All great tips - not that I have any experience with them since I don't write! But I have dabbled with it here and there. I've always liked the idea of creating a story or a world and I've jotted stuff down in a notebook for world building, but when it comes to the actual writing. Yeesh, not good.
I think it was Tolkien who said "Every great writer was first a great reader." I've at least got the reading part down!
Talking about slowing the pace down, I'm currently at the end of War and Peace and holy cow does Tolstoy take his sweet, sweet time throughout that novel - but not in a bad way; I'm so used to binge reading "easier/faster paced" books (I love the Wheel of Time series) that it was a bit of shock with Tolstoy's style, but I definitely fell in love with it - I have to imagine he would be a great example of "slowing down".
Since I apparently have more of a knack for art than words, I decided that I might be better suited to do a graphic novel type of story where I can use pictures to tell part of the story instead of having to rely only on words.
Thanks for the post, it was helpful and encouraging.
Oh that's awesome that you can draw as well as write! I love graphic novels and have a good collection of different ones.
Thanks for your insight and comment :)
out of curiosity what would be your favorite graphic novel (or top 3 if you can't choose one)?
Oh good question.
I'm in the UK and the British have had some great comics so I'll go with my all-time favourite, Slaine, then Rogue Trooper and then the classic Judge Dredd.
I always liked the Ghostrider series when I could get my greasy little mitts on them and there was the series of suspense tales... Anything horror-oriented and along the darker side of human nature.
Rogue Trooper
Judge Dredd