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RE: world cup 2018 Brazil vs Belgium

in #worldcup6 years ago

I have a few questions for you:

  1. What "vandalism" are you refering to in this picture?

What is the red lined thing in the wikipedia screenshot? Are you saying that this is inside the article?

Because i just made this screenshot of the article and i see no such text in there?

Screenshot at 2018-07-06 18:05:01.png


I have just posting for world cup news just for people sharing this post to everyone

Belgium won 1 world cup in 2018

Erm... It IS the 2018 World Cup that is going on. Nobody won it yet... But let me be honest with you, i think this is not the quality post we are looking for at poetsunited, we are looking for poetry, and that is what the subscriber bot is for. Sorry... You can use the free vote bot but the subscriber bot is for poets only.

Ok i use in quality posts when in subscriber

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Ok i tell me i remove this article in such like vandalism shows no worth have

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Here's an idea for content: because copy pasta gains you weight - try no-pasta content...

Your links to Sun News articles // brought to you by steem.moon - saving you the time to use your search tool

World Cup - the sun

#news #sport #nocopypasta #zerogooglesearch #soccer #zerobody #zeroargument #justlinks

What are you saying? Can you explain

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