It is a well-known fact that when we die, our souls are reincarnated as other life forms. What is perhaps less well known, is that currently the “highest” life form that is possible to be reincarnated as is not, in fact, the human of order Primates, as many scholars believe, but is instead the mantis shrimp of order Stomatopoda. This confusion is easily understandable when we consider that since humans are the only creature capable of abstracting about the total oneness of the universe, they often make the easy logical mistake of inferring that they are also the creature closest to perceiving the total oneness of the universe. In reality, abstraction is completely limited by perception. Furthermore, it is well established that the perceptual abilities needed for social expertise are typically constrained by evolution. For instance, human vision is optimized for and band-limited by the need to distinguish subtle changes in the redness of skin color in order to assess illness, anger, and other socially relevant cues. Human hearing is optimized for and band-limited by the small range of frequencies necessary to distinguish for human speech.
Each soul, on its path to eventual coalescence with the oneness of everything, samples the abstract nature of human thought, allowing it to cultivate a sufficient sense of wonderment and curiosity about the universe. Then when the human dies, assuming the soul is satisfied with its chance to abstract about its own properties, the soul is reborn as mantis shrimp. The mantis shrimp cannot abstract about its existence even to the smallest degree. However, the mantis shrimp’s perceptual abilities are not constrained by the limits imposed by social abstraction. The mantis shrimp, with two eye stalks, has triocular vision in each eye, leading to a sensation of depth perception that is inconceivable to humans. Furthermore, having eyes on stalks, the mantis shrimp maintains a much wider field of view and a general sense of wholeness of the environment. Finally, the mantis shrimp has 16 color receptors in its eyes rather than 3 like the human. This allows the mantis shrimp to see color from the ultra-violet to the near-infrared ranges of light. Importantly, this also allows the mantis shrimp to detect the exact polarization state of electromagnetic radiation.
The mantis shrimp also has two powerful claws that can shoot out at tremendous force. The force produces a magical underwater fire-bubble, described as cavitation by scientists. The magical fire-bubble then collapses producing magical bursts of light and heat, called sonoluminescence by scientists, reaching temperatures of several thousand Kelvin, and propagating as a powerful shockwave through the water with the destructive force of a rifle. Sonoluminescence is an example of quantum vacuum radiation, which is the same type of radiation produced at the event horizon of black holes, and is caused by the conversion of virtual photons into real photons.
Given its severe limits in abstraction, the mantis shrimp exists in a state of pure quality, and given its incredible gifts of perception and ability, this state of pure quality allows the soul to experience the world to the fullest degree. After the mantis shrimp dies, the soul, with this experience of pure qualia, is able to merge into the oneness of everything and is enlightened.
This is the normal course of the soul in the present day, but there was, not so long ago, a particular case involving the Karmic loophole, which through completely accidental processes, lead to the birth of one of the most influential men in recent history.
Even to this day, little is known about the Karmic loophole beyond its existence. Manifesting itself as a shooting star, or a wishing well, or an answered prayer, the Karmic loophole acts by granting the being who interacts with it one wish. Of course, in the present time, only one known living being, the human, is capable of interacting with the Karmic loophole, which may have certain profound implications for the role of human beings in the universe, but will not be discussed at the current time. The most current hypothesis regarding the Karmic loophole purported by Masterson and colleagues (2276), makes a compelling argument for the necessity of such an object.
Before this argument can be made, it is necessary to gain a basic understanding of Karma theory. Karma is based on the observation that the soul, now understood as a “physical” phenomenon like matter, follows a predictable pattern of moving closer to complete oneness. Karma is to the soul, as entropy is to matter. However, Karma works in the opposite direction of entropy, and leads predictably to the re-coalescence of all sub-souls back into total oneness. Without going into too much detail, Masterson shows that in a universe without the Karmic loophole, every event is perfectly predictable according to the natural unfolding of space and time (let us call this the material constraint of the universe). In such a perfectly constrained universe, the path of each soul back to oneness would be constrained by the initial parameters of the beginning of that universe. In the perfectly constrained universe, since the origin of the soul and of the matter is the same, the time-course of the universe would evolve uniformly on each iteration. However, as we know from quantum mechanics, the manifestation of the universe depends critically on the interaction between the soul and matter, in order to produce “reality.” According to the Hypothesis of Evolving Universes developed by Fenwick (2240) replications of universes are not uniform, and as such, reality evolves over the course of universe-lives. Although we have barely scratched the surface of understanding the mechanisms involved in the process of universe evolution, this point of view can give us insights into why such a thing like the Karmic loophole may exist. In Masterson et al.’s view, the Karmic loophole allows evolution by occurring in time and space randomly and thus disrupting the current path of time and space in unpredictable ways. It is hard to imagine what a universe with a different quality of reality would be like, and even harder to conceive of the reasons why such an evolution would occur, but perhaps, at the very least this framework will help the skeptical reader come to terms with such a miraculous event as the Karmic loophole.
