What Is There to Fear?

in #writing7 years ago

What is there to fear? We are dying. We are all dying every day in a lot of ways and one day we are going to leave this body we chose for this life as well. Your life is a gift from yourself. Live it to the fullest and the best of your ability!

What is there to fear? Allow all the emotions to come and to flow. That's how it's supposed to be. The pain and the love, it's all the same. We feel because we are alive. Do not disconnect. Your emotions are the most important thing you have. They guide you and they guide you well.

What is there to fear? Act on your emotions with love. Act on your love with passion. Act on your passion with courage. Act on your courage!

How do you know you can feel love fully, if you're afraid to feel pain? If you block and restrict the natural flow of emotions?

You have the natural courage to feel. To be compassionate to all living things. You can understand everything and you have all the knowledge you need in your heart. Already. The truth is there already.

You don't need to look for it. Just connect. Feel it. Be it. The truth. The love. Be the love, that is you. And express it here, in this body. In this life. Create this life with it. Every day.

This is “Passion” – one of my intuitive energy drawings.