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RE: Milo Yiannopolous & the Death of Political Correctness

in #writing8 years ago

this is one of my favorite bits... “You shouldn’t give a shit about skin color, you shouldn’t give a shit about sexuality, you shouldn’t give a shit about gender, and you should be deeply suspicious of the people who do.”:


Powerful stuff right there, thanks for sharing! "You should be focusing on what unites people, not what drives them apart."

Here's another quote from his book: "Identity politics is universally attractive [to the Left] because it enables failures and weaknesses to be spun as the products of oppression and historical injustice. Personal responsibility is removed from the equation."--Yiannopoulos, Milo. Dangerous (485-487).

agreed, another great little tidbit! he's got quite a few of them! here's one more for ya:

"Humor isn't alienating, like the left would like you to believe that it is. Humor brings us together. No one can control what makes you laugh, and they hate that. Laughter is the most powerful political weapon you have." - Milo Yiannopoulos