We all take one of these two roles in a relationship, I mean, we start a relationship, everything is new, beautiful and perfect, as the relationship progresses, we engage with it, and one of those involved in the relationship is taking the control, we notice the things that we do like to do (go out, have friends, or any habit), and to avoid problems, he who plays the role of the submissive begins to change, example, they decide to go dancing and your partner does not like the clothes you chose because it is very revealing, so you decide to please him, without noticing that change of clothes, it becomes one of your last options, another example the music, the series that they like, the submissive begins to adapt to the options of his partner, leaving aside his own.
That is why I say, that although we do not notice, we fulfill one of these roles in a relationship, it may reach certain agreements in terms of television, music or outputs, but in the end it ends up giving way, without realizing it. adapts, all for that perfect relationship, which we dream to have, which does not really exist, are two different people, who try to form a relationship, it does not need any kind of perfection, we need to stop and see what tastes we share and try to make it a midpoint.
Of course in some relationships is more marked, than in others, example stop dating certain friends because your partner does not like, not frequent some places, is when you realize that there is no perfect relationship, that fights and differences they will be part of the day to day, that you need maturity to understand that it is not to change your partner, if not accept your partner.
But yes, if I'm romantic, despite everything if I believe, that you can have a perfect relationship for everyone, your style, your way of living life and seeing things, the important thing is to find someone who wants to share the madness with you, and that sometimes can be the one who yield., as other times the boss.

The important thing, what we should achieve, is to fill our life with so many unforgettable moments, gather memories, total what matters are those moments that leave you breathless.

I hope you like it, thanks for reading. images taken from google.