His horror calls himself in the middle of the night

in #writing7 years ago


Terkadang telepon bisa mengalami gangguan. Misalnya terjadi kasus salah sambung silang. Saya pernah sekali menelepon ke adik, tetapi malah menyambung ke orang lain, dan anehnya di waktu yang sama adikku malah menerima panggilan dari orang lain. Jadi saya salah sambung ke orang lain, dan ada orang lain yang salah sambung ke adik saya. Kemungkinan besar sih sistem di operatornya bermasalah.

Nah berbicara soal sambung menyambung telepon ini, pernahkah kalian mencoba menelepon diri sendiri? Jadi maksudnya dengan nomor HP kamu, kamu coba telepon ke diri sendiri. Nah, normalnya sih pasti tidak nyambung. Tetapi kalau sampai nyambung, saya rasa kalian harus berhati-hati. Soalnya nyawa kalian mungkin akan terancam. Seperti yang terjadi pada teman baikku ini…

Saya ada satu teman yang sangat baik. Satu hal, sebagai cewek dia sangat usil. Jadi waktu itu entah mengapa, dia mencoba memakai telepon rumah lalu menghubungi nomor rumahnya sendiri. Sekedar info, waktu itu jam 11 tengah malam. Nah percobaan pertama, tidak tersambung. Dia pun mencoba lagi. Anehnya percobaan kedua ternyata berhasil tersambungkan!

Jadi, menurut penuturannya, dia mendengar suara seperti gaung dalam gua. Dan di belakang juga terdengar suara tetesan air. Karena agak ketakutan dia langsung menutup telepon.

Hari kedua dia langsung cerita ke saya. Tetapi saya waktu itu tidak percaya. Soalnya malam harinya setelah mendengar cerita dia, saya yang penasaran kemudian mencoba menelepon ke diri sendiri dan (untungnya) tidak sambung. Jadi saya pikir dia pasti sedang menipuku.

Hari ketiga, waktu kami bertemu di sekolah, wajahnya tampak pucat sekali. Sama sekali tidak seperti biasanya. Saya sempat tanya apakah dia sedang sakit, namun dia tidak mau mengatakan apa-apa. Baru pada saat istirahat siang, di kantin dia baru mau buka mulut mengenai kejadian semalam.

Ternyata, semalam tepat jam 11, ada yang menelepon ke rumahnya. Saat teman saya mengangkat telepon dan menanyakan siapa, orang di telepon malah menyebutkan nama teman saya, dan lebih seramnya lagi, suara di telepon sama seperti suara teman saya! Teman saya langsung buru-buru menutup telepon.

Teman saya sangat ketakutan. Dia tanya ke saya bagusnya bagaimana. Saya mencoba menenangkan dia dan bilang mungkin ada orang iseng yang mengganggunya. Saya memperhatikan teman saya seksama, dia sama sekali tidak kelihatan sedang berbohong, itu sebabnya saya percaya ini benar-benar terjadi. Akhirnya setelah seharian berbicara dan berhasil membujuk dia pulang ke rumah. Sebelum pisah, saya pun titip pesan kalau memang ada apa-apa bisa hubungi saya. Kami akhirnya pun pulang ke rumah masing-masing.

Malam itu juga teman saya menghubungiku. Dengan suara yang bergetar dia bilang dia dihubungi lagi oleh perempuan misterius itu. Dan kali ini perempuan misterius itu mengatakan menginginkan nyawanya. Sambil menangis dia bertanya harus bagaimana.

Keesokan harinya dia tidak datang ke sekolah. Saat pulang sekolah, saya menghubungi dia, ternyata dia sedang sakit. Karena kebetulan orang tua saya sedang keluar kota, jadi saya pun memutuskan menginap di rumahnya untuk menemaninya. Saya sebetulnya penasaran dengan penelepon misterius ini. Kata teman saya, setiap malam jam 11 pasti akan telepon.

