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RE: Why I eFed

in #wrestling3 years ago (edited)

I wouldn't believe anything this dude says especially if he's pushing that XHF Network they are the worse fed in the game. A group of racist, backstabbing, whiny little B**ches, that will steal your character and worse. Do yourself a favor stay away from the XHF Network and stay on a Facebook fed.


Do what now? Have you been hurt by the Network? Message me in private and let’s see if we can work this out, man.

No, I haven't I have never actually been an active player in this hobby. I just pay attention and watch to see what goes on. What I have found is that the Network you're pushing the XHF is full of people who are egotistical, people who will act one way to someone's face then the complete opposite behind their backs, but mostly a bunch of rude, disgusting perverts and I would almost say pedophiles especially that one guy who calls himself Viper.. I did see one fed that seemed almost decent except for one guy who thought he was a god or something I believe it was called AWF or something it didn't last long. But as for the rest of those feds you have there they are a complete joke. One place is just a fed to feed some old timers oversized ego, the Gun show or something. But I can say without a doubt the worst fed I have found on both forums and Facebook is that fed called Fireside. The owner or the admin is the laziest person I have seen, his matches are written extremely poorly, almost as if he didn't give 2 cents about them. The storylines are a complete disaster and if he was smart he would close it and never try to run one again.

I don’t understand. If the Network is that bad, why are you still reading the material?