Would You Rather: Be Able To Fly or Be Invisible?


A few days ago I did a post asking you guys whether you would rather have super speed or super strength. Most of you seemed to prefer super speed which was my preference too.

Today I want to discuss about two more superpowers that I’m sure we have all thought about and wished we could have had when we were younger. Some of us still do.

The powers that I am talking about are classics. One is the ability to fly and one is the ability to be invisible at will. I know, these are two of the coolest superpowers to have but recently these have sort of taken a backseat in the current superhero genre movies as they are showcased as “basic” powers that lots of heroes and villains have.

In any case, let’s see which one of these would be more useful to have in real life and more importantly, which one would be cooler.

I Believe I Can Fly


Whether it is with the help of an iron suit or a native ability, the power of flight would be awesome on so many levels. Just imagine having that feeling of liberation when you are not bound by gravity anymore.

Just being among the clouds would be a divine feeling (we all wonder about it when we fly in an airplane and look out the window, do we not?). Also, you could fly to anywhere in the world for free.

An average person spends anywhere from 4-6 days a year, stuck in traffic. If you could fly, there would be no more traffic jams for you and thus you would be on time every time. This would also be really useful in times of emergencies.

Also, you could really impress your date by taking him/her on a tour around the city up in the sky making them experience something that they would never have imagined before.


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Now, before I talk about this, I know many people will think that this ability is just plain and simple creepy but let’s just look at this objectively. Invisibility is one of the most practical abilities to have if not abused. Imagine what Harry Potter would have done without the Invisibility Cloak.

With invisibility, you could be the best spy there ever was (giving James Bond a run for his money) doing a lot of good for your country, possibly stopping a lot of attacks dead in their tracks and saving lots of lives.

Another great advantage (if you see it without the lenses of morality) is that you would never have to pay for concerts, movies, sports events or any other place where money could be an issue.

Getting to the fun part, you could freak people out by floating things in their peripheral view or by whispering in their ears or you could even get to know what people really think about you and use that to get away from two faced people or scare them away.

What Would I Do?

Well, I would like to be liberated and for me, being able to fly would help me achieve that. I would love to dive into the clouds and just spend my time up there which would kind of make me invisible for a certain while.

Also, I personally don’t care about freaking people out or getting my hands on confidential information. I would rather fly like a bird to wherever I like and just enjoy myself.

Travelling the whole world without the hassles of getting a visa? Sing me right up!

So, what would you guys prefer if presented the opportunity? Would you like to touch the skies or vanish at will?


You could do more with invisibility than flight alone. Flying without bullet proof skin is asking for early death.

Yup, bird strikes, freak storms, lightning, and anti-air defenses of hostile countries or groups will kill you if you love to fly.

Yeah, invisibility is definitely more practical. But in my scenario I was imagining that the skin wouldn't be a problem ;)

I would have to go with the ability to fly, it would save us so much time from getting from point A to point B. Time is what life is made up of. Nice post.

Yeah, lots of time and money saver. Thank you for reading :)

Invisible. Discover the inside world .

Hmm, the inside world. Sounds real mysterious!

There are shadows behind shadows, friend.

oh hands down flying would be the best

Yes, it would be so awesome, beyond comprehension :D

I think I would want to be invisible. I would be able to meet anybody I want anywhere I want. I can do anything and Nobody would see what I have done. And I could do a lot of evil stuff and achieve my plan of world domination by getting secrets of all countries.

haha, Just make sure that your footprints are invisible too or else your world domination plan would be stopped dead in its track ;)

Of course.

flying will be my thing mate......

It would be mine as well :)

So many places to visit,so i need my own flying schedule......winks

Flying, it's just cooler

Yup, so much cooler :D

ill pick flying also, there is so much freedom !! im dreaming every now and then that im flying and im telling you is my best lucid dreams!!

I have had those dreams too. It feels so real and so amazing. I can't imagine what that would be like in real life.

have you ever tried scuba diving ? it have a similar feeling because you can move in many directions ;)

No, I haven't but would love to for sure :D

Flying is the only way to go!

Fly, I could do more fun things with that.

The fun part is what excites me too :D

I'm gonna say fly. I'd just really like to fly.....

Me too bro. Me too.

I would rather fly. I always dreamt about flying to school when i was younger. Lol :)

Yeah, I guess as kids we all really wanted to fly :D

I'd rather be invisible....the ultimate privacy!

The NSA wouldn't be able to spy on you anymore ;)

For sure i would choose invisibility - this can make a lot more happen flying flying is just, well flying - a bit like driving a car on a higher level :-)

haha that's true. Flying is fun and invisibility is practical.

That was..... (so many mixed emotions)

Kind of more difficult to decide but going by my logic of more productivity, I take flying. More opportunity to use it with greater productivity than be invisible. Although, with the one right opportunity, being invisible will get you something you would never get.

I would take flying for the amazingly cool experience alone ;)

Yes, it's cool literally. How can it not be with the breeze above? :-)

Neither. I am awesome enough.

Yes, you shouldn't try to be more awesome. Nobody knows what would happen if you try that. The entire force may go out of whack!!

To explore nude beaches and private quarters of hot celebs then one must be invisible.

Haha, I am sure a person with invisibility powers would definitely try that at least once ;)

I would take invisibility no one can se you, think about it!!!

You would be John Cena LOL

ikr, invisibility can kill your enemies, just strike them dead like that

I'd personally have to go with invisibility for the usefulness factor.

As one of the resident comic geeks and advocates here on Steemit, I just have to recommend Astro City #1 written by Kurt Busiek. It's a fascinating take on a Superman-like hero known as Samaritan. During the course of the issue he flies about the globe, racing at hypersonic speeds, pushing himself to rescue and aid as many people as possible.
At days end he collapses into bed, exhausted. As he drifts off to sleep he tally's the days flight time in his head, "Fifty-six seconds, best day since March." As he sleeps, he dreams of flying.

While invisibility seems a power ready to be abused, it's interesting to think about how you would use any power, and to what extent your sense of responsibility (or lack thereof) would consume you.

Incidentally this comic is a free download on a lot of digital platforms such as iBooks and Amazon's Comixology. Yesterday was Free Comic Book Day, but if you missed it, indulge in some heroic power fantasizing today!

I really agree that it depends on an individual how he/she would use their powers. At the end of the day any powers can be used for good as well as bad purposes. Will definitely give this comic a read.

Definitely flying. The sense of freedom... I think about how I felt the first time I skied; the rush and the sense of almost weightlessness. Flying would have to be that to the nth degree.

Minus the bird strikes of course.

Haha! That's true. That's exactly what I picture in my mind too!

The mistery