
Yeah, I have been spending maybe just a little too much time here haha. I am glad about my rep, though :) Makes me feel important! :DHi, thank you @ballinconscious It has been a while, I am doing just great. How are you?

Your welcome ^_^ It has been a while! good to hear, I am doing good too. Maybe, or maybe I have been spending to little time on here:p Yeah rep is where it is at! I am about to reach 65, then I can feel important like you!

Noo, you are important already! People like you make this world a little brighter, you know.
P.S. I also saw that you liked my FB blog. Thanks! My traveling year is almost over, but I will make something cool out of that blog anyway. :)

Haha yeah I know but thanks for the reminder! Thanks, I appreciate the kind words! Yea I saw your link and decided to like it! Awesome, I think it is awesome that you dedicated yourself to a one year travel!