Have you ever had to worship with a band or style that didn't push your worship button?
LOL - I love that thought
because I've even led worship without my worship button being pushed.
And I love it, because I'm reminded that worship is NOT about me feeling all warm and mushy about my God. It's not about my feeling worshippy, and happy inside.
Worship is offering God honor - IN SPITE OF the feelings I have.
True worship is about me recognizing God's greatness, goodness, love, provision and holiness - even when my path is uphill, on a rocky path. Even when life feels like 40 miles of muddy road (As Keith Moore says.)
So, when the band is sorry, the style is not "my" style, the song selection is old school, and the drummer loses the beat - I choose to worship. I choose to offer Him my heart, knowing that He loves my heart even when it is sorry, imperfect, living in the past, and off tempo. He loves me to come to Him with an open heart, even when my brain is judging the band, and wishing the worship leader had asked me for input on the song selection...
Perhaps this is a part of what it means to offer the sacrifice of praise. Trusting and honoring God, even when it hurts.
I agree with what you say here bro! I also feel much of what is out there with the label “Christian Worship” is far from scriptural (truth) and void of God’s presence (Spirit). I love worship that focuses on God! That is what Worship is anyway. Our focus on God!
Here in the Philippines. Three places i ministered in a row, we lost the electricity. One place actually had posters and stuff covering the windows so that even the outside light coukd not come in. No music (electric guitar and keyboard), no sight as it was pitch black! But wow, wow, wow! We had worship.
One of the other places had an acoustic guitar. We had some great and genuine worship.
God bless brother! Great post!