Your Birth Month Represented by These Symbols, Find Out What They Mean
In addition to the zodiac, certain symbols can also explain the nature and personality of a person. Launching from The Minds Journal, the meaning of the moon was born with the symbol.
1. January - Dragon
The dragon symbol symbolizes your figure born in January. Because it is the first month at the beginning of the year, people born this month usually become role models for some people.
You are also a person who is strong and good at controlling emotions. For you, obeying emotions in dealing with problems is not a good solution.
2. February - Phoenix
Phoenix is a strong and powerful person for those around him. You have a positive source of strength and can master yourself well.
3. March - Yin and Yang
Your Birth Month Represented by These Symbols, Find Out What They Mean
You who were born in March have a good and consistent balance in doing good, and doing bad. You also have a positive approach in all situations and are very good at solving problems. However, you must be careful when doing good.
4. April - Lion
Besides being savage, lions also have loyal qualities. You who were born in this month have a high spirit in protecting loved ones and taking risks.
5. May - Wolf
Your Birth Month Represented by These Symbols, Find Out What They Mean
You who were born this month don't like to think complex. You are always the first for someone you love.
6. June - Fish
You who were born in July have a free soul but are still responsible. You also don't always follow intuition and prefer to believe in your own strength.
7. July - Fire
Your Birth Month Represented by These Symbols, Find Out What They Mean
You always know where your goals and interests are in life. The symbol of fire makes you born in July have a high spirit and too obsessed.
8. August - Horse
August is symbolized by horses, animals that like to run in the wild. You who were born this month have a high adventurous spirit and understand how to appreciate a job.
9. September - Flower
Your Birth Month Represented by These Symbols, Find Out What They Mean
Flowers that describe peace and calm become something beautiful with an aura that makes other people enjoy life.
10. October - Star
You give a bright light to many people and besides, you inspire others. You also don't hesitate to give time for those who need your help.
11. November - Tree
Your Birth Month Represented by These Symbols, Find Out What They Mean
You who were born in November can be a system that is needed by everyone in providing support, giving shade, and providing air and positive things for people around. Even so, don't forget yourself.
12. December - Water
You who were born in December can change their nature in each situation. You can be a calm or angry person. Most importantly, you are the first person to understand what other people want.