From October 12, 2012 (edited):
This is sad... Why should I think about this? Besides, I can’t even begin to explain how pompous such an answer could be. The manner in which I will be most remembered for is a decision up to those who find out I died. Once I do die, ask them, and you’ll get your answer. You’ll get a lot of answers. You can plot them on a graph, and bury them with me in my grave once you’re done. I can’t possibly answer for them.
…I would hope, at least, I’m remembered fondly. I don’t want to stress myself thinking about anything else they could say, though I know there is at least one person out there that would stab me to death tomorrow, and all I did to her was fall in love with someone she was in love with to. I can’t stress how horrid it is that I will be remembered in her memory as a bitch or a slut for that… or anything else derogatory. How am I supposed to control teenage feelings anyway? The rational part of the brain isn’t fully developed until at least 25 years old. I was 19.
For the record though, I will say that most of those you ask will say I could draw... and write... but that will be it. As far as I know, and am willing to say here.
- Anya
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