The case discussed here pertains to the man responsible for some of the greater insights into the nature of the world and the peace that we enjoy on Earth today. Of course, practically everyone on Earth has learned about the work of Rumius Yeoman, and his huge impact on the course of life on Earth. However, we introduce Rumius by his name before his run-in with the Karmic loophole, which was Frank Morehouse.
Frank Morehouse was an executive at a small business with moderate success and moderate intelligence. He had a fine family whom he loved, and was regarded as a “fine man.” However, Mr. Morehouse was not satisfied with his life, and felt that something was desperately wrong. We now know that he was suffering from the psychological pressure created when the soul, whose purpose as a human is to experience curiosity and wonderment at the universe, is failing at its essential purpose. To remediate this tension, Frank would often wander, sometimes seemingly against his own will, into a forest nearby his house in an attempt to get lost. This usually didn’t help much because the forest wasn’t large, and work was always on his mind.
Frank believed that if he had more power and perhaps more vision, he could enjoy his life much more. If he had a vision, he could feel that his life had purpose and meaning. If he had power, he could make the vision a reality. At the time, it was a very common belief that these things would lead to a greater sense of meaning and purpose.
On one particular walk into the forest, Frank was feeling especially frustrated with his lack of vision. He tried to come up with a plan about how to affect the world. He had, after all, a position of relative authority and a good financial footing. He was angry at himself because he could not understand why he did not feel “self-actualized,” which was a phrase that some people used to describe the state of realization of the soul’s purpose as a human. Of course, very little about the physics of souls was known, so the theory was fairly primitive.
While he was considering his failings, Frank tripped over something in the ground and fell down. Next to him, he saw two bricks peeking out under some foliage. Forgetting his woes for a moment, and struck by the curiosity of such an odd object being out in the middle of a forest, Frank started picking away the brush to see what was underneath. After moving the vegetation, Frank discovered a well. The well went deep into the ground, much deeper than Frank could see.
This well, of course, was the Karmic loophole manifesting itself. Current theory holds that the Karmic loophole manifests physically according to its interaction with the soul that perceives it. Frank’s soul, currently operating within the constraints of the human brain, interacted with the Karmic loophole to create this well, which was the object most related to the concept of a “wish” in Frank’s mind. This explains Frank’s next decision, to throw a penny into the well and make a wish, even though it may seem strange to us now to approach a well in such a way.
Frank’s wish in the well followed the exact form of his earlier thought. He wished to have the greatest vision and power on Earth. Then he disappeared, and Frank was never seen again.
It is unclear whether the Karmic loophole misinterpreted the wish to mean the greatest perceptual vision and physical power, or whether the Karmic loophole understood Frank’s wish exactly, and it was Frank who was constrained by his own preconceptions. What is clear is that Frank’s soul was immediately converted into a living adult mantis shrimp in the Coral Sea of New Caledonia.
Frank’s life as a mantis shrimp was as average as the life of any mantis shrimp. He was 10 inches long, and rainbow colored, and spent the majority of his time tucked away into a small burrow that he dug for himself. He bred 23 times over the course of his life, and he lived for 17 years. It is what happened after the death of this mantis shrimp, which is remarkable.
Very few souls are reborn after having experienced the life of a mantis shrimp. The experience of seeing and understanding electromagnetic radiation perceptually in such a profound way, and grasping the power of quantum radiation directly, leaves few souls unsatisfied with their tenure as living beings. Eagerly, these souls merge into the oneness of everything. However, Frank’s soul, when he died as a mantis shrimp, having these profound experiences without having been properly prepared for the impact of them, was reborn instead once again as a human being.
This human was our well-known hero, Rumius Yeoman. Other than the case of Rumius Yeoman, the authors are yet unaware of a single other human who was born after being a mantis shrimp. The impact on Rumius’ soul from its experience as a mantis shrimp can only be understood by the manifestation in Rumius’ personality and behavior This can all be boiled down to one critical point: priority. Rumius could not lose sight on the goal of his soul as a human being, and with such a perspective, his impact on others was dramatic. We all know of the profound influence of Rumius on the world that we live in today. Of course, Rumius had no knowledge or memory of his life as a mantis shrimp, but this case reveals how powerful the subtle impact of the soul in its interaction with the life-form can be. This case offers a perfect example of the impact of the Karmic loophole on the course of the progression of the universe, with even a small manipulation. We are already feeling the shockwaves of Rumius’ existence only 80 years after his death, and only time will tell what the long term impact of such a man will be.
Rumius Yeoman? I can't even find him on google. I assume this is fiction I'm still trying to figure out the categories and how strict they are. Great story which actually had me considering it as a completely true story with all the spot on description of the soul and karma etc...
I enjoyed the read, thanks :)
It's fiction. I really like science fiction and to consider the treatment of spiritual beliefs and experiences in terms of future science. This was meant to be written as a case study published as a brief report in a future scientific journal in a world where science is starting to make headway in understanding the laws of Karma in a more rigorous sense. Thanks so much for the vote and for reading! Steemit is so fun! I'm not sure about the categories either, but my goal of my writing is always to make others think and hopefully grow personally - that seems spiritual to me :-).