Arctic Warfare

in #wrestling3 months ago

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Part One: The Alliances We Make

The temperature had dropped several degrees inside the well furnished club that Oswald Knight so often held court in. These last few weeks in the lead up to the Ronin Rumble Oswald had become paranoid, seeing enemies and duplicitous souls everywhere he looked. His paranoia was only intensified by the rising factions from AAPW.

In the back of his mind AAPW and its entire roster was positioned as a usurper, daring to take what Oswald wanted for himself. Power. Power so unyielding that it was a drug, power so unheard of that he’d be stronger than the yakuza, than anyone else in either UOW or AAPW.

And yet there was a flicker of doubt in his mind, a doubt born of his insecurities. Insecurities that he had been hiding underneath his bravado and showmanlike nature. In truth Oswald rarely liked making alliances, preferring to handle things his way, if he had to make an alliance then so be it.

Icicles hung from the roof, the climate chilly as was the preference of one Oswald Knight. The cold of his club, his private refuge was a stark reminder of who he was, who he had become. Mr Penguin. A name that evoked the imagery of a noble bird, a hunter now clothed in human flesh. Strobe lights flickered as Oswald sat overlooking the men and women idling about in his club, most had a drink in hand, a rare few sat onstage, the hired entertainment for the night.

Said entertainment was a jazz band, something from the 1940’s. A time when music was about art, about true emotion rather than the eclectic music of the modern day where musicians cared more about money than the craft of creating music that would tell a story, that would evoke feelings in all who heard it.

Strains of softly playing Jazz hummed through the air, a classic and soothing vibe that directly correlated with the charismatic side of Oswald Knight. The music chosen was something of a personal preference, Jazz had always spoken to something deep, something elemental in Oswald’s soul.

Oswald was well aware that his club was in its infancy, was not yet a complete powerhouse from which his criminal pursuits could be run. No, for now it was still developing into what it needed to become, soon, in time he’d see that the club would rise into prominence, would play host to both criminals and non criminals alike.

For an extensive fee of course. The thought of building an empire, garnering a wealthy bank balance drew a smirk to his lips, the idea of becoming a power in the criminal underworld was an appealing one.

His paranoia was made worse by the fact that he hadn’t heard from Jeffrey James Roberts in a matter of weeks.

Oswald Knight: “Jeffrey James Roberts. He was our ally, was he not?” Oswald spoke softly, the question lingering on his lips as he began to wonder if this was the truth or if it was a lie.

Tapping his fingers along the hardwood surface of his table, a table lined with goblets of wine, the liquor fancy and well aged. Oswald found himself starting to doubt Jeffrey, found himself seeing ghosts and traitors everywhere he looked.

Part Two: Mr Penguins Fury

Oswald’s expression now laced with rage, his jaw tightened. The fine bones of his face became sharper, like unsheathed blades. The jazz continued to play as Oswald reached out to his underworld contacts and sent a simple and blunt order.

‘Ten thousand to the man or woman who can provide me any information on the whereabouts of Jeffrey James Roberts.’

The text message sent out to his contacts, a grim smile played upon his lips. One way or another Oswald knew that he would be seeing James Jeffrey Roberts soon enough. This was a given seeing as Jeffrey was set to appear in the Ronin Rumble.

Hours passed into days as no information came, no one seemed to know where Jeffrey was, or what he was doing.

Oswald’s mind grew consumed by his doubts, by his paranoia. The paranoia told him that Jeffrey had turned on him, and had given up information about Oswald himself. This paranoia left Oswald standing at a crossroads.

A decision had to be made. A decision that would send a strong message to both UOW and AAPW.

Part Three: What I hate more than anything

Oswald Knight:“You see, what I hate more than anything is a liar. A charlatan. Someone who doesn’t believe in what they say. Now In the spirit of honesty I don’t believe myself perfect or without flaw. What I am is a man with a job to do. My function is to survive as I’ve explained previously. Now the interesting part is who I punish. Why do I punish them? I punish them because that’s what my talents are made for. These hands of mine are weapons of justice, symbolic of my innermost desire.”

The silence that followed these words grew and grew until even the jazz music barely was able to cut through the intensity of Oswald’s silence.

It was then at that moment that the spectral form of Mr Penguin appeared as a ghostly figure, his expression derisive and mocking as he began to speak.

Mr Penguin: “I told you that we couldn’t trust Jeffrey. I told you he’d prove himself to be an unreliable partner. In the end the only person you can rely on is yourself. Yes Yes I know all about AAPW those self righteous and moronic men and women who think they can just waltz in and do what they like. That will not STAND!”

Oswald’s eyes were wild and wide,filled with a frustration at having been reminded of how he’d been betrayed again, a theme that seemed to be ever present in every facet of his life.

Oswald Knight: “Yes you were right. We cannot trust anyone. Jeffrey is just the latest example of it.”

The scene shifts to a replay of Oswald’s vicious attack on Jeffrey James Roberts.

Oswald Knight: Perish the thought, my dear ally. I wouldn’t dream of abandoning you in the heat of battle. After all, partnerships such as ours are... priceless.

Before Jeffrey could respond, a flash of silver glinted in Oswald’s hand. With a swift, deliberate motion, Oswald plunged the blade into Jeffrey’s left side, inches from his heart. The larger man staggered, clutching the wound with a look of shock and betrayal.

Jeffrey James Roberts: You... you snake…

Oswald leaned in, his voice dropping to a venomous whisper.

Oswald Knight: Ah, Mr. Roberts, did you truly believe I would tether myself to a blunt instrument like you? You served your purpose, entertaining me with your naivety. But alas, emotions such as trust are a liability I simply cannot afford.

Jeffrey collapsed to his knees, blood pooling beneath him as Oswald turned away, straightening his cape with a flourish.

Oswald Knight: And so, another chapter closes. How utterly predictable. Perhaps in your next life, you’ll learn the folly of relying on others. Let this be a lesson to all those that wish to betray me.

In what felt like a matter of seconds the cruelly amused aristocratic face of Oswald Knight came into view, his lips twisted in a wicked sneer.

Oswald Knight: “A pity that Jeffrey chose to act based on his emotions. So very predictable. Once more my belief that no one can be trusted is proven to be correct. Now I’m back to relying on the one person I can trust above all others. Myself.”

Oswald raised a glass of wine and spoke softly as was his way sometimes.

Oswald Knight: “Life is but a performance with everyone playing their assigned role. And Ronin Rumble is just another act in the tapestry of stories that in some way reflect what it means to be alive, human, supernatural, everyone has a reason to fight.”

Oswald took a slight pause before speaking again.

Oswald Knight: “My reason is a simple one and yet also a reason driven by past events. I cannot trust, and as was proven earlier this belief is a correct one. My aim is to remind everyone UOW and AAPW why you never betray or get in the way of ‘Mr Penguin’.

The promo ended as a video clip of ‘Mr Penguin’ brutally attacking Jeffrey James Roberts played on screen, a final reminder of what lay beneath the showman he presented himself as. The reality was that ‘Mr Penguin’ was an ice cold soul, a soul unwilling to connect emotionally, a soul unwilling to let anyone else determine his fate.