so glad I popped in on this one @apolymask I definitely agree with all the things you've pointed out here. You make very strong accusations and you know I'm always interested in the occult - the numerology behind all of it.. I think whoever does these things (causes global catastrophe, wars, etc.) definitely has an occult/sadistic? maybe? or really its more of a mockery of real faith and goodness I think.. I don't like the word sadistic really because most people associate that with "Satan" and the religoin-ish 'devil' - I'm talking about the real faith, the universal ties of compassion and coexistence.. I think their blasphemy is against that not a man made entity like "God".
anyways, I too believe there is some really curious connections between the occult and 9/11. There are too many coincidences... Also, if you take for true the idea that these energies must be given consent over that which they do in order to own the energy produced by the act/event then this explains why they must "tell us" in foreshadowing ways what they plan to do because then our inaction becomes our consent - our lack of outrage proves our alliance.
what a tangled web.. I hope you complete the movie! Please let me know if you do! I would love to watch it.
Hey amariespeaks! Nice to hear from you. :D I'm glad you popped in too!
I do make strong accusations, though I feel like I can logically back it up pretty well if anyone challenges what I said. I'm pretty careful with my language and try not to go beyond what I can prove, some may disagree and I could be wrong though I do have good well thought out reasons for what I'm saying.
In response to your next part I'm not totally sure who they are whether just regular humans enacting human nature or if there's some spiritual stuff going on or maybe even an alien sort of deal, but there does definitely seem to be an occult element involving symbols and numerology and things like that.
A good crime scene investigator should consider things like witchcraft even if they don't believe in witchcraft, seems like they do on local crime scenes... Yet something like 9/11 happens and there's tons of weird synchronistic kind of things that go completely ignored by the mainstream and are only talked about from what I have seen usually in conspiracy theory type groups who are likely seen as paranoid and crazy by the majority.
It's weird.
I've heard the idea before that they have to give us consent and I'm not sure if that's true or not since it's really hard to quantify, though I am open minded to it and that may very well be true and why we see some things mirrored in entertainment so much.
I hope I complete it someday too. It's mindblowing in my opinion in it's full. Though I wanted to get the info out so I rushed a small version out, the audio is kinda bad and I woulda been more creative if I had the time, but I really just wanted to get it out in case anything happened to me. Not that I think anyone is targetting me, most of the info I share is already out there. I only discovered a few things myself, but... In case I slipped off a cliff or in the shower or whatever...
The movie is going to be quite a bit longer if I ever finish it, this is mostly just the powerful symbolism being used and the magic aspect.
I feel like there's some really important stuff here and a couple of the pieces of info I genuinely ferreted out myself that I don't think anyone else has ever shared before.
If you check it out I'd be happy to hear your feedback!
Also I'm pretty sure you didn't play in the IFC on season 2 did you? You can get a late entry in on any quest from 10 and up as us judges are still back on round 8 and we're going kinda slow on judging. But if you'd like to play you can!
Here's the link to the 9/11 symbolism video if you wanna check it out!
thanks for sharing this @apolymask! I am in the process of watching it and I'm very impressed so far! Film has always been a mysterious craft to me lol I think I over complicate it but it really is amazing. Once I finish it I will let you know but I'm about half through and it is very interesting. I'm learning a lot.
I haven't been active on IFC in a long time! I would like to get back into it but my sense of time is pretty warped right now as you can tell lol i didn't even realize it's been like a week since you commented.. lol daily life is just so busy I get lost in all the work/family stuff and days go by before I have time to sit and write or get on the laptop. If opportunity strikes though I would love to submit some more information to the quest :)
Keep going with it because I think your information finding idea is just awesome!