Our Territory, Our Domain

in #wrestling4 months ago (edited)


A Drake Nygma Cinematic Production.

Part One: Delivering a warning

The Sphinx’s eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze like a predator studying prey. He remained silent, allowing the tension to build. When he finally spoke, his voice was low and deep, each word laced with centuries of knowledge and danger. His mind continually evolving as an ominous weapon, fully awakened, intent on keeping UOW for itself.

The Sphinx: “Unity is the dream of the weak. Power... power is eternal.”

With that The Sphinx leaned forward, his lip curling into a chillingly hungry smirk, gleaming white teeth revealed as he took in the features of Rupert Mudcock, the prime example of humanity overwrought by weakness.

Just like that, the final snippets of The Sphinx’s warning to Rupert Mudcock lingered in the air, his words a chilling warning to the manipulative owner of UOW.

The Sphinx had known men like Rupert, more concerned with their own bottom line, with money than anything else.

In a word The Sphinx viewed this outlook as disgusting. As being indicative of a self serving world view. Men like Rupert were a dime a dozen that is to say common and mundane, like cheap toys sold on the market to hapless and easily deceived parents

Dollia Trypp: “I don’t trust that oaf, he reeks of cowardice, of deceit and dishonour. AAPW is the bigger threat right now, but one day you’ll need to turn your sights on Rupert, to punish him for his sins.”

A low hungry growl slipped out, The Sphinx serious and precise as he spoke his statement aloud.

The Sphinx: “I know. One day I’ll lay Rupert to rest, his larger oafish frame is weak. His personality is pathetic, like a child throwing his toys out of the cot. I promised Rupert I’d lead by dominance, by sheer force. I intend to keep my word on that score. After all it is the duty of the strong to do as they like, to protect whatever and whoever they damn well want.”

Dollia smiled, a sense of calm living in her veins, her warm nature gliding between both herself and The Sphinx. She knew that her client, her elder brother, was planning out a hunt, a conquest of pure dominance.

Part Two: This is war

Drake’s youngblood championship lay locked away in a chest, the title a symbol of his dominance, of his strength, a strength that had been tested by Jeffrey James Roberts. In the end The Sphinx had prevailed, had retained his gold, his dominance proven of course.

Just as he had expected it would be.

Not that the match had been an easy victory, far from it. Jeffrey had been just as calculating, just as cold as The Sphinx. Two monsters that were locking horns, each one determined to prove they were the most dangerous man in UOW.

In the back of his mind The Sphinx was looking forward to getting another chance at Jeffrey James Roberts, in their first match he had found something exciting, something intriguing as they had fought like wild animals, the youngblood championship hanging in the balance.

The Sphinx could feel his blood running hot, the war like status of his mind, of his form craved a good fight. The sound of bones breaking, of blood curdling screams brought a savage smile to his face.

Dollia: “What is making you smile like that?”

The Sphinx: Ronin Rumble night two. The Ronin Rumble, I have 59 other opponents, this is a good fight. I welcome the carnage that will result from the sheer amount of bodies laid out like a feast. A feast that is my next chance to exert more dominance, to conquer, after all this is war.”

Dollia simply nodded, her expression understanding as she considered the words he had spoken. Deep down she knew what he was thinking, what he felt, that his desire to protect was born of his ancient and shadowy past.

The Sphinx Voiceover: A warning to the people the good and the evil. This is war. The soldier. The civilian. The martyr. The victim. This is war. The moment of truth. The moment to lie. This is war.

Breathing slowly, The Sphinx knew that he was in recovery mode, that his strength would replenish just in time for Ronin Rumble night two.

Part Three: The Sphinx’s Weapon

Dollia let her eyes travel to the new setting, a quiet and previously hidden temple, a temple that she had been waiting to reveal to The Sphinx. A temple she knew held a weapon that would further enhance his strength. A weapon that would serve as his executioner's weapon.

A weapon that he was going to need and need soon.

Every ancient entity had always owned a weapon that was the tool with which they used to bring about justice. The question was, which weapon did he choose? Something flashy? Something quiet and unobtrusive? Or did he lean into his long lived essence and adopt a weapon from his homeland.

This was a complex question that left a variety of thoughts sitting within his mind, a mind built to process at high speed, his focus hard won throughout untold years of combat, of a life that stretched far beyond the mortal understanding. A question whose answer lay in the wielding of a golden sword, a blade that had bathed in the blood of many.

A flash of red burst in his eyes, the same eerie red glow that had been seen inside the UOW franchise belt. An orb that sang and sang, demanding Drake’s attention, demanding he seize it. In this aspect the orb was like a child, a young and malevolent child demanding to be reunited with its parent, with someone that it knew, someone that it felt a kinship with.

Part Four: The Orb’s call and the enemy who possesses it

Crimson red flashed through the air, its light surging into the air. The chilly air was a whisper of darkening energy that was both alike and not alike the energy The Sphinx himself commanded.

The orb was spoken of as a conduit to the divine, an orb that held such immense power, a power that only the most ruthless, the most dominant could truly hope to wield.

