I like some interesting concepts you started here. I want to know more about what a First and a Deliverer are, and curious about these Elders. Grabbing a reader's curiosity is key, nice job with that.
I think you'd enjoy making your pieces even stronger by joining an editing process. I hope you'll consider visiting the block and trying out our fiction workshop by putting your next fiction piece in the editing queue.
And yeah, quite the crypto crash to wake up to today. Guess its all the scary talk on global regulation. This was a good distraction. I'll be looking forward to the shipwreck challenge!
Thanks! The intention was to leave the reader wanting to know more about those things you mentioned, so I take that as a compliment :) I have joined The Writer's Block, and am testing out my editing skills at the moment to familiarize myself with the process. I'll put together something in the next day or two to submit for review so that I can see the process from the other side as well.
Glad to see you at the block! Hope you enjoy settling in there. Things are usually free and wild in the general chat, but the serious work gets done in the workshops and editing queue. Make sure to say hi anytime you see me around there. :thumbs-up:
It took me few months to realize how precious is TWB. Congrats on joining! @aksounder is right - adding your stories in the fiction queue will definitely improve your stories overall.