Malam itu saat kami berdua di kamar, benar saja jam 11 telepon rumahnya berdering. Dia langsung gemetaran mendengar suara telepon itu.

Rrring… Rrriiing… Rrriiiing…

Dia meminta saya yang mengangkatnya. Jujur saya sendiri agak takut.

Rriiing… Rrriiiing… Rriiiing….

Masih berbunyi. Walaupun takut, saya juga sangat penasaran. Ini beneran atau cuman orang usil. Saya pun mengangkatnya

Ternyata benar, terdengar suara gaung di dalam gua dan ada suara percikan air!

“Hallo?” ucap saya ragu. Begitu ada yang membalas akan langsung saya tutup.

Tak disangka ada yang membalas di seberang. “Elo jangan campur tangan urusan orang!” Sehabis itu di belakang terdengar banyak suara lainnya. Sepertinya di sana ramai sekali.

Yang membuat bulu kuduk saya berdiri adalah, saya mengenali suara penelepon itu. Itu adalah suara teman saya!

Saya buru-buru letakkan gagang telepon. Teman saya yang di kamar bertanya bagaimana. Saya hampir menangis menceritakan kejadian barusan. Kami betul-betul ketakutan dan tidak berani tidur di kamar itu malam itu. Akhirnya kami memutuskan pergi ke Seven Eleven dekat rumahnya dan duduk sampai pagi. Paginya saya langsung telepon cowok saya. Karena dia mengenal seorang ahli paranormal, dia pun bilang akan coba mengundang ahli paranormal itu ke rumah teman saya.

Tidak berapa lama cowok saya datang. Selain dia, ada dua pria lain lagi, satu berumur sekitar 30an dan satu lagi 20an. Yang berumur 30 ini adalah ahli paranormal. Sedangkan yang berusia 20an itu adalah teman cowok saya. Kami kembali ke rumah teman saya. Tetapi teman saya tidak berani masuk rumahnya sama sekali. Pria yang lebih tua itu, begitu memasuki rumah langsung menunjukkan ke arah telepon itu dan komentar, “Benda ini sangat berbhaya.”

Saya langsung syok. Soalnya dari awal kami belum menceritakan sama sekali perihal teman saya ini. Si paranormalnya meminta kami semua masuk ke kamar, dan jangan keluar. “Tidak peduli nanti di luar terdengar suara apapun, jangan keluar. Kalau sampai gempa terjadi sekalipun, mohon jangan keluar. Kalau kamu bisa melewati hari ini, maka akan baik-baik saja. Tetapi kalau hari ini kita gagal…., ” dia tidak melanjutkannya.

Dia memberi beberapa briefing dan kembali menegaskan untuk jangan meninggalkan kamar, sebelum langit terang. Kami memastikan tidak akan keluar, toh kami juga ketakutan.

Malam itu saya, teman saya, cowok saya dan teman cowok saya (pria yang berumur 20an itu) berada di dalam kamar. Kami duduk saja tidak berbicara apa-apa. Kemudian pada jam 11 malam, tiba-tiba teman saya mulai bergetar hebat dan meracau kata-kata tidak jelas. Tidak ada yang mengerti apa yang diucapkannya. Dan dia mencoba mau keluar! Kami langsung menahannya.

Suara teman saya terdengar seperti suara orang lain. Walaupun ada tiga orang yang berusaha menahannya, kami masih keawalahan menanganinya. Tenaganya sangat besar dan terus memberontak ingin keluar. Akhirnya kami berhasil mengikatnya dengan menggunakan seprei kasur.

Situasi di kamar yang kacau ini, sepertinya tidak sebanding dengan situasi luar. Walaupun saya tidak bisa melihat, tetapi mendengar suara yang sangat keras, dan suara-suara pembicaraan dari berbagai macam orang. Pokoknya di luar terdengar sangat ramai sekali. Dan pada saat jam 2, situasi di luar semakin menjadi-jadi. Di dalam kamar, kami benar-benar merasakan terjadi gempa!

