Rose, a horror story

in #writing9 years ago (edited)

WARNING - Extremely graphic violence & psychologically horrific content. Total scenes 105. Full script now published. I hope you enjoy it and get a good fright!

Sunday 18th October pm
Scene 1

It is a cold and bright autumn afternoon in a small country town called Waterborne. The town has a few small villages nearby called Ravensdown, Rookbury and Crowridge. They in turn are surrounded largely by old farm and woodland.

Despite the hour, an old woman is sleeping fitfully in her small bed. Thick bedroom curtains are shutting out most of the light, so it’s dark and close. Her name is Rose and she is seventy five years old, one of ten elderly people who rent a small flat in the Waterborne Nursing Home. She is extremely frail, her breathing very shallow and rasping because she is dying of lung cancer.

Dr Ian Richards enters the room and moves over to Rose’s bedside. He switches on a dim bedside lamp and taking care not to wake her up, he starts to move various bits of her medical equipment to the side so he can reach her.

Dr Richards first met Rose when he was twelve years old, forty years ago. He completely worships Rose and will do anything for her. Rose has nurtured his obsessive loyalty, shaping his adult personality, using him for her own agenda. Both are ruthless in pursuit of their goals and lack empathy. Rose and Dr Richards have been preparing for her death for the last five years, in fact hastening it over the last few months. Dr Richards' obsession with Rose, coupled with her imminent demise, prevents him from fully enjoying this important step in their plans.

Tom and Miranda Foster, Ted Pickle and Martha Smith open the door to Rose’s bedroom and shuffle over to the foot of her bed. They are all very tense and not really sure what they should be doing.

This last group are also residents of the Nursing Home. They have been carefully recruited by Rose and Dr Richards in order to play a part in what is to come.

Dr Richards - Stand there. (He indicates the foot of Rose’s bed.)

Dr Richards turns his attention to Rose. He gently nudges her and she begins to stir.

Dr Richards - Rose? Rose. They’re here.

Rose gradually wakes up and Dr Richards helps her sit up. Once she is up, she turns her attention on the four people at the foot of her bed. She glares balefully at them and then almost immediately starts to cough. She continues to stare at them as the coughing becomes more and more violent. Blood sprays over the sheets and dribbles down her chin. All the Doctor does to help is hold her so she can continue looking at the others. They all look horrified, but none of them makes a sound or turns away. Suddenly, the coughing stops, Rose’s body spasms, then her head falls back. Dr Richards eases her back onto the pillow then checks for a pulse but there is none.

Dr Richards - She’s dead. All of you will come to live with me until it is time for you to fulfill your promise to Rose.

Miranda - When do we leave?

Dr Richards - Tonight. Now go. I want to be alone with her.

Dr Richards turns back to Rose. The others file quickly out of the room. Dr Richards puts his arms around Rose, totally unmindful of the soiled sheets and holds her close to him. He makes no sound.

Monday 19th October am
Scene 2

David Emery works as an accountant. He’s worked very hard for the company over the last twelve years and at forty five, is highly regarded within the company. He lives in London with his wife Claire, daughter Isabel and son Samuel. David loves his family very much and wants the best for them. However, over the last couple of years, something has gone horribly wrong. He’d been able to provide for the family, but had somehow ceased to participate within it. He’d found himself working more hours and spending more time away from home. The details of his wife’s and children’s’ lives ceased to have much meaning and the whole family has been suffering. The breakdown of his bond with the family almost ended with him having an affair.

David is standing outside his boss, Glenn Jones’ office. He is clutching a letter of resignation. It’s his family or his job and he’s made his decision. He has a determined and slightly grim look on his face when he knocks the door.

Glenn - Come in.

David opens the door and walks into Glenn’s office. Glenn is a tall, handsome man in his late forties with an open, intelligent face. He is standing behind his desk reading a printed e-mail. He smiles when he sees David, then looks down at the letter in David’s hand.

Glenn - Morning David.

David - Morning Glenn.

Glenn - What can I do for you?

David - Here.

David pushes the letter into Glenn’s already open hand.

David - It’s my letter of resignation.

Glenn opens and reads the letter.

Glenn - Do you want to sit down?

David - Sure.

Glenn - This is…….out of the blue.

David - I know. It feels sudden to me but I’ve made up my mind. I’m going ahead with it.

David rubs his temple. Now it’s come down to it, he has one or two lingering doubts.

Glenn - You know, if there are things going on, at home or….and you need time away to resolve them, it’s there.

David - No, sorry Glenn, that won’t work. It’s my family. It’s time I put them first. I’ve been putting my work first for too long and I need to do something before I don’t know them any more. Things have already gotten, well really bad. Isabel is seeing a psychiatrist, and Claire………well I just hope she’s forgiven me. I need to spend more time with them. I need to fix things.

Glenn - David, I’ve known you, what, eight years?

David - Yes.

Glenn - You’re good at your job and good for the company. We could definitely look at your remuneration if that would help?

David - Thank you Glenn, I appreciate the offer, but I really have considered this and I’ve made up my mind.

Glenn - You know, I respect what you’re doing. Believe me, I’ve considered doing the same thing and I know it’s not easy. I’ll accept your resignation then, and wish you the best of luck.

David - Thank you.

Glenn - If you change your mind, let me know.

David - I won’t.

Monday 19th October am
Scene 3

Claire Emery is sitting in the waiting room of a private psychiatric clinic with her daughter, Isabel Emery sitting next to her. Claire is a beautiful forty year old woman but she has a harried and tense look about her.

Claire gave up her career in marketing fifteen years ago to look after her children. She didn’t really like her job and was happier spending time with her family but started to resent the amount of time her husband David spent working or away with clients. She loves David as much now as when they were first married, but David had made a mistake. He hadn’t had an affair but he had come very close. Claire had been devastated by the knowledge, but accepted that he was sorry and willing to change the things that were wrong with their relationship. In her mind, if he resigns today, then everything will be ok again.

At fifteen years old, Isabel is already showing signs of her mother’s beauty. She is still thin and gangly, but has stunning blue eyes and aquiline features. She sits impatiently and fidgets whilst flicking hastily through an out-of-date magazine.

They are at the clinic to see Dr Bernard-Shaw because Isabel has some psychological problems that they are attempting to treat. She has bouts of depression which lead her to self harm. Through her treatment, they have been able to ascertain that on some level, Isabel blames herself for her father’s lack of contact with the family and her parents’ deteriorating relationship.

Dr Bernard-Shaw is a portly middle-aged man, fairly scruffy with thinning hair and glasses. He is an affable man though with an easy smile. He likes the Emery family and wants to help them.

Dr Bernard-Shaw pokes his head around the corner.

Dr Bernard - Isabel Emery.

Claire - Izzy.

Claire and Isabel follow Dr Bernard-Shaw around the corner and into his immaculate office. He sits down at his desk.

Dr Bernard-Shaw - Please take a seat.

Claire - Thank you.

Dr Bernard-Shaw - So Isabel, how have you been getting on?

Isabel - Ok.

Dr Bernard-Shaw - May I take a look?

Isabel - (Nods.)

Dr Bernard-Shaw stands up and examines Isabel’s arms and legs. Isabel has been self-harming. Her old self-inflicted wounds on her arms and thighs have healed to fine, white scars.

Dr Bernard-Shaw - Very good. No new ones?

Isabel - No.

Dr Bernard-Shaw - That’s marvelous. Well done.

Claire - She’s seemed much more like her old self over the last few weeks.

He sits back down and directs a question to Isabel.

Dr Bernard- Shaw - Mmhmm, so the emotional extremes have been reduced?

Isabel - Well, I’ve been feeling happier for longer, I think.

Dr Bernard-Shaw - And you’d agree with that? (Speaking to Claire)

Claire - Yes, I think so. Is it the new medication that’s making the difference?

Dr Bernard-Shaw - I would say that’s very likely.

Isabel - Sometimes……. I feel a bit strange, though. Especially at night before I go to sleep.

Dr Bernard-Shaw - What do you mean by strange?

Isabel - I don’t know, kind of empty I guess, ummmm, it’s hard to say. But I didn’t feel like it before I started taking the medicine.

Dr Bernard-Shaw - Ok. How long do these feelings last?

Isabel - Until I fall asleep.

Claire - She’s been sleeping more lately, but I thought that was a good thing.

Dr Bernard-Shaw starts to update Isabel’s records by typing them into a computer. They sit in silence whilst he does.

Dr Bernard-Shaw - I really don’t think we need to worry about these feelings you’re having just yet. All of us naturally go through peaks and troughs in our moods and it’s not uncommon to experience changes in your sleep pattern on this kind of medication. I think you need to give your brain chemistry more time to adjust and stabilise. Ok?

Isabel - Yea, I think so.

Dr Bernard-Shaw - Good. I’ll write you another prescription and keep the dosage at the current level. You must tell your mother if anything changes or the feelings before you sleep become more unsettling. Ok?

Isabel - (Nods.)

Dr Bernard-Shaw - Right, I’ll book you in for another check up. Shall we say in a month?

Claire - Oh.

Dr Bernard-Shaw - Yes?

Claire - Izzy, can you wait for me outside please? I won’t be long.

Isabel - Ok. Umm thanks.

Dr Bernard-Shaw - Take care.

Claire - We might be moving away soon, and I wanted to know if you thought it might harm Isabel’s progress. You know, new surroundings, a different Doctor. You’ve been very good to Izzy and she seems to be responding very well to your treatment. I don’t want to jeopardise her progress.

Dr Bernard-Shaw - It would depend a lot on the circumstances surrounding the move. Isabel seems to have reached a turning point. The medication is helping to stabilize her chemistry and the counselling is helping her to rationalize her feelings and experiences. But as we’ve discussed before, she’ll need a lot of support from you and the rest of your family if she is to have the best chance of beating this.

Claire - I know. My husband David has agreed to quit his job and we’re all moving away together, as a family. We’ll all be spending more time together in a more wholesome environment. Well, that’s the plan.

Dr Bernard-Shaw - In that case, I’m very happy for you all and I’m sure that Isabel can only benefit from such a change.

Claire - Really?

Dr Bernard-Shaw - Absolutely.

Claire - That’s great! I was so worried you’d say it was a bad idea.

Dr Bernard-Shaw - Not at all. The simple fact that both you and your husband are prepared to go to such lengths to put your family first where many others wouldn’t, well let’s just say it’s very reassuring. I’ll have detailed records prepared for your new Doctor and please, if I can help with anything at all, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Claire - That’s very kind of you. Thank you very much.

Dr Bernard - My pleasure.

Claire - Bye then.

Dr Bernard - Goodbye.

Monday 19th October pm
Scene 4

David has arrived home from work. He parks his Mercedes in a tight parking-space which is a couple of roads away from his house, then starts to walk home. He has a thoughtful expression on his face.

A young man on a bicycle suddenly swings around a corner and races past, almost knocking into him.

David - Whoa! Careful!

Cyclist - Piss off granddad!

David - You little shi........oh…..sod it.

Instead of making him feel angry, he suddenly realizes he feels as though an enormous weight has finally been lifted. He smiles broadly and sets off for home with renewed vigour.

Monday 19th October pm
Scene 5

Claire is in the kitchen making the final preparations for dinner. She still seems tense.

Claire - Sam! Can you set the table please?!

Sam - (Calls from another room.) Be there in a minute!

Claire - Now Please!

Sam - Ok, coming!

Sam sprints into the kitchen and slides across the varnished wooden floor.

Sam is twelve years old and has a warm, smiling face to go with his gregarious and kind nature. He has a scar running from the centre of his forehead to the middle of his left cheek. His left eye is tinged with red and because his right eye is crystal blue, it gives him a startling appearance. He sustained the injury when he was eight years old. He was attempting to protect his sister from some boys who were harassing her out the front of their house and was hit in the face with a brick for his trouble.

Sam - Sorry Mum, Rufus had me.

