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RE: [Original Novel] Little Robot, Part 22

in #writing7 years ago

The voltage has to meet a minimum level for the robot to even boot up.

Absolutely, if you are to have a better results.

She is saving your head

Madeline looked at me expectantly, as though I could MacGyver the jumble of parts into a working firearm on the spot. I sighed.

I'm laughing so hard.

What better way to turn the public against robots? Nobody will want one in their home, not after this.”

Absolutely, but the public don't really have options since they needed the robot more if they want their work to be more faster I assume.

Madeline spoke up.

She save your ass today it was her ideas, if not you would Have both stood their without noore the help you out. She is always right, I can't wait for the next chapter. My little robot is really interesting story