Where I'm At With My Novels

in #writing7 years ago


This is mostly for anybody who follows my blog for the original fiction. I've been told by many people that it's remarkable how prolific an author I am. That many writers manage only a dozen or fewer novels in the course of their careers. I guess I'm glad I didn't know that.

There was a period in my life where I was knocking out a short story every night and editing it the following morning. I'd love to recapture that productivity, but it was a result of frantic emotional distress over not having accomplished enough with my life. I guess it worked?

Steemit has been as much a curse as a blessing. It makes it possible for me to live off my writing. Kind of. Almost. I am having to spend out of savings to make rent lately, but I'm getting there little by little. The downside is that writing articles for Steemit takes up the time and energy I used to spend on writing new stories.

Which is more important? In the near term, making money to cover my living expenses. But in the long term I'm gonna die, and want to leave behind as much original writing as I possibly can for the sake of my fans. So the fact that my output has dramatically slowed is cause for concern.

I've tried various methods of addressing this like setting aside time in the evenings to write, but just as before, the only time I seem to get serious writing done is when I am sleep deprived, during one of those periods where my sleep cycle is inverted. It seems to be crucial for some reason.

Anyway, not to worry. I have two stories underway at the moment. Maybe novels, maybe novellas, hard to tell at this stage. The first is titled "The Corner Crow" and basically amounts to the backstory of Croctaw, the main antagonist from The Background of Your Memories. It also features secondary roles for Violet (from Mansionarium, Under the Floorboards and Pressure 3) and Katerinka (from Pariah of the Little People).

The second is titled "Baby Bump" and explores macabre aspects of pregnancy. I was inspired by the same theme in the original Alien film, but felt there was another direction I could take it in that would result in a worthwhile story. The Corner Crow contains similar themes of family, belonging and separation anxiety.

Whatever happens I will keep writing. For my own pleasure, and because aside from having children it's the only attainable form of immortality. But also for the sake of long time fans who want as much out of me as possible before I croak.

Keep an eye out! Work continues in earnest on The Corner Crow and Baby Bump. I also still have a long, densely populated master list of book ideas I've only put the smallest of dents into so far. It seems to grow faster than I can write. There is plenty more left in me, artistically, and I feel as if I haven't even truly hit my stride yet.

<Stay Cozy!>


what you have in you simply can't fade out. you keep writing without the fear of burning out and you are doing well

I like your novels but i miss so much the Stickman Adventure...and i believe this has so much potential @alexbeyman :)

I simply can't wait for the Baby Bump and The Corner Crow. You're such a prolific writer, and I believe those two would also masterpieces.

You are indeed a prolific writer, i can surely attest to that since i have been following your stories, keep on keeping man

Whatever you choose to do, I'll read it. I really enjoy the way you write fiction, and I also enjoy reading your other posts; although to be honest with my recent absence from the platform I haven't found the motivation yet to catch up on all your old VR posts yet. I will though at some point I'm sure. The coming storm week will probably provide me with some opportunity for screen time.

Whatever you decide, I look forward to what you post on here. Cheers

There is plenty more left in me, artistically, and I feel as if I haven't even truly hit my stride yet.

I’m really excited about this. Especially when I know there are two new novels/novellas coming up. I can feel your positivity, your energy. I wouldn’t be worried about the future. There are always bumps in anyone’s life. As long as you stay as consistent as you are, I believe things will eventually turn around.

People like to read, we are still reading works from Homer, Shakespeare, Wells, and Rodenbury, to mention a few, some names that will continue for some time yet to come.

You are really a profilic write, having read a more of your novel which is captivating. Just like you have said steemit take more of your time, imagine you have to read like three post everyday though it also bless you through upvote which I can you might not find by just giving it to publish; which you said it is difficult these days to find one or the money giving wasn't encouraging though I can't say. I want to ask these, you have the title before writing at all brother?