At that moment a Labrador called Rufus bounds into the kitchen, slides across the floor, taking Sam’s legs out from under him. They collapse into a heap on the floor.

Claire - For goodness sake!

Sam - It’s not me! See! Get off Rufus!

Claire - Sam, shut him downstairs then lay the table please!

Sam - Ok. Rufus. Rufus! Downstairs!

Isabel walks into the kitchen talking to her friend Sarah on her mobile.

Isabel - …I don’t know, I‘ll have to ask her…..Mum, what time’s dinner?

Claire - Soon.

Isabel - Can I go to the cinema with Sarah after?

Claire - We’ll have to see.

Isabel - What? Why? I need to know now so we can book tickets.

Claire - Well no then.

Isabel - I’ll have to call you back. Ohhh come on! Why not?

Claire - Please don’t argue with me tonight Izzy.

Isabel - Unbelievable.

Monday 19th October pm
Scene 6

David lets himself into the house. The family cat, Lucky, is lounging on the stairs. He reaches down and strokes her.

David - Hey Lucky. I guess I’ll be seeing more of you too.

David then walks into the kitchen where Claire is sorting out food, Isabel is sat down sending text messages on her phone and Sam is putting the finishing touches on the table. Claire looks worried as David approaches. He suddenly sweeps her up in a big hug which startles Isabel.

David - That’s it! It’s done! No more work for me.

Claire - Really?!

David - Well not for months anyway and it won’t ever be the same.

Isabel - How come? Did you get the sack?

David - Yep. Well no, I resigned.

Claire gives David a big hug.

Sam - I don’t get it.

Isabel - Dad’s been sacked.

David - Resigned.

Sam - How come?

David - So I can spend more time with you lot.

Sam - Great!

David - And……….now we can move!

Isabel - What? Move? Move where?

David - To a much bigger house with a garden and trees and farms and bike riding……..

Isabel - Boring! Nobody told me! I’m not going anywhere.

Isabel walks out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

Sam - Phhhrrrrr. (Sam’s not impressed with his sister’s failure to realize the potential) I’ll come!

Claire - Izzy!

David - Come on Izzy? I promise you’ll…….

Isabel - No! You can forget it.

David - How about we just talk about it?

David starts to walk towards the stairs.

Claire - Leave her. She’ll be ok.

David - Yea but what about…..I don’t want us to…you know… set her back.

Claire - We talked about this. Don’t worry, she’ll come round and the Doctor said she’s much better. He thinks it will do her good. Come on, Sam and I are happy and that’s a start.

David - I guess you’re right. (Smiling)

Claire - Oh, you’ll have to get rid of that car.

David - Fine, I’m bored with it anyway.

Tuesday 20th October am
Scene 7

It‘s 3 am and Dr Richards is driving alone in his black range rover. He is heading towards Waterborne hospital.

Through the car windows you can see he is talking to himself whilst gesticulating, as if he’s having a passionate conversation with somebody in the car. He is alone and you can’t hear what he’s saying.

Once he reaches the hospital he follows signs towards the mortuary which is closed for the night and in part of an adjacent wing to the main hospital. He switches his headlights off and parks very close to the entrance. He gets out of the car and looks around briefly. There is no security camera overlooking the mortuary. He goes to a door and unlocks it using a key. Quickly stepping inside, he disables the alarm then opens the car boot and drags a full body bag onto his shoulder. He proceeds to take the body inside. He manages to get through a couple of free swinging double doors and use the key on another door which opens into the storage area. He carries the body over to a row of steel cabinets. He checks the labels until he finds the one containing Rose’s body, opens the container, then sets about removing her body and replacing it with the one from the car. He places Rose’s name-tag on the toe of the other elderly female’s body, then carries Rose’s body outside, placing her gently in the back. Finally, he resets the alarm, locks the door and drives away.

Tuesday 20th October am
Scene 8

Dr Richards arrives back home after his excursion to collect Rose.

His home is a detached mansion with a drive, automatic gate and several acres of land. His land is surrounded by farm and woodland and is a part of the village of Crowridge.

As he approaches the turning onto his drive, the gates start to swing outwards automatically. He drives along it until he reaches a point where the marks of a car have previously cut into the grass. He follows this track which veers away from the drive and heads towards a heavily wooded area.

As he drives along he begins to talk to himself again.

He reaches the edge of the woods and stops the car. He gets out, opens the back and reaches in to get Rose. Once she is over his shoulder, he walks along a path into the woods and stops when, not long after, he reaches an old wooden shed. He stops by the door and gently lays Rose on the ground. As he stands up he speaks to Rose.

Dr Richards - Nearly there. Once I’ve hung you up, I’ll take your bag off for you.

He unlocks the door of the hut, picks Rose up again and carries her inside. There is nothing in the hut other than a dirty, rusted walk-in freezer and a running generator which provides the power. He opens the freezer door and flicks a light switch. The light is not very bright and flickers weakly. There are several large hooks attached to the ceiling and he grapples her onto one of them. Then he reaches forward and starts to unzip the body bag. Only Rose’s dead face is visible when again he speaks to her.

Dr Richards - I’ll be dropping in from time to time. It won’t be long before you’ve got company anyway. I know it’s cold, but we need to keep you fresh.

Tuesday 20th October am
Scene 9

Tom and Miranda Foster, Ted Pickle and Martha Smith are sitting in the spacious lounge of Dr Richard’s home. They are not speaking. They hear the front door slamming shut as Dr Richards returns from hanging Rose’s corpse in the makeshift freezer. He walks into the lounge, takes a seat and puts his feet up on the table.

Ted Pickle is sitting opposite from Dr Richards and he leans forward. He looks agitated.

Ted - Well?

Dr Richards - (After a very long pause.) Well what?

Ted - Did you get her?

Dr Richards - Yes.

Ted - Where is she?

Dr Richards - In a safe place. She’ll be perfectly preserved until it’s time for her to come out.

Ted - How long will that be?

Miranda - What does it matter Ted? We’re here until we’re required.

Ted - And what are we supposed to do till then?

Miranda - We wait.

Dr Richards - Correct.

Ted - What happens if they discover the switch before the funeral?

Dr Richards - They won’t.

Ted - What if………..

Dr Richards Look, Ted, I’m already getting tired of your apparent anxiety and highly irritating questions. The only thing any of you need worry about for the rest of your lives is fulfilling your promise to Rose. I will tell you when that time comes and Ted, remember that I can make what’s left of this life…….deeply unpleasant.

Ted - (Nods slowly and visibly diminishes.)

Tom - It’s ok, we get it. No-one’s backing out.

Dr Richards - How very reassuring.

Martha Smith directs a question at Dr Richards.

Martha - I have a question, please.

Dr Richards - What is it?

Martha - Will you be attending the funeral?

Dr Richards - Certainly not.

Martha - There might be someone who expects you too. People who know you were close to Rose.

Dr Richards - Perhaps, but no-one will care who attends because there won’t be anyone attending and that twisted priest certainly isn’t going to say anything. Besides, I quite like the idea of our…replacement, going into the ground without mourning or note.


Tuesday 10th November am
Scene 10

Dr Richards is walking down the main staircase. He has a small overnight bag packed and looks as if he’s going away. He walks into the living room and finds Tom Foster sitting alone in one of the armchairs. He’s reading yesterday’s paper and drinking tea.

Dr Richards - Tom.

Tom - Yes?

Dr Richards - Where are the others?

Tom - I expect they’re in their rooms asleep. I can go and wake them if……….

Dr Richards - No. I’ll be away tonight. Tell them I’ll be back tomorrow.

Tom - Ok.

Dr Richards - And Tom, make sure nobody leaves this house.

Tom - Fine, but you might be interested to know that we’re running out of essentials.

Dr Richards - What?

Tom - You know, toilet paper, food, tea bags…….

Dr Richards - Ok, I get the point. Fine, I’ll pick up some things on the way back. Can you last till then?

Tom - Yes.

Dr Richards - Keep an eye on Ted.

Tom - I will.

Dr Richards leaves the living room, opens the front door and slams it shut.

Tuesday 10th November am
Scene 11

It is the day of Rose’s funeral and she is to be cremated. In her will she stated her wish to have her ashes buried in the Crowridge church grounds. It is a very old church and has a shabby appearance. Many of the graves are very old and not well maintained. On one side of the church land is an old wood which seems to be creeping towards the graves, smothering them in its darkness.

The undertaker, a very tall and gaunt man with long fingers is getting out of his car. The vicar, an exceptionally ugly man is waiting out among the graves beside a small freshly dug hole. The undertaker, dressed all in black, presents to the Vicar a case containing the ashes of the dead woman who was substituted for Rose.

Vicar - Ahhhh there you are.

Undertaker - I got delayed. Doesn’t look like it matters though eh?

Vicar - No. Poor soul. No-one to send her off.

Undertaker - No-one at the crematorium either.

Vicar - Well someone paid for her spot…..and the marker.

Undertaker - She probably did that herself. Ehh, it’s engraved too. What’s it say? (Squinting)

The Vicar steps around a small mound of earth and crouches to look at the small stone marker.

Vicar - It says “See you soon, Rose.” No date.

Undertaker - That’s a bit creepy isn’t it. I like it.

Vicar - That’s because you’re far creepier than anything else around here. Ha ha. You look like one of your corpses. Ha ha ha ha!

The undertaker doesn’t laugh. He stares at the laughing Vicar in a peculiar but menacing manor until the Vicar stops laughing. Then the undertaker suddenly starts to laugh and after a short time, the vicar starts again too.

Undertaker - Ha ha ha ha.

Vicar - Ha ha ha ha.

During the peak of their unsettling merriment, the Vicar unceremoniously drops the case of ashes into the hole.

Alex Alderney a sergeant from the local constabulary in Waterborne is walking his dog along the path that runs alongside the parish grounds.

He is a widower in his late fifties, his wife and son having died in childbirth twenty years ago. He was deeply in love with his wife and could not bring himself to be with another woman. He lives nearby the old church and frequently walks down the lane, past the church and on down one of a few public footpaths that penetrate the surrounding farmland.

He looks over and sees the Vicar and Undertaker talking, then unceremoniously drop the case of ashes into the hole.

Alex - Ho! Vicar! What’s going on here?! Not saying a few words today? Peanuts, here! Prrrrrr. (Talking to his dog)

The dog takes no notice and he walks over towards the vicar and undertaker.

The Vicar is saying something under his breath to the Undertaker who responds under his breath.

Vicar - That’s just great isn’t it. What are the chances? Now he’s gonna come over here and start sticking his nose into our business.

Undertaker - Useless nosey policeman.

Alex - What’s that?!

Undertaker - Oh nothing your honour.

Alex - Is that it then? We just toss them in these days do we?

Vicar - Well, I’ve done the rite and there’s only us here, so….

Alex - So? What about a bit of respect man? Now I’ve warned you before that I’d have no problem in taking word of your conduct to your superiors.

Undertaker - You can’t do that. He might lose his home.

Alex - He’s a priest. He should show a bit more interest in his job, and a greater duty of care for the dignity of his parishioners, alive or dead. Who is it anyway?

Vicar - Rosemary Shivers. She died recently at Birchwood.

Undertaker - Cancer.

Alex - Ahhhh yes, the day before four of her old friends at the home disappeared. They still haven’t turned up.

Vicar - Probably gone on a cruise.

Alex - Where are her family and friends?

Vicar - I guess she didn’t have any, accept those others that have run off.

Alex - What about that Doctor of hers….Richards, Dr. Richards? Apparently he knew her well. Certainly cared for her above and beyond the call of duty it seems.

Undertaker - Maybe he’s busy keeping some other soul with us?

Alex - Perhaps you’re right. Look, say a few words, for pity’s sake. You’re supposed to help her pass on or something aren’t you?

Vicar - Fine. Bow your heads then.

