Something big is happening....World War 3 already started?

in #worldwar38 years ago

I have had a feeling recently that something big is coming, I found the American election bizarre and the attacks by the media to be much more personal than I have ever witnessed. Call me old fashioned but I'm used to politicians and media using politics, political connections, light humour, past errors and failures to smear each other. Not in the American election of 2016 Trump is a woman hater, a pervert, a rapist it was entertaining but strange really.

Hilary Clinton looked ill, uncontrollably shaking her head, vomiting in glasses and Pizzagate finished her off.

A bombardment of fake news was predicted by the media meaning that Facebook, Google etc now control the flow of information that runs through social media and search results. Censorship is ridiculous at the moment definitely the worst I have ever seen it.

That fake news was Pizzagate, maybe? Pizzagate is just the start. Vladamir Putin has been warning us of something big and this fact is just ignored by the media, some are blaming him for Hilary Clinton's poor performance and shock defeat.

Russia's ambassador to Turkey assassinated, another "fake news" story circulating is Russia have officially declared that Billionaire George Soros is a wanted man in their country, citing him and his organizations as a “threat to Russian national security”.

Putin banned Soros from Russia last year due to the fact that Soros helped to nearly destroy the Russian economy in the early 1990’s.

On 6 October 2016, Soros went on record criticizing Putin's actions in Syria, calling them war crimes:

Billionaire investor George Soros has vehemently condemned Russia's bombing campaign in Syria, accusing President Vladimir Putin of aggressively exploiting a power void in the White House ahead of the upcoming U.S. presidential elections.

"The world is witnessing a humanitarian catastrophe of historic proportions. It is happening in Syria. It is being perpetrated by the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, in support of his protégé, (Syrian President) Bashar al-Assad," he said in a new statement on his website posted on Thursday morning.

"When the facts are fully established, Putin's bombing of Aleppo will be viewed as among the modern world's most egregious war crimes."

We are at war with Russia!!

Another thing I find interesting is most mainstream media are ignoring this (though I did find this article in the Express but I also noticed the Daily Star (the dumbest most stupid simple newspaper in Great Britain) is reporting this regularly links

There are many more references to World War 3 in the Daily Star lately, it does get little mentions in the Daily Mirror and the Sun but nowhere near as many as the Daily Star. Why would that be the case? I would say the Daily Star is usually read by the poorest least educated people in Britain. No disrespect Daily Star readers but that shit is dumb!

So why they telling Daily Star readers? Who fights wars? The poorest least educated people!

Pizzagate keeps the alternative media busy and gives an excuse for censorship and media control because they do not want free flowing information at a time of war..

I hope I'm being paranoid. Watch this speech made by Putin in July.

Is there even a chance that Trump won't get to the White House? I have always believed him to be just another puppet, maybe he is but some powerful people genuinely do not seem to like him or want him in power.


the controllers and the people will do the right thing or they will pay the price. they will have no more warnings.

Excellent post. Nicely written. ☆

Thanks for reading, I hope I'm wrong.

Putin is at odds with the Fed. Look for more "Fake News" propaganda BS. The Fed is very powerful because they have all the money. :(

I upvote, but do not see this story getting any money. Why not?

It's hinging on us.

Yeah, I have thought this myself. He could be JFK'd.