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RE: Covenant With Earth ...Finale ...Love Always Returns

in #writing5 years ago

I love the way you married

my hard shell has been softened like the fires that break open hard seeds

to the acorn seeds earlier.

As I imagine them, I start to fantasise about possibilities - would she agree for them to adopt. What would it be like for the kid, having a mother who is a ghost...and so on.

That is the beauty of good writing and an original imagination. As it leads the writer to new worlds, it opens those worlds also for the readers, creating even more possibilities.


Thanks, Arthur - it seems everything has to be tested in the fire, particularly Jay's conflict with his mother's wishes and his place in the family. Em represents the hidden parts of family that even family members might not be aware of and the estate is the crucible in which all his reasons are melted down and assayed. I went through a period where I was fixated on territorial spirits - not in the Biblical sense of demons with authority over particular locales but more in the sense of a genius loci - a spirit of the place where a discarnate entity could not only make the locale his haunt, but manifest there in a more tangible way. I'm extending this idea to another aspect of spirit manifestation but I don't want to go into detail because it's a WIP that may turn into a novel - that often happens - I start something as a story and it's just too big to be contained in the shorter fiction format with all its limitations.

I look forward to being told it is written

Thanks, my friend :)