Alex - And you. (Speaking to the Undertaker)

Vicar - We’re all gathered here today to mark the passing of Rose………

Tuesday 10th November pm
Scene 12

The Emery family are looking around a beautiful and fairly large cottage. It is detached, has a long gravel drive (not in perfect condition,) a couple of acres of land and shares a border with a large wood and a farm. The house is situated on the outskirts of the village of Ravensdown, near Waterborne.

Sam is investigating the garden and shed with Rufus. David and Claire are coming out of the front door looking pleased and speaking to the estate agent. Isabel is following behind looking a little sullen although not altogether disinterested, when she thinks no-one is looking.

Estate Agent - The owners have recently emigrated.

Claire - Really, where?

Estate Agent - South Africa I think.

David - Has anyone else had a look yet?

Estate Agent - No, not yet. It’s only just come on the market. I expect it’ll go pretty quick.

David - You’re probably right. What do you think? (To Claire.)

Claire - It’s definitely the best so far. Izzy?

Isabel - It’s ok.

David - My God, quick we’ll take it!

Isabel - Shut up Dad.

David - Joke. Sam! Come on, we’re going!

Sam - Ok!

Claire - Thank you for showing us around.

Estate Agent - My pleasure.

David - We’ll have a think and let you know if we’ll be making an offer, hopefully soon. Is that ok?

Estate Agent - No problem at all. Give me a call if you have any more questions or you want to take another look.

David - Any chance you could like not show it to anyone else for a couple of days?

Estate Agent - Mmmm, I’ll see what I can do.

They start getting into the car which is parked in the driveway in front of the house.

Sam - It’s got my vote.

David - It’s certainly got potential, hasn’t it.

Claire - Yes, the kitchen’s lovely, and the garden……..

Sam - ……And Rufus loves it and I think Lucky will too…..

David - ….I can put some wine in that cellar, and then there’s the fireplace…….

Claire - Izzy, what about you? You must have an opinion. Please share it with us.

Isabel - Like I said, It’s better than the others.

David - Well then, it sounds to me like all we have to do now, is come up with the cash. Any ideas?

Tuesday 10th November pm
Scene 13

Sergeant Alderney is in his car, driving towards Waterborne Hospital. He pulls into the car park and finds a space near the main entrance. He is there to see Dr Richard’s because he’s not entirely happy that Rose’s ashes were laid to rest without a friendly face.

He gets out of the car and walks into the hospital, then over to the main reception. The receptionist is on the phone so he sits down to wait in a chair opposite the reception desk. After a while, she finishes and he stands up and approaches her desk.

Alex - Hello, I’m Sergeant Alderney. Can you tell me where to find Dr Richards please?

The receptionist checks her computer.

Receptionist - He’s on till 16:00 today so he’ll probably be in his office, but he’ll be leaving shortly.

Alex - How do I get there?

Receptionist - I’d better call through first.

Alex - Honestly there’s no need. I’m just popping in.

Receptionist - Ok, if you follow this corridor, take the second left, keep going to the end of the corridor then turn right and follow the signs for 106.

Alex - Thanks very much.

Alex sets off down the corridor and takes the second left. As he’s walking he notices that there doesn’t appear to be anyone around and that it’s very quiet without even much background noise. He walks for a long while and the hospital is not very big so he starts to feel a bit confused by how far he seems to be going. After a while, the signs for 106 point him back in the direction he’s just come from so he stops and looks around.

At this point he hears someone cry out in pain, the sound coming from a room slightly further up the corridor. There is another cry and he quickly enters a ward which contains empty beds apart from one in the corner. A patient in a medical gown is lying curled up on the bed facing away from Alex. Alex rushes over and reaches out to touch the patient’s shoulder.

Alex - Are you o……

The patient turns towards Alex at his touch, which causes his arm to recoil when he sees the patient has no hair or eyes and only slits where its nose and ears should be. There is blood leaking from the slits and he’s cradling a bloody placenta.

Patient - I am coming. (Very alien. Very loud and deep voice seemingly coming from everywhere.)

Suddenly the patient lunges at Alex with it’s gaping mouth wide open and he cries out and falls backwards……..

……….Alex is lying on the floor next to the chair he’d been sitting in, opposite the hospital reception. The receptionist is next to him, helping him get to his feet.

Receptionist - Are you ok?

Alex - Ummmm, yea, I…..

Receptionist - Oh dear. You have a nosebleed.

Alex - Oh, have I?

There is a small amount of blood trickling out of both nostrils. Alex instinctively wipes his hand across the area beneath his nose and looks at the blood on his hand.

Receptionist - You must have dozed off for a second, maybe bumped your nose as you slipped off the chair. You cried out and then fell on the floor.

Alex - Yes, well…..

Receptionist - Gave me a bit of a fright.

Alex - I’m ah sorry. Ummm, I’m here to see Dr Richards?

Receptionist - I’m afraid he’s just left.

Alex - Wonderful.

Receptionist - Sorry.

Alex - No, no. Not your fault. Errrrr, Thanks again.

Receptionist - No problem.

Alex leaves the hospital grumbling and rubbing his head and the receptionist turns back towards her desk whilst shaking hers.

Tuesday 10th November pm
Scene 14

Dr Richards is driving in his car. He’s angry because he saw the Detective, Alex Alderney, asleep in the hospital reception as he left and knew that couldn’t be good news.

Dr Richards - Stupid, stupid. Unnecessary risks.

It’s starting to get dark and he’s driven a long way from Waterborne when he pulls the car over in a lay-by. He’s on the outskirts of a small town and has parked near a public common.

Dr Richards - The dam funeral. She’ll be furious.

He folds his arms and sits, waiting.

Tuesday 10th November pm
Scene 15

Tom and Miranda Foster are sitting in the living room watching tv.

Ted Pickle and Martha Smith are in the kitchen. Martha is making tea and Ted is rubbing his head and looking anxious. He gets up and walks over to Martha after glancing at the kitchen door to check no-one was nearby.

Ted - Martha.

Martha - Ummmm?

Ted - Can I ask you something?

Martha - Go on.

Ted - I’ve been……what do you think, about what we’re doing?

Martha - What do you mean? I’m here aren’t I? I would have thought it was obvious.

Ted - Sure, I realize that. You’ve always been committed. But are you still sure that this is…….

Martha - I’ve never been very fond of you Ted. And these questions are extremely irritating. Get to the point or leave me in peace.

Ted - For Christ Sake Martha, I’m just asking to see if anything’s changed that’s all. Do you have any doubts? I know none of us are saints, and Rose was very convincing about……everything. But, don’t you think this is all a bit bloody crazy now she’s dead? We’re sat here in this place waiting for a madman to decide when he wants us to die so we can carry messages to a dead person who’s apparently stuck in some strange dimension full of nothing accept evil spirits.

Martha - You’ve been involved in this for a while now Ted. Don’t you think you should’ve dealt with any doubts before now? You know what’s at stake.

Ted - Of course I do. But I haven’t killed anyone and nor have you. We’ve done some bad things but we’ve never taken a life. Is it too late for us? I’ve been thinking about….well…..the possibility of redemption. Even now, we might just die and bypass the void altogether, who knows? I wanted what was promised, but what will be the cost? Even if everything Rose said is true, we really have no idea what we’re dealing with or what the consequences will be.

Martha - The empty words of a coward. You offer nothing when we stand to gain everything! (Quietly intense)

Ted - Please Martha, at least consider that Rose and Richards might be completely insane. Or at least that they’re getting us into something we don’t understand. Do you really want to die for them?!

Martha - Shhhhhhh. For Christ sake keep your voice down. You certainly won’t convince either of them (Tom & Miranda) and if they think you’re getting cold feet……

Ted - Alright!

Martha - It’s pathetic. You’re an old man with nothing and no-one. What’s left to live for anyway? Why don’t you pull yourself together and grasp this opportunity? Whatever happens.

Ted - I’ve tried, honestly. But I’ve got this feeling that something’s going to go horribly wrong. I feel ill, deep in here. (He points to his stomach.)

Martha - You’re just anxious.

Ted - No. There’s more. I’ve been hearing a voice……in my head.

Martha - A voice? What voice?

Ted - I hear it mainly at night.

Martha - You’re hearing voices. I think that settles the question of who’s insane.

Ted - It’s real.

Martha - Of course. What do the voices say?

Ted - Not voices, I said voice.

Martha - Fine. What does it say?

Ted - I can’t tell. It’s very deep, and I think it’s speaking in a different language. When I hear it though, I feel really sick and I get this horrible feeling……..its, like every single bit of happiness I’ve ever had is gone and there’s nothing left that makes me who I am. I’m some kind of hollow shell. Isn’t that what we’ll be inflicting on these others? I don’t want to feel like that for more than a second and trust me, you wouldn’t either.

Martha - Like I said, it’s a bit late to be getting all squeamish. We may not have killed but look at what you have done.

Ted - I know, but maybe there’s still time to change, to make amends.

Martha - No. You’re in too deep now Ted. Voices. (She shakes her head condescendingly.) You need to keep yourself together or you’ll regret it. Stick to the plan and we’ll be just fine.

Martha gets up and stalks out of the kitchen.

Ted - No we won’t.

A very deep and loud voice begins to talk in a strange language. It seems to be coming from everywhere at once but only Ted can hear it. He looks around wildly and visibly shrinks into himself. He is terrified. He grabs his head with his hands.

Ted - Oh God. I…I…have to get out of here.

Wednesday 11th November am
Scene 16

A young woman is jogging along a path through some woodland with her dog. It’s about 7:00 and her breath is creating lots of vapor because it’s cold. Her dog (a Jack Russell called Jack) is keeping pace with her.

She reaches a fence with a style and hops over, her dog squeezing through underneath and runs on ahead. The path comes out of the forest and turns into a track which runs parallel with some parkland. The track takes her past an empty parked car. (The car belongs to Dr Richards.) She runs slightly beyond the car then looks down for her dog. He’s nowhere to be seen.

Jogger - Jack? Jack! Silly dog.

She is not particularly concerned as Jack frequently runs off then comes back. She turns and starts to continue jogging. After only a few steps she hears a yelp.

Jogger - Jack!? Jack!! Here boy!! Where are you!?

She runs back towards where the car is parked as that was where the yelp had come from. As she runs past, she sees Jack lying on the floor, whimpering. His back legs aren’t working. She runs over and tries in vain to get him up.

Jogger - Ohhh no! Jack! What happened?!

Suddenly, the woman is knocked flat. Dr Richards has crept up behind her and knocked her to the ground. He leans over her and injects her with a large syringe. She falls rapidly unconscious. He opens the boot of his car and shoves her in. He goes back for the dog, stamps on it and throws its corpse into the back of the car with the woman. He then gets into the car and drives away.

Wednesday 11th November am
Scene 17

Peter Edwards, Claire’s father is making himself and his wife, Violet a cup of tea in the kitchen.

Peter is in his late sixties and is retired. He spends his time looking after Violet, who is blind, determined that her quality of life will not suffer as a result of the cruel viral infection that turned her beautiful blue eyes into useless white and black orbs. They are fairly affluent and frequently take trips abroad or around the country. He’s a tall man, once very powerful and has a generous and kind nature. He dotes on his children and grandchildren. He has been concerned for his family for some time, having witnessed them all changing for the worse, growing apart over the past few years.

Peter finishes making the tea then carries the cups and saucers into the living room where Violet is sat in an armchair listening to the radio and knitting.

Violet had been terrified when she had gone blind seven years ago at the age of sixty. The only thing that had saved her from the horror and depression had been Peter’s constant reassurance and determination that she could adapt. He had patiently helped her learn to knit and was her guide on their travels. He was a wonderful man and mean’t the world to her. She was so relieved that it looked as if Claire and David were going to be able to make a fresh start. It was a shame they were moving so far away though. Both her and Peter were considering moving to wherever their family ended up.

Peter - Ready.

Violet - Thank you dear.

Peter - Here you are.

Violet sets aside her knitting as Peter puts the cup and saucer down on the little table by her chair.