Pada saat jam 4, terdengar suara ledakan yang sangat keras. Setelah suara ledakan itu, semuanya menjadi sunyi… Tadinya suara di luar begitu bising dan kacau, dan sekarang tiba-tiba menjadi sangat sunyi sekali. Tetapi kami tidak berani keluar.

Jam 5, langit mulai cerah. Tetapi kami belum berani keluar. Sampai akhirnya terdengar suara dari si paranormal “Kalian sudah boleh keluar.” Saat keluar saya sungguh kaget, kondisi rumah teman saya betul-betul kacau. Barang-barang berserakan dan penuh serpihan di lantai. Seperti sehabis terjadi pergumulan yang hebat. Dan yang lebih herannya lagi, teleponnya sudah hancur. Hanya tersisa serpihan plastik kecil-kecil yang dulunya merupakan bagian dari telepon.

Si paranormal pun berkata, “Semuanya sudah selesai. Tolong minta temanmu itu untuk minum air ini sampai habis,” ujarnya sambil menyordorkan segelas air putih.

Saya penasaran, jadi bertanya, apa sebetulnya yang sedang terjadi? Sang paranormal itu hanya menasehati, lebih baik saya tidak usah tahu apa yang terjadi. Walaupun tidak tahu gambaran keseluruhan, tetapi dari yang saya dengar (belakangan), hantu yang mengganggu teman saya ini tidak hanya 1, tetapi ada 20an!

Teman saya sehabis kejadian malam itu, menjadi jatuh sakit. Tetapi untungnya setelah lewat satu minggu dia sembuh dan normal kembali.

Kalian harus percaya. Kejadian ini benar-benar terjadi pada teman saya. Nah bagaimana? Apakah setelah mendengar cerita ini kalian tertarik untuk mencobanya? Boleh coba telepon ke diri sendiri jam 11 malam. Tetapi mohon untuk catat, resiko ditanggung sendiri!!


Sometimes the phone may get interrupted. For example, there is a case of cross-connect. I once called my sister, but instead connected to someone else, and strangely at the same time my sister even received a call from someone else. So I went wrong to someone else, and there are others wrong to my sister. Most likely the system at the operator is problematic.

Now talking about connecting this phone, have you ever tried to call yourself? So what do you mean by your mobile number, you try to call to yourself. Well, normally it would not connect. But if you connect, I think you have to be careful. Because your life might be threatened. As happened to my dear friend ...

I have one very good friend. One thing, as a girl she is very nosy. So that time somehow, he tried to use home phone and dial his own home number. Just the info, it was 11 midnight. Well first experiment, not connected. He tried again. Oddly enough the second experiment was successfully connected!

So, according to his narrative, he heard a voice like an echo in a cave. And behind the sound of water droplets also. Frightened, she hangs up.

The second day he immediately told me. But I did not believe it then. Because the night after hearing the story of him, I was curious then tried to call to myself and (fortunately) did not connect. So I thought he must be cheating me.

The third day, when we met at school, his face looked very pale. Not at all like usual. I wondered if he was ill, but he did not say anything. It was only during his lunch break, in the cafeteria that he just opened his mouth about last night.

Apparently, last night at 11 o'clock, someone called her home. When my friend picked up the phone and asked who, the person on the phone even mentioned my friend's name, and even more frighteningly, the sound on the phone was the same as my friend's voice! My friend immediately hung up the phone.

My friend was very scared. He asked me how good. I tried to calm him down and said maybe there was a prankster to bother him. I look closely at my friend, he does not seem to be lying, that's why I believe this is really happening. Finally after a day of talking and successfully persuading him to go home. Before separating, I was entrusted message if there is anything can contact me. We finally went home to each.

That night my friend contacted me. With a trembling voice he said he was contacted again by the mysterious woman. And this time the mysterious woman said she wanted her life. Crying, she asked what to do.

