A Chronicle of Commitment - Year One

in #writing7 years ago


It is one of the oddest sensations because it continues to change moment by moment, just as we do. We learn we grow, we love, all in time. First times are supposed to be something memorable and something noteworthy. I'll never forget the first time I met you...


We have endured quite a rollercoaster of events for 2 years of time, good and bad. We endured. It all started and was thanks to my good friend John who first introduced us as I met you on my vacation. This was the first photo we ever took was from the week I met you abroad in Israel.

That was the first time I decided to submit my will to God, in a way that was extremely scary and completely life-changing by letting go of my own understanding. It was the time I learned so much more about the stuff that is hidden from the majority of humanity. I learned so much from you and others, especially about the Lord, as it made such an impact on me that it was the first time I decided to seek out the truth and go find out for myself on a spiritual journey. The Divine led me straight back to Israel, back to you, in which case we had our first real date...


I remember we learned so much and endured a lot over those months. You were strong when I was weak, you helped me see the light when I was captured by the darkness. The first time I stayed overnight in Canada was with you. Our lives were completely changing, doing a complete 180, I'm so glad I had you by my side. The way you were constantly looking at me kept telling me it would all be okay...


Our first time having no idea how the long the journey ahead of us leading to Russia would be. Our first layover was in London and we were able to see a great brother of ours. It was the day the Lord's Imperial Regent asked me to join the Clergy and I became a Deaconess because ultimately, the Lord had asked of me, and I said yes. On no sleep, we journeyed to see some of London...


We then ventured across Europe, seeing some of Prague, sleeping in the Warsaw airport, and then finally made it to Ukraine meeting some awesome people before taking the longest bus ride ever to Moscow! Those were all firsts!


Spending 9 months in Moscow was never what I expected life would throw my way. It was quite the experience I think for all of us, but again you were my strength and support all the days we were there. Always making me laugh and exploring with me, giving me the correct perspective when mine became skewed...


The number 7 has always been special to me, and this was our 7 months together...


...Having random photoshoots for ABN and getting a nice photo in between, while I was able to gain my first experiences using green screens and editing...


A few more happy times in Russia, experiencing a few other of our first times together...We really are a cute couple!


...More like a couple of goofballs! Joseph, you are my kind of special and my kind of weird! I love you more than you know~



It was February 14th, 2017 when we were joking about marriage, and little did I know was the first day I found out you would be honored to take me as your wife. After lots of running around from one side of Moscow to the other, and lots of fun paperwork, we did it, we said our vows on April 11th, 2017!! How has it been a year already?!


We made our way from Moscow to New York, what a stressful yet wonderful opportunity to regroup before heading to our next destination. You were not only able to meet much of my family and close friends but also two very special family members in my life who have now left this world, I am forever grateful we had that opportunity together.


There were so many memories made in just over one year of knowing you...We made our way to the West Coast where we rejoined our brothers and sisters and got our first apartment together.


Times of great trials and learning, but we grow ever stronger together...You began a ministry and I was able to help children down here with a wonderful charity...


...And I ran my first 5K for a great cause with you!


And almost a year ago, we rescued and added this wonderful kitty to our little family, Adara, our princess...


Here we are, 2 years later from being together and a year being married. They say you should make your first Anniversary special. I may not have a lot to give you anymore, but I know you appreciate all I do. I also appreciate all you do. Thank you for being such a wonderful husband and my best friend. We truly make a great team! We have made so many memories and grew together through thick and thin. You are the yin to my yang. Your patience and love have shone through so many dark hours. So, here is a poem from my heart to yours...

Your smile, the way you walked,
Even from your voice as you talked,
From that first moment, I sensed something more,
Like perhaps I'd known you somewhere before.

Within a short time, I knew at last,
That we did share an intimate past.
I may not know the details, but that is fine,
Because at long last, again, your mine.

Mine as in my husband and best friend,
Someone who is with me to the very end.
Stay by my side, continue to hold my hand and love me dear,
Because with you and the Lord, I have nothing to fear.

To one year of being with you,
Let us now venture to make it two!

I love you, Joseph, you are such a wonderful soul. Thank you for being by my side and always helping me to continually grow and be a better person. God has given me the other piece of my heart, and I am forever grateful! I'll end it here otherwise I may write more than anyone will ever read, even though this is only such a small sliver. You truly are a shining light for the Lord, an honorable and wise man, full of life and knowledge, humor and meekness, humble and always trying to follow the righteous path while helping others. You are an incredible person I am so blessed to call my best friend and husband. I am extremely honored to be your wife. Happy Anniversary @montedeilumi!!!


Note: All images that are not sourced are taken from my I-Phone camera. They are NOT for others to use unless they have permission.

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Um... Wow... I'm just kind of speechless right now. This was beautiful!

You have been a truly wonderful wife, and a real trooper through thick and thin, and I can't even begin to describe how much I love and appreciate you.

Cheers to our first year! I love you Judi <3 <3 <3

What a Great Year for you both, with many beautiful memories and blessings.

Truly beautiful <3 happy anniversary!

happy anniversary sister and brother <3 <3 <3

A truly wonderful and blessed couple and two of the kindest people I have ever met besides my own wife. Honored to know you two and I pray for many more years together

Gorgeous memories, May your love continue to endure for many years to come

Happy Aniversary!


Beautiful people doing beautiful things, congratulations!!!