The Undertaker-- The name from which the world wrestling is known from.. People grown from infant to young, young from old, but this man remained the same since 25 years..
Some say my childhood is over when his career is over, some say OUR wrestling career is over, even some fans still wants to see him wrestle known the fact that he is getting old and cant wrestle like good old days..
Being a fan of The Undertaker is always an awsome feeling, it gives a sense of motivation following the Deadman; an inspiration, dedication, enthusiasm for the love of what you do, loyalty, intergrity and every lesson for a person who is persuing a successful career in any field...
The drama that he give from his deadman character always give goosebumps to the fans when the bell rings TUNGGG... and then the lights turns off and the dead man appears...
Being a fan is the greatest thing it motivates you, drives you, takes you towards your goal..* item* item
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