The next day he did not come to school. When I got home from school, I contacted him, he was ill. Because coincidentally my parents are out of town, so I decided to stay at home to accompany him. I'm actually curious about this mysterious caller. My friend said, every night at 11 o'clock would be a phone call.

That night when we were both in the room, really at 11 o'clock the phone rang. He immediately trembled at the phone.

Rrring ... Rrriiing ... Rrriiiing ...

He asked me to pick it up. Honestly I myself was a bit scared.

Rriiing ... Rrriiiing ... Rriiiing ....

It still rings. Despite the fear, I was also very curious. This is real or just a nosy person. I raised it

It turned out to be true, there was an echo in the cave and there was a splash of water!

"Hello?" I hesitated. Once there is a reply will immediately I close.

Unexpectedly there is a reply across. "Elo do not interfere with the affairs of people!" After that there were many other sounds behind. It seems to be very crowded there.

What made my hair stand on me was that I recognized the caller's voice. That is my friend's voice!

I hastily put down the receiver. My friend who was in the room asked how. I almost cried telling the incident just now. We were absolutely terrified and did not dare sleep in that room that night. Finally we decided to go to Seven Eleven near his house and sit until morning. The next morning I immediately phone my guy. Because he knew a paranormal expert, he said he would try to invite the paranormal to my friend's house.

Not how long my guy came. Besides him, there are two other men again, one in the 30s and another 20s. The 30-year-old is a paranormalist. While the 20's is my boyfriend's friend. We went back to my friend's house. But my friend did not dare enter his house at all. The older man, upon entering the house, pointed directly at the phone and commented, "This thing is very bad. "

I immediately shocked. Because from the beginning we have not told at all about this my friend. The paranormal asked us all to go into the room, and do not get out. "No matter what you hear outside any sound, do not come out. If an earthquake happens though, please do not leave. If you can get through today, it will be fine. But if today we fail .... "he did not continue.

He gave some briefings and reiterated not to leave the room, before the sky was bright. We made sure we did not get out, we were frightened anyway.

That night me, my friend, my boyfriend and my boyfriend (the guy in his twenties) are in the room. We sat there talking nothing. Then at 11 pm, suddenly my friend started to shake violently and raved obscure words. No one understood what he was saying. And he's trying to get out! We immediately arrested him.

My friend's voice sounded like someone else's voice. Though there are three people who try to hold him, we are still in the wrong to handle it. His energies were huge and he continued to struggle to get out. Finally we managed to tie it with bedspreads.

The situation in this chaotic room, seems not worth the outside situation. Although I could not see, but heard a very loud voice, and voices of conversation from various people. Anyway outside it sounded very crowded. And at 2 o'clock, the outside situation is getting worse. In the room, we really felt an earthquake!

At 4 o'clock, there was a very loud explosion. After the explosion, everything was silent ... The noise outside was so noisy and chaotic, and now it was suddenly very quiet. But we did not dare go out.

At 5 o'clock, the sky began to clear. But we have not dared to go out. Until finally heard the voice of the paranormal "You can come out." When I came out really surprised, the condition of my friend's house really messed up. The stuff is scattered and full of flaky on the floor. Like after a great struggle. And even more astonished, his phone was ruined. There were only small pieces of plastic that were part of the phone.

The paranormal said, "Everything is done. Please ask your friend to drink this water until it runs out, "he said while delivering a glass of water.

I was curious, so ask, what exactly is going on? The paranormal only advised, I better not know what happened. Although I do not know the whole picture, but from what I heard (later), the ghost that annoys my friend is not only 1, but there are 20s!

My friend after the events that night, became ill. But fortunately after one week he recovered and returned to normal.

You must believe. This incident really happened to my friend. Well how? Did after hearing this story you were interested to try it? You can try the phone to yourself at 11 pm. But please note, the risk is borne by yourself !!


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