I like your view on immortality through "written works." It's similar to mine actually... When I think of those people who are already dead, when I read their work it feels like I'm talking to them.

I want people to think that of me too.

Writing steemit articles takes a lot of time from doing other important things, but I think it's worth it because when you think about how Steam Power works, now is the best time to get as much as you can of it.

One day, it'll pay you back (hopefully. Nothing is certain in crypto world.)

Will look forward to these greatly. Recently got your "Little People" ebook compendium from Amazon, enjoying tremendously even though I've read them before.

Exploit your pain while you have it, once you become too successful, it will be difficult to write the way you have. Pity you don't enjoy alcohol, a three-day-bender is a classic technique used by writers/artists to spur a major creative burst, and I've been known to, um, help facilitate that process.

Your liver would probably thank you for continuing to abstain, however. Plus my benders would likely kill those who don't have some Russian heritage to strengthen the constitution.

Regardless, please do continue your writing, even if its not at the frenetic pace you've exercised in the past. A few pebbles a day will build a mountain if you're persistent.

I've noticed that writing is not just a hobby to you but it's something you are passionate about.. You just don't don't have to allow external influences and unfavourable situations weigh your passion down. No matter what, you gotta keep on writing cos it's what keeps you happy.. Your hardwork today will definitely pay you tomorrow.. I'm certainly anticipating your coming stories "the corner crow" and "the baby bump"..
You've done a great job!!!

Inspiring word, Whatever happens, I will keep writing. I truly appreciate this whatever happens don't quite your work.

Your stories are very epic really, one of the best writers I stumbled on when I came here was you buddy, well I guess the downturn of the STEEM price changed a whole lot of things, you'd get there buddy. I'm certain

Thanks for the support. :)

great research @alexbeyman

What are you talking about? What research?

You are really a profilic write, having read a more of your novel which is captivating. Just like you have said steemit take more of your time, imagine you have to read like three post everyday though it also bless you through upvote which I can you might not find by just giving it to publish; which you said it is difficult these days to find one or the money giving wasn't encouraging though I can't say. I want to ask these, you have the title before writing at all brother?@#Your stories are very epic really, one of the best writers I stumbled on when I came here was you buddy, well I guess the downturn of the STEEM price changed a whole lot of things, you'd get there buddy. I'm certain

@alexbeyman your work ethic is phenomenal. Many would have given up publishing new material after the crash in prices, am amazed you still maintaining your productivity on both ends

I think I have a really nice solution to add rewards to your writings @alexbeyman. As soon as you see my comment reply me or even better find me on discord so we can talk there. You would get more or less 7-8$ plus 2 times a day. Let me know, because I try really hard to be helpful...I hope it is noticed

I don't know what discord channel you hang out in. You're not referring to vote bots, I hope?

PAL discord server. No,no bots

I can't wait to read the two novels...keep it up bro, you are a great writter

I'm keeping trying to write and post everyday, even if I'm with "zero" on almost all post, it is frustating. Is the cursed part of Steemit.

It's been more than 10 years since I've written a story or a novel; hot I'm a short filmmaker. From my sure thing, I see the world from another angle. I currently use a virtual narrator, my Braille keyboard, my 42-inch touchmonitor; this is the technology that allows me to communicate on social networks today. A digitizing board with a ruler pattern helps me to position myself in space. It's 53 years now; I'm not complaining, I'm glad to hear your novels through the narrator.

In relation to their work; of course, the writers of the past produced less because the technology had not developed as it does today. It is not the same to write a manuscript as in the 17th and 18th centuries, to use a mechanical typewriter from the 19th and 20th centuries. Today, with the computer, man has been doing unimaginable wonders for just a couple of decades.

Today technology has brought the world together, opened up frontiers, expanded brains; but also, it has charged us, we are less sociable, we leave homeless, we are less physically active, but I still love technology.

it's a good day when shaelin uploads:) btw I love your hair...This could be a very popular hashtag...

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment