about.

check this post again. phyg and kerriknox have made it their mission to 'prove global earth' without providing any facts. i started following them around and found they often post together.

you are supposedly spinning at 1000 mph. that is how fast it would be.

the angular moment should throw you off the planet.

also gyroscopes. my blog on it

note that phyg have followed that post there. they are on my others as well.

is also recommend my other post on why i think the earth is flat.

peace brother, and stay vigilant.