This reminds me of contemplation I had almost 3 weeks about Fear Setting. Specifically the act of considering the benefit of an attempt or a partial success against the price of the Status Quo.
Pit the least optimistic outcome of something we plan to do against the least pessimistic effect of doing nothing. Then expand from there. "What if I Actually succeed?"
There are no such things as a "wasted" attempt because even the worst outcome gets us data that we can use to improve next attempt. fun fact, thats how Elon Musk thought when his rockets failed in the beginning.
Our definition of Failure has to shift from what the rigid outdated curricular system thought us. What they think is "failure" is actually insanity, because "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results". even so, its what the school wants us to do. "Keep your head down, memorize this, and sit through the test... for the 53rd time"
Hence why the question is in itself erroneous. There is no "failing". Every unsuccessful attempts pushes the odds of success upwards. A 0.1% odd will get 1 succeeded attempt by the 1000th try, each learning from the mistake of the last "failed" attempt.