Peter - Mind. It’s still hot.

She feels to the side of her seat with her hand, searching for coffee table.

Violet - It’s alright, I’ve got it. (Playfully irritated at the obviousness of the statement.)

Peter - So, they got the house then?

Violet - Yes, isn’t it wonderful.

Peter - And when do we get to visit?

Violet - Claire suggested in a few weeks. They move in on the 17th of November and said we should visit the weekend after that. And to come down on the Friday to make the most of it. I think it’ll be the 27th.

Peter - Good. Let me tell you, they were lucky their house sale went through so quickly.

Violet - I know. They should be properly settled in time for Christmas.

Peter - How’s Isabel doing?

Violet - Really good. Claire said she’s feeling a lot better and is even starting to get used to the idea of moving away from her friends.

Peter - I knew she would. Her friends can always visit her can’t they?

Violet - That’s right, and she’ll have loads to show them.

Peter - Sam’ll be in his element.

Violet - (Nods.) He’ll be a handful you mean. Best place for him though.

Peter - You know, I never thought David would do it.

Violet - What, quit his job?

Peter - Mmmm. I was worried that they’d already grown too far apart.

Violet - Oh come on, he adores them. He’s worked so hard for them all. They just got the balance wrong.

Peter - Maybe.

Violet - We all make mistakes Peter.

Peter - I know. They really need him to come through now though.

Violet - He will.

Peter - I hope you’re right.

Wednesday 11th November pm
Scene 18

It is eleven o’clock in the evening and Ted is standing in his bedroom by the window that overlooks the front of the house. He’s made a decision to leave and his meager belongings are all packed into one tatty suitcase. There has been no sign of Dr Richards, Miranda and Martha are in bed and Tom is downstairs asleep in front of the television. Now was his chance to get away from this madness. He wanted to disappear and to give Dr Richards no chance of ever finding him again.

Ted - Now or never.

Ted grabs his bag and leaves his bedroom being careful to close the door quietly. He creeps down the stairs, (he can hear the noise of the television coming from the living room.) Once he’s at the bottom, he heads for the kitchen because there is a back door. It’s raining outside. Once he reaches the kitchen he closes the door carefully and puts his suitcase down by the back door.

The voice that Ted has been hearing suddenly begins to speak, louder this time and accompanied by a deep, hum that gets louder and quieter. He looks around with his hands over his ears, petrified. He rushes to unbolt and unlock the kitchen door, but because of his panic, he struggles with the task and is making a lot of noise. (No-one else can hear the voice or hum, which to Ted, is almost deafening at times.)

Tom suddenly wakes up with all the noise coming from the kitchen. At first he’s a little disorientated but then he hears the scraping noises that seem to be coming from the kitchen. He gets up to investigate.

Ted has managed to open the kitchen door and is desperately reaching for his suitcase when Tom opens the kitchen door and sees Ted.

Tom - Ted?! What are you doing?!

Ted - I’m going Tom! Please! I’m going!

Ted turns around to escape through the kitchen door and is immediately hit on the head with a shovel by Dr Richards who is standing, rain-soaked in the doorway. Ted collapses onto the kitchen floor unconscious. The voice and hum subside.

Wednesday 11th November pm
Scene 19

Tom is bent over Ted checking his condition and Dr Richards puts down the shovel and looks down at Tom and Ted.

Tom - He’s alive.

Dr Richards - Of course he is.

Dr Richards leaves through the kitchen door and Tom slumps down onto a chair at the kitchen table. He stares at Ted. After a while, Dr Richards returns with the unconscious Jogger over his shoulder.

Dr Richards - Go fetch the others.

Tom rushes off to get the others and Dr Richards lays the unconscious body of the woman on the kitchen table. He sits down to wait and after a short while the others walk into the kitchen. The two women are still in their bedclothes.

Dr Richards - First, I must apologize. I completely forgot to collect the supplies we needed. I hope we can all make do until tomorrow. Any objections?

Nobody says anything as they are all completely thrown by the absurdity of the comments given the current situation.

Dr Richards - Wonderful. Now. I believe it has become necessary to accelerate the execution….(chuckles to himself)…of our plans. It is time to make our first attempt to contact Rose. Two of you are as yet, unsuitable for the task and tonight, we shall remedy the situation. Wake him up Tom.

Tom - How?

Dr Richards - Throw some cold water in his face and if that doesn’t work, I’ll give him some medicine.

Tom gets a glass out of the cupboard and fills it with cold water. He throws the water in Ted’s face and he wakes up spluttering and flailing his arms. He groans, holding his hand to the place where Dr Richards had hit him with the shovel.

Dr Richards - Hello Ted. Now that you’ve re-joined us, we can get on with things. I’ve found a way to help you come to terms with your……..commitment. I know you’ve been struggling a bit and I want to help.

Ted - Grrrreeegggrrr (Groans and says something unintelligible.)

Dr Richards - Please. Don’t thank me. This girl here is the one you should be thanking.

Ted - Please. Please let me go. I don’t want…...

Dr Richards - Shhhhhhhhh.

Ted - No, please. Please.

Dr Richards - Ted! You’re one of us. It’s far too late to turn back. Accept your fate with some measure of dignity. Remember. You have been chosen to be a part of something cosmically magnificent. Gratitude or pride might be more appropriate sentiments.

Martha is examining the Jogger.

Martha - She’s not dead?

Dr Richards - No. She’s sedated.

Tom - What do we need her for? Send me, I’ll make contact with Rose.

Dr Richards - Tom. Whilst I admire your dedication, I would prefer it if you didn’t jump to and voice your own conclusions. Now, I want you (Tom) and Ted to carry her upstairs to the first floor bathroom.

Tom grabs Ted, who is still whimpering and terrified, and gets him to his feet. Tom and Ted pick up the girl, carry her out of the kitchen and up the stairs to the first floor. Martha opens the bathroom door and they all enter behind Tom, Ted and the girl.

Dr Richards - Put her in the bath.

They lower her into the bath then stand back and look expectantly towards Dr Richards. Dr Richards closes the bathroom door then moves forward and checks the girl’s pulse. Satisfied she’s still alive he moves back to stand in front of the bathroom door. The bathroom is too small to comfortably hold everyone and combined with the dark circumstances, it creates a very tense and claustrophobic atmosphere.

Dr Richards - Ok good. Now I want you Ted, and you Martha, to kill her.

There is no way out of the bathroom as Dr Richards is standing in front of the door, flanked by Tom and Miranda who begin to grin wickedly. Martha looks shocked and frightened and then determined. Ted looks completely shaken, pale (all the blood having drained from his face) and totally defeated.

Ted - What? Now?

Dr Richards - Yes. Despite knowing you are both thoroughly despicable individuals, to my knowledge, neither of you have committed murder, and I need to make absolutely certain that you will reach Rose in the void. Given that we know it’s a place of evil, Rose and I decided it would be best not to waste your sacrifices and make sure you qualified. I’m fairly certain though that, especially in your case Martha dear, this is simply a formality.

Ted - But how?

Dr Richards - It really doesn’t matter. Just get on with it.

Ted looks longingly towards the door but realizes he has no chance of escape. Ted and Martha look at each other, then down at the girl. They advance on her and stop as if unsure of what to do next. They remain poised on the threshold of the despicable act.

Dr Richards - Do it NOW!

Dr Richard’s sudden exclamation shocks them into action. Ted cries out and lashes out with his foot, kicking the girl in the side of the head. The girl starts to spasm involuntarily. Then he lunges forward, wrapping his arm around her neck, pulling her head back over the end of the bath as he collapses behind it. Martha climbs into the bath and starts to moan as her hands grope the girl’s face. Her fingers find the girl’s eyes and she starts to push her thumbs into them. The girl’s shuddering gets worse as her face turns blue and blood starts to stream from her eyes. Martha’s moaning gets louder as the girl somehow clings to life. Martha moves her hands to cover the girl’s mouth instead and she pushes until the girl is completely still.

Ted lurches to his feet and vomits all over Martha and the dead girl then collapses in the corner. Martha appears not to notice and continues to stare at the body in the bath. Dr Richard’s steps forward to check the girl’s pulse.

Dr Richards - She’s dead. Excellent.

Dr Richards takes a syringe out of his pocket and quickly injects the contents into Ted’s leg. Ted immediately tries to get up in a panic but collapses and falls unconscious.

Thursday 12th November am
Scene 20

Ted slowly begins to regain consciousness. His vision is very blurred but he can just make out some darker shapes moving about. He’s still in the bathroom, but now he’s tied to a chair and he is alone with Dr Richards.

Ted - Uuuurrrr….

Dr Richards - Good, you’re awake.

Ted - Wass appning? (Slurs his words.)

Dr Richards - I’m sending you to the void. You’ll be carrying a short message and I want you to deliver that message to Rose.

Ted - You rrr ssending me to hell.

Dr Richards - That’s not entirely accurate Ted. But we certainly don’t have time for a philosophical debate. Now I need you to gather your wits and concentrate.

Ted - (Starts to cry.) I don’t want to die. Please don’t send me.

Dr Richards - I know. I understand. You’re having a terrible day. All you wanted to do is get away from me. To get out of here and forget any of this ever happened. I’m sorry, but we are going through with this.

Ted - No, please.

Dr Richards slaps Ted viciously around the face which shocks him out of his tears.

Dr Richards - You chose to get involved. You made your promise to Rose. Remember? If you do it right, you may even get your reward. Now, listen to me very carefully. I am going to inject you with this. You will enter into a deep coma at which point I will use this (hand operated respirator) to breathe for you. You will be very, very close to death and will hopefully pass into the void. If Rose is there, she will be waiting and will be drawn to you because your remaining life-force will be like a beacon in the darkness. After a short while, I will inject you with this and you will be forced to regain consciousness very quickly. I want to know if Rose is in the void, do you hear me? I must know if she’s there. When you wake up, you will tell me.

Ted - So I….I….don’t have to die?

Dr Richards - I’m afraid the drugs I’ll be administering will cause a great deal of damage to your brain. There is no way around it. You’ll die within seconds of regaining consciousness.

Ted - Oh.

Dr Richards - If you do make contact with Rose. Give her this message. Awaiting selection.

Ted - Is that it?

Dr Richards - Say it! (Slaps him)

Ted - Awaiting selection.

Dr Richards - Here we go then.

Thursday 12th November am
Scene 21

Sam is asleep in bed, when he hears something in his sleep, becomes restless and wakes up. He looks around at his clock and realizes that it is still very early in the morning. He starts to try to get back to sleep but realizes he needs to empty his bladder. He sighs and gets up. He walks out of his bedroom and goes to the toilet. On his way back he hears something and stops walking. It is somebody quietly crying and it is coming from the direction of his sister’s bedroom. He heads up to her door and sees that it is slightly ajar. He quietly opens the door and goes inside. Isabel is sat on the window sill with her legs tucked up and her head on her knees. He walks over to her.

Sam - Izzy. Are you ok?

Isabel - (Sniffs)

Isabel looks up and sees Sam.

Isabel - Go away.

Sam walks over to her and put his hand on her arm.

Sam - No, I won’t go away. You’re crying.

Isabel - Of course I’m crying but you wouldn’t understand.

Sam - I will if you tell me.

Isabel - (Sniffs) Go back to bed.

Sam - Tell me what’s the matter. I promise you’ll feel better.

Isabel - Fine. The only reason Mum and Dad are moving us away and pretending to be happy is because I’m sick and they feel guilty. But I don’t feel sick anymore and when they find out I’m getting better, Dad’s going to leave us.

Sam - So….the problem is, you’re getting better.

Isabel - Exactly. There’ll be no reason for Dad to stay. You remember how it was when he was never around?

Sam - Well yea, but him and Mum seem really happy now and we’re all moving away together, aren’t we? I think Dad loves you and Mum and me and that he wants to be with us. I think if you get better he’s going to be even happier.

