Thanks for sharing some of your perspective. :) And, yeah... I think it does resonate with the teachings of Jesus based on what I've learned about such, would be quite a conversation to have to talk about him about some of these kinds of things if he really existed in a historical sense. :)
I've heard of Ubuntu before and I think it's fascinated me for quite a while. It was more difficult for me to understand in the past when I was super individualized, but the more I learn how we are all connected the more it makes sense to me.
Also, I really like what you said about how any of us would likely went down the same path if we had the same experiences and brain chemistry. I tend to agree! Though, some people believe we have souls we are born with that would cause us to do things differently, I don't know what's true and not sure science could prove such a thing, but I tend to think what you said sounds more logical... But, who knows... Maybe we do have souls that make us different regardless of experiences, brain chemistry etc.
I went to your page briefly and see you made your first post either on that account or your first post and I wanted to welcome you, I shared your post and read a little bit of your it, but am really tired and about to go to sleep... So, I'll do my best to read the whole thing tomorrow and give you a thoughtful response. Looks like an interesting read though! I look forward to checking it out more later. Cheers! :)
Certainly possible, I have come to the belief that either a god in some form (not necessarily anthropomorphic, or even aware of itself) exists, or reality is far, far stranger then anyone could hope to understand. Super evolved alien or not. I started losing faith in anything making sense around the time I discovered time dilation. Does make reality a nice playground for intelligence though.
Appreciate it! I used to post a couple years ago, back before hive split off. Looking to go much further then I did back then though. I'm starting with re-writing a series I started but didn't do enough justice, and hoping to take it far further then I did back then.