[Original Novel] Little Robot, Part 38

in #writing7 years ago

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37

I fretted over how to conceal enough of her that we could get from the tent to the car without trouble until it hit me. I’d disguise her as myself! My own outfit covers everything, I’ve always insisted on it. Out of something like a mixture of scopophobia, agoraphobia and hypochondriasis.

A bunch of ten dollar words that amount to a general desire for insulation from the world. From other people. A way not to participate in anything happening outside the walls of my familiar, orderly apartment except to the degree absolutely required to support myself. Something like the social equivalent of a space suit, or scuba gear.

For the first time in my life, it paid off. When dressed up in my outfit, complete with gloves and mask, Helper was indistinguishable from me except for a few conspicuously pronounced curves and bulges. “Can you do anything about…?” I poked her bosom.

She lifted the mask, hunched over the camping toilet we were provided and violently regurgitated about a litre of bacterial gel. After she finished horking up the last of it and wiped the residual goo from her mouth, her figure now more or less passed for a man’s.

She noticed my disturbed expression and giggled. “Don’t you giggle after something like that” I scolded, “I’m traumatized now!” But it only further amused her. I’d brought no spare set of clothes, so I wound up borrowing some from Lars.

The jeans fit alright, but I absolutely swam in the shirt. Like wearing a circus tent! I asked if he had anything in medium. “Not my fault you don’t lift. Anyway it doesn’t have to look nice, you just gotta pass-” He trailed off. When I asked him why, he pointed out it was the first time he’d ever seen my face.

“You look so normal.” I would’ve taken offense if I ever aspired to normality. “I dunno dude. I guess I always figured you were Quasimodo under the mask, and wore out of shame. Or that you were a robot underneath.” He said the last part in jest, but only mostly by the sound of it.

“To me, nobody could be more handsome” Helper declared. “But then I could always see through the mask, so it’s no surprise to me what he looks like. It only blocks the visible parts of the light spectrum. The face he’s revealed just now might be new to you, but it’s the one that watched over me every day since I can remember. I know his every pore. His every crease, every strand of hair and cute little mole.”

Helper’s affectionate gushing made Madeline visibly uncomfortable. I felt the same way but for very different reasons. It was bizarre and frightening to suddenly be so naked. To feel wind on my face, to see the world unfiltered by the mask. Too bright, too loud. Too real.

Stranger still to feel everyone’s gaze on me. Harrowing, even. I’ve never given a second thought to the shape or appeal of my face, it’s just what I pour Soylent into. “Can we get this over with? I don’t like being exposed. I just want to get Helper into the car and get outta here.”

Lars added “...plus Madeline and myself, right?” I hurriedly nodded. “Sure, whatever.” He laughed for some reason, then the four of us set off for the covered lot. I drew some funny looks from our ‘neighbors’ as I walked, probably because I resembled nobody they’d seen go into that tent, but they said nothing.

“This is excruciating” I mumbled. My oversized yellow plaid trucker shirt billowed in the breeze, what little chest hair I have on full display. “I look like a 70s porn star.” Lars, perhaps irritated by my commentary on his fashion choices, advised me not to flatter myself.

We soon passed a crowd gathered around a preacher with a loudspeaker that I recognized as the one from the protest the other day. Instead of his verbose sign listing mortal sins, today his focus was doomsaying.

“Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.” Madeline rolled her eyes, but I paid closer attention than before.

I got the sense people like this, with the ability to sway large numbers of desperate survivors, would become increasingly influential in the coming years and wished I had more time to study his methods. Something about it seemed uncannily familiar...for some reason evoking within me the same instinctual repulsion as the scent of decomposition, or signs of illness.

“Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down. This is it! Bear witness to the abomination of desolation foretold by the book of Revelations! Do any of you doubt that the old world will soon pass away?”

Lars rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Well he’s not wrong.” The grim reminder that everything around us would soon be a flaming, toxic crater quickened my pace. A few more isolated survivors in the process of retrieving clothing and other supplies from their cars also eyeballed me, but only briefly before returning to their own concerns.

“YOU!” I spun towards the source, but didn’t recognize the haggard looking man until he got close enough. “WHERE’S MY GOD DAMN TRUCK!?” Richard Papadakis, shirt speckled with spots of dried blood, strode up and seized Helper by the shirt.

The sudden sight of him stunned me such that I froze up, expecting him to belt me one. Instead, he’d mistaken Helper for me on account of the clothes and mask. I realized as he’s never seen my face before, right now I was essentially a total stranger to him.

Helper grabbed him by the wrist when he motioned as if to strike her. “Calm down sir, I mean you no harm. I’m here to help.” He looked taken aback by her voice, and in one swift motion she neglected to prevent, he flipped her mask up.

Not now. Why now, Richard? For fuck’s sake, we were almost out. He fell backwards in fright, pointing to Helper’s now exposed face and stuttering as he fought to regain composure. “ROBOT!” He shouted. “IT’S A FUCKING ROBOT! SOMEBODY SHOOT IT!!”

Helper pulled the mask back down over her face just in time, as my now thoroughly hammered but still nicely dressed guide from the cafeteria appeared. “Settle-hic-down fella. I know how he looks but hic that’s just...Captain Reflecto! Here to save us all from the nuke.”

Richard recoiled in disgust from the man’s booze saturated breath, then carried on shouting excitedly to anybody who would listen that the masked, suited figure was a disguised robot. He then stopped cold and turned back to the drunken fellow next to him. “...Sorry what? Did you say nuke?”