Isabel - Are you sure?

Sam - It’s pretty obvious.

Isabel - I guess so.

Isabel pinches Sam playfully and smiles.

Sam - Oi. Are you ok now?

Isabel - I feel a bit better.

Sam - (Yawns.) I’m going to bed then.

Sam turns and heads towards the bedroom door.

Isabel - Thanks Sam.

Sam - S’alright. Nite.

Thursday 12th November am
Scene 22

Dr.Richards has finished administering the first injection and is now assisting Ted’s breathing.

Suddenly, Ted’s whole body spasms violently. He goes ridged and tries to straighten out against his bonds. Then his body sags. Dr Richards opens up the front of his shirt and listens for his heartbeat with a stethoscope.

Dr Richards - Be there Rose.

Dr Richards checks his watch then prepares the second injection which will rapidly revive Ted. He checks his watch again, then injects Ted. Nothing happens. Dr Richards reaches for his stethoscope and suddenly Ted wakes up screaming.


Dr Richards - What’s this?

Ted immediately starts fighting with his restraints holding nothing back.

Dr Richards - Ted!


Dr Richards - TED! IS SHE THERE?!!


Dr Richards grabs Ted and starts to shake him.

Dr Richards - IS SHE THERE, YOU FOOL?!!

Ted - NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!…..

Suddenly Ted makes a kind of strangled noise in his throat and dies. Dr Richards is still standing over him, shaking him and doesn’t immediately realize.

Dr Richards - IS SHE THERE?!! TED!

Dr Richards finally notices that he’s holding a corpse.

Dr Richards Useless…

Dr Richards has raised his arm to strike Ted’s body then, realizing the futility, stops himself. He turns and walks out of the bathroom and slams the door.


Saturday 21st November am
Scene 23

The Emry’s are continuing to move into their new home. Much of the work has been done since they started on the 17th but there are still boxes around and the odd paint tin. Sam is in the garden playing with Rufus. Isabel is in her room sorting out her things. Claire is directing the unloading of the last load of their belongings. David is in the cellar measuring it up for his new wine storage. Lucky (the cat) is sat in a tree lazily watching everything.

Saturday 21st November am
Scene 24

Dr Richards is out in Waterborne buying some groceries and other essentials in the local supermarket. He has just finished paying and is walking out of the door when a stranger who happens to be rushing past knocks into him and sends a couple of his bags tumbling to the ground.

Dr Richards - For pity’s sake!

Stranger - Sorry mate.

The stranger starts to help pick up the spilled goods. Sergeant Alderney is walking along the street on the opposite side of the road. His attention is drawn by the commotion and he looks over and sees Dr Richards.

Dr Richards - Why don’t you watch where you’re going?

Stranger - Look I said I was sorry mate.

Dr Richards - Look will you kindly stop saying that. I’m not you’re 'mate.'

Stranger - Sod you then, prick.

The stranger drops the goods in his hands and stalks off.

Dr Richards - That’s right peasant, leave someone else to clear up your mess.

Dr Richards goes back to re-packing his goods. Sergeant Alderney arrives and picks up a large pack of toilet paper.

Alex - Having one of those days?

Dr Richards - Yes, If only I could…..ah…

Alex - Here you are. (Hands him some tinned food that had rolled away)

Dr Richards - Thank you.

Alex - I came to visit you at the hospital the other day.

Dr Richards - Really?

Alex - Yes. I just missed you as it happens. Not a problem, but seeing as you’re here.

Dr Richards - What can I do for you?

Alex - I wanted to ask why you didn’t attend Rosemary Shivers’ funeral the other day?

Dr Richards - Is there any particular reason why you felt I should have?

Alex - Not really. Just curious. It’s an occupational habit I’m afraid.

Dr Richards - Did you know Rose?

Alex - No. It’s just that I was walking by the church yard, with the dog, when I saw that prat of a Priest and his Undertaker friend having a laugh as they rather unceremoniously dropped her ashes into the ground. Well, I felt I had to say something and I went over. I realized there were no family or friends to bear witness and I felt sorry for the old girl. You were her physician?

Dr Richards - Yes. Rose and I have known each other for quite some time. She was an engaging woman. Her passing has left a bit of a void to be honest. I wish I could have done more for her, but the cancer was highly aggressive. Despite her best efforts to fight it, there was only ever going to be one outcome.

Alex - I’m sorry.

Dr Richards - I regret my failure to attend the funeral already. I don’t know what I was thinking.

Alex - Look. I’m sorry for your loss and I’m even sorrier for bringing it up.

Dr Richards - No. I thank you for showing concern for her dignity.

Alex - Well that’s the last of it. (The spilled shopping.)

Dr Richards - Indeed.

Alex - All that lot’s for you then?

Dr Richards - Yes. Well no. I have some guests….at the house. Friends. Goodbye Sergeant.

Dr Richards turns away and walks briskly off towards his car. Alex watches him go. He feels like something isn’t as it seems with the Doctor. His reaction to the comment about the quantity of food was forced and uncomfortable. It seemed to catch him off guard. Was it odd that Dr Richards had failed to mention Rose’s other four friends who were currently missing? Perhaps he’s hiding from that worry too.

Alex - There’s definitely.......something.


Friday 27th November am
Scene 25

Peter and Violet are on a train approaching Waterborne. They are due to meet David, Claire, Isabel and Sam at the station. There is a little girl of five who is sat with her family in the same carriage. She seems to be tired and is acting up, crying sporadically whilst her parents try to keep her quiet.

Peter - Nearly there love.

Violet - Oh good. I feel like we’ve been sitting here for days.

Peter - I hope the platform at our stop is longer than the last one, or we’re in trouble.

Violet - Oh?

Peter - Well I just don’t fancy my chances if I have to jump off with that bag of yours. How long did you think we’d be staying?

Violet - For goodness sake. I’ll carry it then.

Peter - No, no. If I let you do it, we’ll never get off.

Violet - Fine. Quit moaning then.

Peter - That little girl’s got a pair of lungs, hasn’t she?

Violet - Oh leave her alone. And don’t stare. You’ll just frighten her and make it worse.

Peter - I think we’re nearly there. Quick, escape for the tiny terror!

Violet - Behave.

The train manager makes an announcement over the loudspeaker.

Manager - We will shortly be arriving at Waterborne. Please ensure you remember to take all your belongings. We hope you’ve had a pleasant trip. The next station will be Waterborne.

Violet - Shall I get up now?

Peter - Yes please.

Violet - Have you got the bags?

Peter - It certainly feels like it.

Violet - Come on then. I can’t wait.

Peter - Ok, hold on to my jacket. Got it?

Violet - Got it.

Friday 27th November am
Scene 26

The train stops and doors unlock. The passengers ahead of Peter and Violet begin to disembark. Peter can see his family through the train windows. The little girl is still crying behind them.

Peter - There they are. They’re waiting just a bit further up the platform.

Violet - Have they seen us?

Peter - Yes. They’re waving and heading over.

Peter starts to wave back then he gets the luggage off the train and then helps Violet onto the platform.

Friday 27th November am
Scene 27

The Emerys are standing on the platform and spot Peter getting off the train then turn to help Violet off. They wave and start to head over to meet them.

Sam - There they are Mum!

Claire - Let’s go and help Granddad with the bags.

Sam - We’ll do it. Come on Izzy.

Izzy - Ok.

Sam and Isabel head off towards their Grandparents.

David - I hope they’ve forgiven me.

Claire - Forgiven you for what?

David - You know. When things were going wrong. They know I nearly……

Claire - Yes, but they were just worried for us. They don’t blame you and you actually didn’t….

David - But I did make a mess of things for a while.

Claire - Hun, we’ve both made mistakes. You’ve made it possible for us to fix them. Look how happy we are now. Try to stop worrying hey?

David - You’re right. I love you.

Claire - I love you too.

Claire and David share a brief kiss. The others are just approaching and they turn to greet Peter and Violet.

Claire - Hi Mum, Dad. How was the journey? Ok?

Claire gives her parents a hug whilst David hangs back a little. Sam and Isabel are helping with their belongings. They all start to walk towards the walkway leading off the station platform to the car park.

Violet - Yes, fine. I only wish I could’ve seen all the lovely countryside out the window. Instead, I had to listen to your Father talking about wailing children.

Peter - Pshtttt. (Shakes his head.)

Claire - What about that music player I got you for your stories?

Violet - Well, it’s really good, but I don’t like to have those things in my ears. I prefer it coming out of the speakers and you can’t do that on a train.

Claire - Ahhhhh.

David - How are you Peter?

The little girl is now having a full blown tantrum in the station car park and crying loudly. She is being told off by her parents. They are not far away from the Emery’s car.

Peter - Oh good, good. Looking forward to seeing the house.

David - Of course. I really think you’ll like it.

Sam - The garden’s huge and Dad’s going to help me dig a pond…..for fish and stuff.

They are heading towards the car and Peter is slightly distracted by the little girl who is still screaming.

Peter - That sounds like a great idea! If it’s big enough, perhaps you can get a boat?

Sam - A boat! Yea a boat. Dad?

They all reach the car and David opens the boot and begins to pack the luggage. Peter looks over towards where the little girl is still crying.

David - Why not? We could go fishing in it.

Peter is about to get into the car when the little girl breaks away from her mother’s hand and runs out towards the middle of the car park. At the same time a car pulls into the car park and the driver seems to be looking around for a space.

Peter - No.

Without stopping to think about it, Peter launches himself towards the little girl, moving directly into the path of the car. He stumbles as he reaches her, (ahead of her mother who hasn’t seen the car as she’s facing her daughter,) and is only able to push the girl out of the way. His stumble leaves him directly in front of the car which hits him in the side, knocking him onto his back. The car is not going fast and the driver slams on the breaks. He hasn’t reacted quickly enough and the car’s momentum rolls the front two wheels over Peter’s body.

Girl’s Mother - Sarah!!!!

Claire - Dad!!!!

Friday 27th November am
Scene 28

From Peter’s point of view – Peter was initially knocked unconscious. He is lying on his back and as he begins to wake up, his bleary vision and ringing ears are assaulted by sights and sounds he can’t make out. There are people crowded around his head and part of his upper body which is sticking out from underneath the side of the car. Someone (the driver) is saying sorry over and over. Someone else is screaming for an ambulance. Another voice, nearer is telling him it will be ok. He tries to focus on this closer voice. He needs to know if the little girl is ok. He tries to ask but there is blood in his throat and lungs and he can’t make himself heard.

Peter - G….g…rlll. G….glll

Peter slips into unconsciousness.

Friday 27th November am
Scene 29

Dr Ian Richards is walking along one of the hospital corridors, turns a corner and starts to head towards the entrance. It is quite a long corridor and as he walks he notices an old woman (Violet) sitting down on one of the waiting chairs along the side of the corridor virtually opposite one of the entrances to the A & E department.

A younger woman (Claire) rushes in through the hospital entrance, followed closely by a man (David) and two children (Isabel and Sam.)

(The camera swings to Claire’s point of view around Violet. Further up the corridor, Dr Richards has stopped and is watching, unnoticed. Claire sees Violet sat further up the corridor. She turns towards David.

Claire - Will you wait here?

David - Of course.

Claire heads towards Violet (who stares blindly straight ahead) but just before she reaches her, a Doctor opens a set of double doors in the wall opposite Violet and walks over to her. He has failed to notice a streak of blood, running down the front of his gown. Dr Richards continues to watch in the background.

Doctor - Mrs. Edwards?

Violet - Yes?

Violet lurches up as the Doctor speaks her name. He quickly steps toward her and reaches out to steady her. She grabs hold of his arm and the front of his gown. Her hand smears through Peter’s blood on the gown.

Doctor - I’m so sorry.

Claire reaches Violet and the Doctor.

Violet - Oh God! Peter.

Claire - Doctor please. (Looking pointedly at the blood on his gown)

Doctor - Ahh.....I’ll get something immediately.

