Including the excluded

in #writing8 years ago

This was a country of excluded people. Of people abandoned and forgotten in the dark catacombs of misery. From the colony, the humble were always subjugated to the power of the master, then the employer, the rich and powerful. The sifrinos that now destroy the country, are the same ones that for decades became accustomed to live of the assault and the sacking of the arcasnacionales, leaving only crumbs for the town.

But all this changed for the humble and excluded people with the arrival of Commander Chavez and his determined and unshakable mission to empower the people, to dignify it, to remove it from the opprobrious catacombs. Inventing and creating absolute genius, dozens of mechanisms, plans and missions specific to each need or requirement of the people.

The different structural changes generated by the Bolivarian Revolution are already incredibly daily. They are in the daily life of the people, in their education, their health, their food or in the pension system. It is a novel effort to fight against inequalities and injustices by improving and democratizing the distribution of national wealth, so much so that we outnumber many of the capitalist countries that have failed to achieve Bismarck's Well-Being State to "protect citizens from the cradle to the grave".

From thousands of experiences, extraordinary life stories, sometimes we get expressions that take away tears, filling us with energy, strength and joy. Thus, we listen fascinated the story of Marilbis Bello, a brand new community-based comprehensive doctor who, in his graduation act, President Nicolás Maduro himself (how many people in the world will have this kind of direct and affective contact), he felt with passion and feeling, that 25 years ago he tried to study medicine and he was excluded and denied the quota because his father "was driver". Between sobs he expressed: "Today I claim my father to receive my title as an integral community physician from a chauffeur, as was my father, and that he is the working president of the land that gave birth to me, this is possible only in Revolution ".

Now the excluded are included. They are empowered because we have an advanced revolutionary government, with true ideals to achieve equity and social justice. Discrimination against the poorest is totally eradicated. It only takes vocation and desire to study to enter the more than 30 new universities with offices and centers scattered throughout the country. In the case of the Sucre Mission, 189,860 Venezuelans are currently studying; And have already graduated more than 479,114 people in scientific or humanistic careers such as Administration, Law, Electronics, Geology, Chemistry, Agro-Food Production, Informatics or Social Communication.

My generation (eighties) lived in its own right the segregation and exclusion of the dark that represented the Fourth Republic. As much intellectual and academic preparation as the boys of Petare had, thousands of young people stayed in the way. No options and no hope. All a stigma just for being poor. Groups of bachelors without quota reflected that sad reality.

But we currently have more than 2,500,000 students in university education. With faces, names and surnames, giving their greatest effort. With families, parents, husbands and children full of pride and accompanying them in every day. This represents a force full of energy, of life. An army that is dreaming, that is forging their projects of life, building their future.

But these Venezuelans are also subject to hatred, contempt and pettiness on the part of the selfish and racist right. When the right hand downloads its hysterical and visceral verb, it despises, rejects and mocks its efforts, skills and knowledge.

It is the hatred of the bourgeoisie, of the sifrinaje, that does not tolerate that the people are empodere, surpasses and forge its destiny. They do not understand how the forever excluded, the none (those of Petare), now have horondos their titles under the arm. Now they are professionals and they are working all over the country, working for the country, helping people. In the case of the integral doctors, in places where the doctors of the right and the old men of the bourgeoisie would never dare to enter.

The question arises, a hypothesis denied but that takes away the breath of just thinking about it: What would the fascist, petty, miserable, neoliberal and privatizing right (in case of assault of power) do with missions, health and free education , With pensions? We know the terrible answer: it would destroy everything, sell everything (as they already sold the soul). The bourgeoisie does not want the people. He hates it, despises it. In addition, they must already have mortgaged and committed half country. They are a prey stalking our wealth and assets of the nation. Everything is going to put you at the feet of your northern masters and corporations who have generously funded your scammer coup.

Faced with these scenarios, faced with this irreconcilable difference of classes, faced with the abysmal contrast between political projects in conflict (zape cat with wild neoliberalism), the people must resist the onslaughts of the right and protect their Bolivarian Revolution. The people must continue to command.


Not for me to comment on the politics of another country, but I enjoyed reading it regardless of political points of view.

¡Que texto tan hermoso! es increíble leer a alguien que escribe con tanta pasión. te felicito por tu texto y por seguir creyendo en la revolución bolivariana. Yo soy Colombiana, para mi, después de tantos años de guerra, no es fácil creer lo mismo. Igual, este texto es hermoso.
this is a beautiful text. I am Colombian, for me it is not easy to believe in revolutions. Still I really things this is a very good text to read. ¡ que viva America latina!