A cunning smile tipped upon his lips, the red glare in his eyes brightening, the energy representative of a storm gaining strength. In the blink of an eye, for the briefest of moments did The Sphinx’s demeanour change to that of a far more chilling, ruthless individual barely hidden beneath an outwardly impassive persona.

This change wasn’t accompanied by a growl, by any audible indication of the evolution. No it was quiet, unheard, a warning to both the UOW and AAPW Rosters.

Dollia frowned softly, her slender form shivering as she heard what appeared to be an eerie screeching sound akin to that of a hungry animal, of a lost maddened creature, a creature who could only think of the hunt, of the chaos it created.

In this same moment the taller, muscular form of The Sphinx turned and looked skyward, the sound growing louder inside his skull, a pulsating ominous echo that called to the deep and brutal application of his skills. Of his darkness, a darkness that was growing unchecked the longer he remained apart from the orb.

An orb that was his, that belonged to him. That he craved as if it were much needed life giving air.

If the rumors that had been whispered were to be believed, the owner of the orb was none other than Dracula, Vlad Tepes. Better known as Vlad The Impaler.

Dollia continued to shiver, her form now beaded with sweat, a sense of inhuman coldness pebbling along her forearms, a coldness that wasn’t that of her client, of her elder brother.

Dollia Trypp: “W…. what?” she stutters before blacking out seconds later, slumping over on the floor, unconscious after the deafening roar of a voice she didn’t recognize.

???: “Little Empath, your client is seeking that which I hunt. Consider this blackout as a warning to stay away from that orb. That orb is mine and mine alone.”

The Sphinx turned and saw how she laid on the ground, unmoving save for the rise and fall of her chest. In a flash, The Sphinx knew that there was a force pursuing that which was his, the orb.

Lifting her into his arms, he began to walk. His steps were low and heavy, driven by both the call to reclaim the orb and now the need to allow his younger sister to heal, to rest, to alleviate the ache that had resulted from the sound which sent her into a concussive state.

Part Five: Recovery

Hours passed slowly like sand traveling through an hourglass, the cadence of her heartbeat drifting through the air sluggishly as she woke, her expression a mix of anxiety and serene warmth.

Dollia Trypp: “What happened? How long have I been out?” Dollia whispered, her voice timid as though she were afraid of what she might find out.

The Sphinx: “You experienced a concussion, the echo of the sound overwhelmed your mind, giving you a temporary concussion. The mortal mind is not built to withstand the divine, thus you fell into a concussive state. Your task now is to rest…. Mine is to conquer, to break those mortal men of AAPW, and eventually….. Vlad Tepes himself”

Dollia sat up groaning, a hand on the back of her head, a shiver of a tremor rocked her body at the reminder that she had been in a concussive state, that she was still healing.

Dollia Trypp: “Heal? To rest? You do not wish me to appear at your side for Ronin Rumble?” a slight echo of terror, of sadness laced her voice as she spoke.

The Sphinx growled low and harsh, his voice like so much gravel.

The Sphinx: “For what I am about to do, the darkness I’m about to wield in the ronin rumble, I’d prefer that you didn’t see it, that you didn’t feel it. You are pure, a creature of light, I am not. Ever since I’ve come to UOW you’ve been hurt more than once, and this is UNACCEPTABLE!” his voice came out as a feral roar on that last word.

Dollia felt a pang of emotion, could feel the intensity of his desire to protect her in those words, horrifying as they are. She could feel the ground shaking at the volume, at the ancient might seeping into his voice, for all intents and purposes Dollia could feel that the human known as Drake Nygma had been locked away inside The Sphinx’s mind.

Dollia Trypp: “You are planning something? Something terrifying. Why do you hate this world enough to burn it to the ground? What do you want? How many other worlds have you done this to…?”

The Sphinx’s expression remained violently angry, the dark impassivity living in his eyes, the ethereal look in his eyes haunting, just as he began to speak.

The Sphinx: “I am planning something, something I’ve done to countless other worlds, burned each and every one of them to the ground. I do it because I can, I want what I’ve always wanted, a better world. I can sense the darkness AAPW brings with them…. Only darkness can fight darkness, so buckle up and enjoy the ride I’m about to take you on.”

Dollia recoiled, her expression horrified even as she whispered so quietly as to be almost inaudible.

Dollia Trypp: “You speak as if only the ancient darkness can slay this new darkness, what happens once you’ve won? What happens to his mind? To his soul?”

The Sphinx: “If he’s lucky maybe he’ll survive, maybe he’ll come out the other side stronger. I’m done letting Drake be in control, it’s my time now, it’s my turn to be in the drivers seat.”

Dollia stood speechless as she took in the words spoken, terrified and saddened by the possible reality in which she may never see Drake again.

The Sphinx: “AAPW, You’ve made a costly mistake, and now you’ll all pay for it, all hail The Sphinx, all hail the might of an ancient entity who lives to conquer, to break the fallen and sad creatures beneath his heel…. Beneath his fist”

The screen faded out to the thunderous sound of a blade slamming against stone, the sound of a mighty weapon being swung.