Violet - Wait! Say it. Please.

Doctor He passed away in theatre from his injuries. They were extensive and we were unable to revive him. I’m very sorry, I’ll go and…….

Claire - Mum, let go. Let’s sit down over her.

Claire starts to pull Violet away from the Doctor and she lets go of the front of his gown, then suddenly she tightens her grip on his arm and swings back toward the Doctor and slaps him in the face with the hand covered in Peter’s blood.

Claire - Mum!

Violet - You took him away and now he’s gone!

Doctor - I’m truly sorry.

Claire - Thank you Doctor. Come over here Mum.

Violet - They wouldn’t let me……I didn’t say goodbye.

Claire is starting to sit Violet back down on the chair when her eyes suddenly roll back into her head and she collapse against Claire and onto the floor. As Violet collapses, the watching figure of Dr Richards steps out of view.

Claire - Mum! David!

Claire turns her mum onto her side and runs to the doors through which the Doctor had just stepped, but there is another corridor which is empty. Claire turns and runs a bit up the main corridor.

Claire - David! We need help! Mum’s collapsed!

David - I’m coming!

Claire returns to her mother’s side and tries to make her comfortable.

Claire - Hold on Mum. Please hold on.

Saturday 28th November am
Scene 30

Violet has had a stroke and is lying on a crash table as hospital staff frantically attempt to stabilize her. She is unconscious.

The voice that Ted had been hearing in his head begins speaking. It is deep and loud with the rhythm of a rite. There is an accompanying deep buzzing hum, getting quieter then louder.

Friday 27th November pm
Scene 31

David is standing with his arms around Claire in a hospital waiting room. Her face is buried in his chest. Sam and Isabel are sat next to each other. They are very quiet and still, they’re eyes swollen and red.

The voice continues.

Saturday 28th November am
Scene 32

Violet is lying unconscious in a hospital bed. She is stable. Doctor Ian Richards quietly walks into her intensive care ward and over to her bed. He injects her with some clear fluid, then walks away. Her heart rate starts to decline as the drug takes effect. An alarm is triggered a nurse rushes in. She sees that Violet’s heart rate is dropping and hits an alarm……

Saturday 28th November am
Scene 33

The Doctor who attempted to prevent Violet from slipping into a coma enters the hospital waiting room where the family have been awaiting news of Violet. He goes over to David and Claire.

Doctor - Mr. and Mrs. Emery?

Claire - How is she?

Doctor - Would you step out for a moment please?

David - Of course. Wait here kids, we won’t be long.

They step into the corridor.

Claire - Is my Mother ok?

Doctor - I’m afraid she’s had a stroke. We were able to stabilize her. However, she took a turn for the worse and has fallen into a coma.

Claire - A coma? What the hell is happening?

David - What does that mean exactly?

Doctor - The initial bleed was quite small and she was lucky to receive rapid treatment. Unfortunately, the coma could be the result of anther small bleed that we were not able to find. We’ve done all we can for now and I’m afraid we’ll have to wait and see.

Claire - I can’t take this.

David - Thank you Doctor. (To Claire) Yes we can.

Claire - No. She’s given up. That’s what’s wrong with her.

David - Of course she hasn’t. Listen to me. Nobody’s given up. And nobody is going to give up. Least of all us. Ok? Ok?

Claire - I’m sorry. I can’t lose them both…..not like this.

David - She’ll be alright. She will.

David holds Claire close.

Saturday 28th November pm
Scene 34

Dr Richards is driving home from the hospital very fast. He reaches the gates to his driveway and waits impatiently for them to swing open.

Dr Richards - Come on!!

He roars up the driveway and skids to a halt in front of the front door. He leaps out of the car and rushes into his house.

Dr Richards - Hello!! Hello!!

He walks directly into the sitting room where Miranda and Martha are sitting. Tom, who was in the kitchen, follows the noise and walks into the sitting room.

Miranda - What’s up?

Dr Richards - We have to move fast.

Tom - What’s happened?

Dr Richards - I was presented with an opportunity and I took it. An unexpected stroke of good fortune. We must contact Rose immediately. I’m going to send two this time to make sure. Let’s hope you Martha, and you Tom, are more resilient than Ted.

Martha - You’re sending us now?

Dr Richards - Indeed! No time to lose. If the host reaches The Void? Now it has truly begun.

Saturday 28th November pm
Scene 35

Tom and Martha are both tied to chairs in the first floor bathroom. Tom looks grim but resolute, Martha looks terrified. Dr Richards is preparing two sets of injections whilst Miranda is standing quietly by the door.

Dr Richards - It’s very important that you tell Rose the following. ‘Her name is Violet. Stage two, under way.’

Tom - What if we can’t find her?

Dr Richards - From what Rose has told me, she will find you.

Tom - Ok.

Dr Richards - Martha. (No response, she’s so frightened) Martha!

Martha - Yes?

Dr Richards - Do you understand everything I’ve said?

Martha - Yes.

Dr Richards - Both of you, repeat the message.

Martha, Tom - ‘Her name is Violet. Stage two, under way.’

Dr Richards - Good. Here we go then.

Dr Richards injects both Tom and Martha. They both spasm and pass into a deep coma, bordering on death.

Dr Richards - Now Miranda.

Miranda steps forward and using a second breathing apparatus, starts to assist Martha’s breathing as Dr Richards assists Tom. After a minute or so, Dr Richards glances at his watch.

Dr Richards - Ok. Stop.

Miranda steps back and waits quietly whilst Dr Richards injects Tom and Martha with the revival drug.

Dr Richards - Come on.

Martha is the first to regain consciousness. Her eyes flutter open weakly then her eyes roll back in her head.

Dr Richards - Martha? Is she there? Did you reach her!?

Martha - Guuurgg.

Martha’s head slumps forward as she suddenly dies At the same time Tom starts to regain consciousness.

Dr Richards - Dam it!

Miranda steps forward and tries to rouse Martha.

Dr Richards - No leave her, she’s gone. Come on Tom. Tom!

Tom’s eyes suddenly snap open and he regards Dr Richards and Miranda with absolute clarity. His speech is strained however.

Dr Richards - Tom……

Tom - Rose… Has message. Pleased. Violet in…..void. Will….go on with plan. Miranda…...don’t….c….c…come…….here……

Tom’s eyes roll back in his head, his tongue hanging loosely from his mouth and he dies.

Dr Richards turns to Miranda, a look of glee on his face.

Dr Richards - Did you hear that?! She’s there! She’s there!! She’s going for Violet! It’s working!!

Miranda - Tom……

Dr Richards - Yes, yes.

Miranda - What do you think he mean’t?

Dr Richards - It doesn’t matter does it? He’s coming back. They’re all coming back!!

Saturday 28th November pm
Scene 36

The family are in the intensive care unit. Sam and Isabel are asleep on chairs. Claire is sat by the bed, holding Violet’s hand and David is standing beside her. David turns to look at the children, then looks at his watch.

David - Claire. We should take the kids home soon.

Claire - Will you take them? I want to stay with her.

David - Of course.

Claire - I can’t leave her.

David - It’s ok. You don’t have to.

David gives Claire a big hug then turns and picks up Sam, who is asleep. Then he gently nudges Isabel who wakes up.

David - Come on, we’re going home.

Isabel - What about Mum?

David - She’s staying here to watch over Gran.

Isabel goes over to Claire and gives her a hug.

Isabel - Night Mum. Do you think she’ll be ok?

Claire - I hope so sweetheart. But she’s very sick.

David - We’ll be back in the morning. Come on Izzy.

David leaves with the children as Claire continues her silent vigil.

Sunday 29th November am
Scene 37

Sergeant Alderney is driving towards Dr Richard’s home. He is dressed as a civilian and in his own car.

He parks the car in a lay by then reaches around to the back seat and picks up a small set of binoculars and a small black notebook. He gets out of the car, locks it then heads off down the road towards Dr Richard’s home.

Sunday 29th November am
Scene 38

Dr Richards is getting out of his car. He has parked up near the shed in the woods where he is keeping Rose’s body. He moves around to the boot and heaves one of two black body bags onto his shoulder then heads over to the shed. He tries to unlock the shed without putting the body bag down but can’t manage both tasks as the bag is heavy. The bag slips and he drops it.

Dr Richards - Dam!

He unlocks the door then picks the bag back up with difficulty and walks into the freezer. Rose and Ted are hanging from two of the hooks. He hangs the bag from one of the other available hooks.

Dr Richards No doubt you’re fed up with old Ted for company. Excuse me Ted. (He shoves Ted out of the way.) So I’ve brought Tom and Martha.

He walks back out of the freezer and after a few moments comes back in with the other body bag and hangs it on one of the remaining hooks. He removes both the bags then walks towards the freezer door, turning briefly as he leaves.

Dr Richards - Well done Tom. Well done indeed.

Sunday 29th November am
Scene 39

Sergeant Alderney has positioned himself among the woods at the edge of Dr Richard’s land some way from the gateway to the drive. He is peering through his binoculars at the front of the house. Initially there seems to be nothing of interest but then Dr Richard’s car appears from the left, driving across his land from the direction of the woodland with the freezer.

He continues to watch as the car pulls up in front of the entrance to the house. Dr Richards gets out of the car and takes some items from the back. As he approaches the door, it opens and an old woman steps out and takes some of the items from him then heads back into the house.

Upon seeing the old woman, Sergeant Alderney immediately grabs his black notebook, flicking through until he finds the photographs of four people. They are of Tom Foster, Ted Pickle, Martha Smith and Miranda Foster. It was Miranda Foster at the door.

Alex - Bloody Hell?! There it is then.

He sets off quickly back to his car.

Sunday 29th November am
Scene 40

At the hospital, Violet’s body is lying in her hospital bed with Claire asleep in the chair beside her.

Violet’s consciousness is elsewhere, drifting through complete darkness in absolute silence. She is in the void.

Violet’s consciousness manifests itself as a reflection of her physical form, faintly glowing with a soft, pulsing, white light.

After a while she becomes aware of a presence near her although she can see nothing in the total darkness.

Violet - I can see. Where am I? Hello? Is someone there? Peter?

Rose - Hello.

Violet - Who? Who are you?

Rose - I am Rose.

Violet - I can’t see you. I’m no longer blind but I can’t see anything.

Rose - You are not blind. Here, you don’t see with your eyes. You cannot see me because I don’t yet want you to.

Violet - I don’t understand. Am I dead? I need to find my husband.

Rose - No, you are not dead. I am here to help you.

Violet - What are you?

Rose - I’m a guide.

Violet - A guide? To where?

Rose - Home. Home to your family.

Violet - My family? You know my family? How? Where’s Peter? I need to find him.

Rose - You are Violet Edwards and I’ve been waiting for you.

Violet - Waiting? Where are we?

Rose - We are in a place called ‘The Void.’

Violet - Void…I…I can’t remember. They told me…..Peter….that Peter had died. And then there was a pain…….a terrible pain in my head…..and I was falling.

Rose - The Void is a place of death but you are alive Violet.

Violet - What about my husband here? Is Peter here… The Void?

Rose - No.

Violet - Where is he?

Rose - We don’t have much time now. Let me explain. Under certain conditions, a consciousness that is still attached to a living body can pass into The Void. I accidentally discovered that when a person is in a highly traumatized state and at the same time, in a very deep state of unconsciousness, part of them travels here. I don’t know why it happens. Perhaps the nature of this place attracts pain. Perhaps it’s something else. In fact it seems rather unfair because those who don’t belong here are often discovered by those that do. Your dead husband, if he was here at all, has certainly moved on. This…limitless place of barren emptiness holds only the depraved psyches of the damned.

Violet - Oh my.

Violet becomes aware of something. A noise, a vibration. It is full of menace and coming nearer.

Violet - What’s that?!

