
Some jobs will be of no benefit to the community here at Steemit, while others might offer benefits, and so I will leave to you to decide from to job whether you need to charge me a fee.Hello and BIG thanks @plushzilla! I must have daydreamed at least 10 times about having a good writer of Chinese to help me, and when you bring along friends for Japanese and Korean you have more than made my day!

The exchanges of materials and negotiations about the fee take place via the email address for my investment website, so kindly click here to get over to the contact page and send me your email address.

Also, just in case you or anyone else reading this message are an expert on smart token technology, I expect to be putting out another call for paid helpers probably this evening or in the morning. What I'm looking for here are two persons who are deeply expert on the topic to look at my text here [“Smart tokens — Making markets more liquid”]
( and tell me what needs to be fixed either in terms of correcting errors, or improving statements that are too easily misunderstood by the lay person. This text is written for the lay person, so I want the presentation of concepts to be simplified as much as feasible, while remaining reasonably accurate.

  I want to pay for this peer review service because I expect to construct a series of more technical articles founded on the assumption that I do understand  and can exposit the basics reasonably well.  For example, I have in my writing a piece with the following title “ What's the really smart thing inside SMT’s”?  Then I will follow with a similar piece on the Bancor BNT protocol token.
