Life - My Perspective. What's yours?

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

The definition of life is controversial. It's varies from man to man and from one to another. Everyone in this world has a different perspective about life based on their experiences.

Life is a not constant as it has a direct relationship with time. With every passing second it passes away!!

Quoting some beautiful lines by Robert Frost:

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.

Life can be biologically defined as the organisms maintain homeostasis, are composed of cells, undergo metabolism, can grow, adapt to their environment, respond to stimuli, and reproduce.

Let's not go deep into the biological discussion, I would like to discuss about a general perspective about life and what it teaches us!!

Currently, it's 2:00AM over here and I am wondering about my existence.

Why was I sent to this world?
What's the purpose of my life?
What costs gratitude?
Am I prepared to go further?
What awaits me?

No doubt, these questions somehow scares me and make me question myself! But to my knowledge many of us are just passing over time over here and living a purposeless life. We just wake up in the morning, follow our routines and go back to sleep and this Goes On and On!!

Just as Oscar Wilde said;

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."

But, what is required to live your life to the fullest? Do we know about it? Let's open the Pandora box.

To me, a blend of the things is required to spice up your life.

1- Acceptance
2- Positivity
3- Gratitude

Of you add up the above-mentioned things in your life, you will see the change in no time. You will find yourself more content and happier than before. Things will get easier and more productive. Life will become much more reliable and you will be satisfied with it. We just have to pick up the right corner of the thread.

As per Mae West;

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."

Life is definitely an image of a person's experiences with it, good experiences tends to make it good while bad turn it worst. One should find it's purpose to life and stay intact.

So, from now on, please try to find our your purpose of living and Follow it till you die. Cut the unnecessary crap and stop worrying because what is written has to happen and what's not will Never happen. So why getting depressed!

Past is gone, future is yet to come. Live your present because time is moving fast and the clock is ticking. You may not be able to get today's happiness in future.

Start enjoying little happenings of life and always hope for the best and the Best is yet to come!!

Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth.

William W. Purkey

I hope you like my views about life, please do give it a thumbs up and Follow me @archerized


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