It was enough of a distraction for the four of us to pile into the car and pull away before Richard noticed. I saw him receding in the rear view mirror gesturing wildly, still shouting this and that. But when the soldier at the gate looked to our happily blitzed friend, nursing a freshly refilled flask, he gestured for him to let us through.

What a relief to finally be on the road again. Helper, now leaning against me with her head on my shoulder, inquired what “nuke” means. Her educational packets omitted anything that might reflect badly on humanity, part of why I took it upon myself to balance out that rosy narrative by relating my own miserable experiences.

“It’s a very big bomb we invented to facilitate strategically valuable mass murder. There’s a war going on, all sorts of desperate measures are being employed to stop the affected robots.” Helper mulled that one over, then hoped aloud that humans come out of it alright.

I muttered that, in spite of everything I’d so far seen, I still think it’d be no tragedy if they don’t. I caught a concerned glare from Madeline in the rear view mirror, plus one from Helper this time to my surprise.

Madeline asked why I kept referring to humanity as “they”, and reminded me that I’m human as well. I winced but otherwise did not bother to react. Helper went further. “I know you want to protect me, and that many humans are afraid of robots. They have good reason to be. But they’re not all bad, they just haven’t met me so they don’t know I’m different.

After all, Madeline is a nice lady. I like Lars too, he’s amusing.” Lars raised a silent thumbs up from the front. “The people in the camp didn’t seem malicious either. They seemed frightened and worried about their loved ones, just like I was until I found you. I’ve been thinking, maybe you simply haven’t met the right-”

I snapped at her, stressed out from going so long without my mask and from the last minute altercation with Richard. “One night and half a day outside the cave, and you think you’ve got humanity figured out. I’ve lived with them for thirty two years. Don’t tell me how humans are, I’ll tell you. And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll listen.”

Helper slid away from me. Her lights dimmed and shifted to blue. Then bright red. Then back to dim blue, alternating for a few minutes until returning to normal. She took my mask off and plopped it in my lap, still strangely unresponsive a while later when I asked if she was feeling okay.

Stay Tuned for Part 39!


I fretted over how to conceal enough of her that we could get from the tent to the car without trouble until it hit me. I’d disguise her as myself! My own outfit covers everything, I’ve always insisted on it. Out of something like a mixture of scopophobia, agoraphobia and hypochondriasis.

I think that's clever. Disguising helper as your self. Good move Alex.

Madeline asked why I kept referring to humanity as “they

She actually has the point and she is always right, it seems to be calm today since there is no war to fight, always ready for something, I can't wait for the next chapter.

It seems like the rhetorical technique of the preacher really needs to be learned. However, such speech techniques are needed in the future, given the age of intrigue and falsehood. A good story @alexbeyman.

Lars's clothes were completely unsuitable for wear. But how else, no other clothes. Feel the circus tent.

Richard should be given understanding as soon as possible. Because otherwise he could have messed things up. Although his actions were merely to protect his loved ones. That's normal and prevalent.

Every day the story is more interesting since helper appeared gives that touch to the novel, it's good that Richard did not pay much attention and unless the drunken military man take it lightly, what surprised me was to take off the mask and show his face because already the heart had opened it to helper. Madeline has to change her mood is very decayed note does not seem the same person who enters the hospital with his 9mm pistol.

I hope he does well.

Every day that passes I find out about something new like today's age. How old is helper? Who is older? Is it a young girl?

Helper can be seen in the picture that accompanies these stories. That small boxy robot in her arms is Hero 1.

I would just like to know if helper has any age, because it is strong as a human and a robot see it, so they will also point out their age difference, although helper does not show any trait that shows their age.

Very good story @alexbeyman. What I can take from this story is that they look scared and worried about their loved ones. Words that are meaningful to me. Thanks for sharing the story @alexbeyman.

yeah really feel the orginal novel expreince,keep it up

Scrolling down... I saw "Shoot" ... I saw "bomb". It got me thinking what the f*CK is going on there. What did the Helper get itself into? I guess I will find out soon as I'm about to do serious reading. Today's episode seems actioned-packed.

All the parts of little robot are quite wonderful showing different charater of helper which is the main thing of this novel no it hard to understand the novel but whatever we understand is quite intresting...
When she removed the mask from the face she notice a disturbing face and helper said nobody is having always perfect..
Helper put his head on the shoulder and realize how disastrous the nuke is..

Good work your maximum part I read that, Awesome, Thanks @alexbeyman

Woooooooow another great episode from you, enjoying every minute with you now, thanks for sharing @alexbeyman

Very good story friends

Madeleine seemed to be jealous of the high-affectionate helper. He feels his compassion as a human can be rivaled by the affection of a programmable machine.

what happened to Helper, alex? Why are the lights dim? May he be all right. Helper is my favorite figure in this novel.

...until it hit me. I’d disguise her (Helper) as myself!

To Lars’s surprise, he looked completely normal when he took off his mask. For him it felt bizarre, almost like he was naked not having his mask on. At the ent he did it for Helper, to use his mask. Lol he must had looked funny with his oversized clothes. Fortunately they got out of this military base, even though they were lucky. They almost didn’t make it for Richard and some drama. At the end There is a first argument between him and Helper. Are they real couple now?...

wow mind blowing

You can not imagine your face, I just think that since the sun's rays were reflected on your face, but I do not think I did not do anything when Richard arrived and confused helper with Tigo for your clothes and the mask almost make them discover it, for not reacting in time and prevent what happened happened to greater

awesome post..i'm resteem your post sir

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