Rose - You’re sensing the approach of something malevolent, a true denizen of the void. It’s being drawn to you. It can feel your life, like a spear in it’s twisted mind. It is consumed with the need to spoil and extinguish you.

Violet - Please. I’m frightened.

Rose - There are a vast number and some are very, very old. I’m fairly certain that the majority were not originally human. But they all have one thing in common. They harbour appalling appetites that have festered for an age and trapped in this eternal waste, their corruption has grown and intensified.

The feeling/sound is getting nearer and more menacing.

Violet - Oh no! I can feel it coming closer!

Rose - Of course. You have no protection. Your psyche is open. If it reaches us, you will taste with exquisite clarity, an abyss of obscenity.

The entity is very close now.

Violet - Please! Help me!

Rose - There’s only one way. You must go back.

Violet - How? What do I do?!

Rose - Reach out and place your hands as if they were either side of my face.

Violet tentatively reaches her hands towards the voice.

Violet - Like that?

Rose - Just like that. Violet?

Violet - Yes?

Rose - I want you to know something. You are going back. BUT I’M COMING WITH YOU!!

Rose’s face becomes visible between Violet’s hands. Her face is horrifying, twisted and full of malice.

Violet - (Screams.)


Sunday 13th December am
Scene 41

Violet sits bolt upright in her hospital bed screaming as she wakes out of her coma. Claire, who is arranging some flowers next to Violet’s bed, is startled but tries to calm Violet as she struggles to get out of bed

Violet - (Screams.)

Claire - Mum!

Violet - Help me!

Claire - Nurse!! Mum! It’s ok!

Violet - No! Get her out! Get her out!

Claire - It’s ok, it’s Claire! Calm down!

Violet - No! She’s come back with me!

Claire - Nurse!

Violet - She’s inside me!

Claire - No-one’s inside you. It’s just a dream.

Violet slumps back, exhausted.

Violet - Get her out. Get her out.

Claire - Mum. You’re ok. It’s just a dream.

Nurse - What happened?

Claire - She just woke up, screaming and shouting……

Nurse - Hello Violet.

Violet looks directly at the nurse……she can see. Nobody seems to notice.

Violet - I couldn’t find Peter….

Nurse - I know. You’ve had a terrible shock and been rather unwell.

Violet - She said her name was Rose….

Nurse - Just a dream dear, just a dream.

Violet - I can see.

Claire - It’s ok Mum.

Nurse - I think I’ll fetch a Doctor to check you over. Ok?

Violet - I can see you.

Nurse - I can see you too dear.

Claire - Oh my God. My mum is completely blind.

Violet - I can see you.

Nurse - Oh. Yes. I…..I’ll get the Doctor.

Violet suddenly leans forward and vomits.

Claire - Mum!

Violet starts to cry.

Nurse - Oh dear.

Claire - What’s happening? How is this possible?

Violet - I don’t feel very well.

Nurse - It’s ok. Here take this in case she’s sick again. I’ll fetch the Doctor.

The nurse leaves to page the Doctor. Violet looks at Claire…..

Violet - It wasn’t a dream. She came back…..with me. (Crying)

Claire - Who did?

Violet - Rose.

Claire - Who’s Rose?

Violet - I don’t know. My Peter’s gone.

Sunday 13th December am
Scene 42

David, Isabel and Sam are coming out of the front door to their home and are getting into the car.

Sam - How long’s Gran been in the coma?

David - It’s been two weeks today.

Sam - But she’s awake now?

David - That’s what you’re Mum said.

Isabel - I thought she was going to die like Granddad.

David - She’s pretty tough. She’ll pull through.

Sam - Let’s get her a present to cheer her up.

David - Good idea, but remember, it will seem to her that Grandpa only just died and she’s probably going to be very sad. Just try to take it easy.

Sam - Ok.

David - Ok Izzy?

Isabel - Yea.

David - Right, let’s go.

David drives off towards the hospital.

Sunday 13th December am
Scene 43

Shortly after David has driven off towards the hospital, Dr Richards pulls into the driveway of the family’s home. (He knows there is nobody in as he’s been watching.) He sits still in the car and flashes back to the last message to come out of the void with Miranda………

Miranda is tied to the chair in the first floor bathroom and Dr Richard’s has just administered the revival drug. She awakes with a fierce intensity in her eyes.

Miranda - ………Rose has…left the void. Make haste….

…………Flashes to the freezer in the woods where all five bodies, including Miranda are hanging. He reaches up and takes hold of Rose………

Dr Richards - It’s time to come out Rose.

…………He comes back to himself and gets out of the car. Quickly, he checks the house for any sign that someone is still in, then confidently moves to one of the ground floor windows. He opens the window with ease and climbs into the house. He walks through the house to the front door, opens it then heads back to his car. He opens the boot and heaves a full black body bag onto his shoulder and also picks up another, smaller bag and carries them into the house. After a long while, he walks back out of the house with the empty bag, slightly muddied. Then he takes some tools out of the car, locates the family’s phone line, climbs up the telephone pole and attaches a device to it. He then gets into his car and drives away. (The device will enable him to monitor the Emery’s phone calls and if he chooses, intercept them.)

Sunday 13th December pm
Scene 44

David, Sam and Isabel have just entered the main entrance of the hospital when Claire comes rushing over to them.

Claire - I’m so glad you’re here.

David - What’s the matter?

Claire - It’s Mum, she can see.

David - What? Err how?

Claire - They don’t know. She’s having some tests.

Sam - Gran can see again?

Claire - Yes.

Isabel - That’s really good isn’t it?

David - It’s incredible. Was it something to do with the stroke?

Claire - They don’t know. They can’t explain it and with her eyes the way they are, she should be as blind as before.

David - Will she still be able to come home?

Claire - I’m not sure…but at least it’s a bit of good news for Mum, hey?!

Sunday 13th December pm
Scene 45

Dr Richards is driving along the country lanes towards his home. He has a smile on his face. He pulls up towards the gate to his driveway and discovers a police car parked outside with Sergeant Alderney patiently waiting by the gates. Dr Richards pulls up and opens his window.

Dr Richards - Good afternoon. What can I do for you?

Alex - Dr Richards. Some new information has come to light regarding some missing persons.

Dr Richards - Oh?

Alex - Those acquaintances of Rose……Ted Pickle, Martha Smith, Tom and Miranda Foster.

Dr Richards - Ah! You’ve found them.

Alex - Perhaps.

Dr Richards - They’ve been lodging with me at the house.

Alex - They’ve been your guests?

Dr Richards - Indeed. But I’m afraid they departed recently and failed to leave any contact information.

Alex - You were aware that they had been registered as missing persons by their families and the home operator?

Dr Richards - Yes.

Alex - So why didn’t you contact the Police?

Dr Richards - They asked me not to.

Alex - And you think that was a responsible decision?

Dr Richards - I felt it was the only decision I could make.

Alex - I’d like to have a look around your property, if I may?

Dr Richards - I’m afraid that won’t be possible. At least, not until you have legal authorisation.

Alex - I can do it that way if you like.

Dr Richards - I would prefer it. I’m rather busy at the moment you see. Well if there’s nothing else.

Alex - No, nothing else.

Dr Richards - Good day.

Sunday 13th December pm
Scene 46

David, Claire, Sam (who is bored) and Isabel are waiting in Violet’s hospital room when the Neurologist returns with Violet in a wheelchair.

Neurologist - You have visitors.

Claire - Look who’s come to see you?

Sam - How’re you feeling Grandma?

Violet looks directly at her waiting family with her white and black eyes. She is not smiling and looks very frail and withdrawn. She turns to the Neurologist.

Violet - Can you ask them all to leave please?

Claire - Mum!? What’s the……

Neurologist - Ahhh…..could I have a word with you please? Outside? Please?

Claire - Ok.

Neurologist - Give me a second whilst I get her settled.

Claire - Fine. David, kids.

Sam - I want to give…………

Claire - Now please Sam.

The family walk solemnly out into the corridor and wait for the Neurologist whilst he helps Violet into bed.

After a short while the neurologist steps into the corridor and closes the door behind him.

Neurologist - Shall we step in here?

He indicates a vacant waiting room.

David - You guys wait over there. (Speaking to the children) We’ll explain what’s going on in a bit. Ok.

Sam - Phhrrrr, ok.

David - Thank you.

David and Claire follow the Neurologist into the waiting room and close the door.

Claire - What’s going on?

Neurologist - I’ll do the best I can but I’m afraid that we’ve left scientific certainty behind.

David - What does that mean?

Neurologist - It means that I have very few concrete answers for you I’m afraid.

Claire - Just tell us what you do know then.

Neurologist - It seems Violet has undergone some kind of neurological transformation. Areas of her brain have become active in a way I’ve never seen and to be honest, I don’t know what this additional brain function is doing. For example, she has regained her sight, something I would have said was impossible given the damage to her eyes, and yet the evidence is irrefutable. I have absolutely no precedent on which to base any kind of diagnosis and I don’t know how she is able to see.

Claire - What about the way she woke up, her nightmare?

Neurologist - That could have been the result of the increased brain activity and her sudden transition to full consciousness. She may have experienced an extremely vivid dream. Added to which, she is still in shock and trying to deal with the knowledge that her husband is gone and she has been very ill herself. It may also be very hard for her to have suddenly regained the use of her eyes. There may be other less obvious symptoms of her increased brain activity. I hope that given time, the feelings of her having been invaded will pass.

David - So what can we do about….all of it? Is she going to be ok?

Neurologist - I’ll be sending the data I’ve collected to a colleague who has more experience with the more exotic neurological disorders. I’d like Violet to stay here for a couple more days to ensure she is stable but after that, it’s really up to you. From my point of view she is a remarkable woman, possibly unique and I would like the opportunity to run some more tests and try to work out what is going on. On the other hand, you’ve all suffered a great deal lately, it’s coming up to Christmas and she’s not a young woman. It might be best for you to get her home, get on with your lives and contact us if anything new happens. Obviously, if my colleague can offer anything, I’ll contact you.

Claire - Thank you so much. I want to take her home.

David - Me too.

Neurologist - I think that would be best for Violet, and all of you.

Monday 14th December am
Scene 47

It is morning and Sam is playing outside with Rufus. Their land backs onto a farm owned by Farmer Robert Walker, who is walking by the fence that divides their land. There is a cow following him. Sam, who is out walking and playing with Rufus, sees him and runs over.

Sam - Hello! Wait up! Hi!

Robert - Mornin’.

Sam - You must be the Farmer.

Robert - Clever aren’t ye’.

Sam looks at the Farmer with one eyebrow raised.

Robert - Of course I’m the farmer.

Sam - Cool. Why is that cow following you around like that?

Robert - Mmmm. More a nuisance if y’ask me. Rear’d her mesel. She’s more like a bloomin’ dog.

Sam - What’s her name?

Robert - Daisy.

Sam - Hi Daisy.

Sam touches the cow through the fence and gets his hand licked.

Sam - Errr, that’s one slimey tongue. I thought Rufus was bad. I live over there.

Robert - Aye, moved in fairly recent. So tha’s Rufus?

Sam - Yea.

Robert - You make sure Rufus stays away from me sheep and we’ll get along just fine. Here, give her (Daisy) this. (Dog biscuit)

Sam feeds it to Daisy.

Sam - Whhoaa! She really likes them.

Robert - Aye.

David - Sam! (From the front of the house.)

Sam - That’s Dad. I’d better go see what he wants. I think we’re visiting my Gran.

Robert - Off you go then.

Sam - Nice to meet you and Daisy!

Robert - Come on Daisy.

Monday 14th December pm
Scene 48

Claire is sitting next to Violet in the hospital room. Things are still strained between them. Violet has just finished her lunch, although she hasn’t eaten much of it.

Claire - I wish you’d talk to me.

Violet ignores Claire.

Claire - You should try to eat more.

Violet turns away from Claire.

Claire - Can’t you see I’m trying to help?

Violet turns suddenly and aggressively.

