Some Tips To Create Creative Writing

in #writing7 years ago



I got these tips to create creative writing from Yelli, an Aceh Blogger when she had sharing session in my social community called Rumah Relawan Remaja.

Yelli said that to provide creative writing, writers do not only answer "what, who, why, when, where and how" but also to share the importance and interest of a writing.

Yelli also shared tips to result creative writing. They are

  1. Writing down every thought and idea (reading, experience, daily events)
  2. Searching writing material from the book, the internet, photos or asking other people
  3. Filtering various written drafts according to the topic to be written
  4. Keep Writing

On that Tuesday, 11th September 2018, Yelly inspired all of our dream teachers and me as well to keep writing. Thank you so much for your sharing Yelly (^_^)


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