Violet - Help! You’ve got no idea what I’m going through.

Claire - I’m trying.

Violet - But you don’t believe me!

Claire - The Neurologist said……….

Violet - I don’t give a fig for what the Doctors say. Rose is in there. In my head.

A nurse backs into the hospital room with a trolley to pick up Violet’s food tray.

The nurse turns towards Violet and reaches for the tray. Violet turns white with terror. The nurse has Rose’s face. Violet screams and lunges at the Nurse’s face with her hands.

Nurse - Ahhhhhhhhhh!

Claire - Mum!! No!!

Violet - It’s her!! It’s her!! It’s her!!

The Nurse reels and topples onto the floor. Claire rushes over to the Nurse and Violet collapses back into her bed and turns her back on them.

Claire - Are you alright?

Nurse - I’m fine, I’m fine. Just startled really.

Claire - Are you sure?

Nurse - It’s ok. It happens.

Claire - You’ve got a scratch.

Nurse - Not to worry. It's not the first time and it won’t be the last.

Claire - Thank you.

Nurse - Why don’t we make sure Violet’s ok.

Claire - Mum?

Violet starts to cry.

Claire - Shhhhhhh. Shhhhhhhhh. It’ll be ok. I’m taking you home. Shhhhhhh.

Violet - I’m s…s…..sorry.

Claire - It’s ok, I love you Mum. You’ll be alright.

Violet - I.......maybe I’m…..mad.

Claire - You’re not mad, you’ve just been through a hell of a lot. I’m going to get you home and look after you until you’re better. Ok?

Violet - (Nods)

Claire - It’ll be alright.

Monday 14th December pm
Scene 49

Sergeant Alderney is sat in his car (unmarked) staring at nothing. He looks to be deep in thought.

Alex - There’s nothing for it, you’re on your own.

Alex starts the engine and drives off.

Monday 14th December pm
Scene 50

Sam and Isabel are sat on Violet’s hospital bed and they are all chatting quietly and playing cards. Claire and David are standing to the side talking quietly about Violet.

David - Don’t you think she should have her own room?

Claire - I really don’t. The Neurologist said that her sleep might be a bit disrupted. She’ll be reassured if she wakes up and with someone else sleeping nearby.

David - Is Sam ok with it?

Claire - Of course he is, bless him.

David - What time will she be released?

Claire - Sometime in the afternoon. Can you make sure we’re stocked up?

David - I’ll do a shop tomorrow morning.

Claire - Thank you. We’ve got one more big hurdle though.

David - What? Dad’s funeral?

Claire - (Nods)

David - Let’s get her home first. One thing at a time.

Claire - Ok.

Tuesday 15th December pm
Scene 51

Claire is waiting to take Violet home after a final check by the neurologist.

Neurologist - Ok, so you may find your sleep becoming disturbed again. That’s nothing to worry about but you can come back and see me any time. Let’s me see your eyes.

Neurologist shines a light in each eye.

Neurologist - Still nothing. Well you are a bit of a mystery Violet. But at least you can enjoy a bit more of the world around you.

Violet - Yes.

Neurologist - Ok then, you are free to go!

Claire - Thank you.

Tuesday 15th December pm
Scene 52

Claire and Violet have just got to Claire’s car in the hospital car park and they are both smiling.

Claire - Get in and I’ll pop this lot in the back.

Violet - Ok.

Violet gets into the car then after putting their belongings on the back seat, Claire gets into the driver’s seat next to Violet and doesn’t notice that Violet has gone very pale and withdrawn and is staring directly ahead.

Claire - I can’t wait to show you the house! It’s the perfect place for you to recuperate.

Violet - I hope so. I am glad to be leaving the hospital.

Violet glances in her wing mirror as she says this. Rose is peering back out of the mirror. She is standing some way behind the car and is smiling and waving.

Violet shuts her eyes.

Violet - Please can we get going?

Claire - Of course. Here we go.

Claire reverses the car out of the space. Only Violet can see Rose.

Claire follows the exit signs and leaves the hospital grounds, joining the main road.

Claire - That’s it, we’ve left the building. You can relax now Mum.

Violet opens her eyes and checks the wing mirror. There is no sign of Rose.

Violet - Phhhewwww. I thought we’d never get out. I thought it was all a trick.

Claire - What do you mean trick?

Violet - Never mind. What were you saying before? About the house?

Claire - Oh, just that I can’t wait to show you. It’s such a beautiful place, I just think you’ll feel a lot better once you get used to living there…………

Violet is not really paying attention to what Claire is saying again. She is looking at herself in her wing mirror.

Claire - Hello? Mum?

Violet has turned pale.

Violet - It’s nothing.

Claire - It’s ok. Just try to relax.

Violet - Ok

Tuesday 15th December pm
Scene 53

David is clearing up in the kitchen having prepared some dinner. Sam is sketching at the kitchen table. There is evidence of Christmas decorations having been put up around the house.

Sam - What time are they getting home?

David - Not sure. They should be home soon.

Sam - So Gran’s better then?

David - Better. But she still needs a lot of rest before she’s fully recovered.

Rufus walks into the kitchen and puts his front paws on the table next to Sam. His paws are not clean and some of the dirt is transferred to some of Sam’s sketches..

Sam - Rufus! Down! Thanks a lot.

David - It’s not that bad. Why don’t you clear it away?

Sam - Might as well now. Bad dog.

Isabel walks into the kitchen.

Isabel - Dad?

David - Yes?

Isabel - Can I invite my friend Sarah to stay over for a couple of days?

David - You’ll have to ask your Mother, but I doubt it.

Isabel - Ooookay. You did say I could have friends down here right? It was part of the deal.

David - I know, I remember. Just give Gran a few days to settle in.

Rufus suddenly barks and runs to the front door. Claire and Violet have pulled into the driveway.

Isabel/Sam - Gran!!

Isabel and Sam run outside towards the parking car and David strolls after them. Violet gets out of the car and is greeted by Sam and Isabel. Rufus is also rushing around in the excitement and is just as keen to greet Violet.

Isabel/Sam - Hi Gran!

Violet - Hello you two. (Gives Sam and Isabel a big hug.)

Isabel - You look much better.

Sam - Yea much better!

David - Not so loud Sam!

Sam - Sorry. (Quieter)

Isabel - So what do you think?

Violet looks around at the front of the house and the garden.

Violet - Well. It’s lovely.

Sam - Yep and you haven’t seen half of it.

David walks over to Claire having noticed she looks a bit agitated.

David - Everything alright?

Claire - Yea. She’s still very anxious.

David - That’s ok. She only just left the hospital. Give it time.

Isabel - Come on, lets go in.

Claire - Good idea.

David - I’ll grab the bags.

Rufus has started to wander off.

Sam - Rufus! In!

Rufus does as he’s told on this occasion.

Sam - Good boy!

As they walk towards the front door of the house, Violet glances up at one of the first floor windows. She sees someone in one of the bedrooms, looking through the window. The figure disappears. She stops walking abruptly.

Violet - Is there someone else is in the house?

David - No, why?

Violet - I thought I saw.……I thought……

Claire - David?

David - I can’t see anything. I’ll um pop in and take a look.

David goes into the house and up the stairs.

Violet - I was sure….

Claire - It’s ok Mum. You must be completely worn out with all the excitement.

Violet - I do feel tired.

Sam - Here Gran, let me help you.

Sam attempts to support Violet with her arm around his shoulders.

Violet - Thank you.

David comes back out of the house.

David - I couldn’t see anyone and I checked all the rooms.

Claire - It’s ok. Lets just get in.

They all go inside.

Claire - Right, who’s going to make some tea for Gran?

Isabel - I will.

Claire - Can you manage that lot? (Referring to the bags David is carrying)

David - Course. Here, give me those as well.

Claire - Thanks, they’re heavy.

David - Not for me. (Looks strained)

Tuesday 15th December pm
Scene 54

Farmer Robert Walker is finishing up with the evening milking of his cows. He encourages the last few back into the field and then starts to tidy away a few bits of equipment and clean the milking room down. He notices a bad smell and starts to look around whilst sniffing the air. He tracks part of the source to one of the suction cups that attach to the cow’s udder. He picks it up and sniffs it, immediately throwing the cup aside.

Robert - Ohhhaaa!!

He gets the hose and tries to clean the set of cups but stops when it dawns on him that the milk might be contaminated. He rushes over to one of the main containers and opens the lid. The smell is so overpowering that he unbalances in his attempts to escape it and falls to the floor with a big crash.

Tuesday 15th December pm
Scene 55

Everyone is sat around in the sitting room having given Violet a brief tour of the house. Sam is sitting with Rufus on the floor. The cat (Lucky) is curled up on Violet’s lap.

Violet - It’s really lovely. There’s plenty of room but it’s cosy at the same time. And the fire’s lovely and cosy.

Sam - What do you think of our bedroom?

Violet - It’s the best of course and that’s why I’m sharing with you.

Sam - You won’t have anything to worry about with me keeping an eye on you while you’re asleep.

Isabel - Sam, that’s just creepy.

Sam - No it’s not.

Claire - Are you’re sure you wouldn’t rather have a bed down here? Or you could have Isabel’s room.

Isabel - I’m sorry but I can’t share with him Mum. He’s far too irritating. And he listens to me whilst I’m on the phone.

Sam - No I don’t!

Isabel - Of course you do.

Violet - It’s ok. I’ll be fine with Sam. Besides, I’d feel in the way if I slept down here and if we put these two together, it sounds like there’ll be trouble.

Claire - Ok, if you’re sure.

Sam - I never listen to anything.

Claire - It’s ok, I know you don’t.

David - Right, I’m going to get a bottle of wine to celebrate. Red or white?

Claire - White please.

Sam - Can I have some?

David - Yeeee…..(looks towards Claire who is shaking her head) no.

Sam - Ohhhh.

Tuesday 15th December pm
Scene 56

David walks out of the living room, through the kitchen (first grabbing a torch because the cellar light doesn’t work) and opens the door to the cellar. He walks down the steps and over to the wine rack. He fails to notice the recently disturbed earth near the back wall.

David - This’ll do.

Having selected a bottle, he walks back up the steps and out.

Tuesday 15th December pm
Scene 57

David walks back into the sitting room.

Claire - Can someone feed the animals before they go bonkers please?

Sam - I’ll do it. Din dins Rufus! Come on then!

Rufus - (Woofs enthusiastically)

Lucky - (Meows so as not to be forgotten)

Claire - Isabel, can you set the table please?

Isabel - Oooookay.

There is general banter as the family prepare, then sit down to eat dinner. Everyone seems finally to relax.

Tuesday 15th December pm
Scene 58

There is a cloaked person (Dr Richards) in the woodland bordering the family’s land. He is staring at the house then crouches down and stealthily crosses the open ground. He reaches the house, creeps around, peering through each window until he sees the family through one of the kitchen windows. He peers directly at Violet and a giggle of pure amazed joy and excitement escapes from him. Rufus notices him and runs towards the window barking.

Rufus - (Barks)

David - Quiet Rufus!

The cloaked man quickly ducks and runs back into the woods.

Tuesday 15th December pm
Scene 59

Sam has finished eating and gets up from the dinner table.

Sam - I’m going to let Rufus out.

David - Good idea.

Sam - Come on Rufus. Walkies!

Sam takes Rufus to the front door and lets Rufus out.

Tuesday 15th December pm
Scene 60

David, Claire and Isabel are all in the living room watching the TV. David is asleep with Lucky curled up on his lap.

Sam - Where’s Gran?

Claire - She’s gone up to bed.

Rufus wanders over to Claire and Isabel to say hello, then he sits next to David and looks at Lucky speculatively.

Sam throws himself down on the floor in front of the fire.

Claire - Don’t get comfortable, we’re all off to bed when this is finished.

Isabel - It’s total rubbish, I’m going now. Nite Mum.

Claire - Nite honey. She’s right. David.

David - Hhumm?!

Claire - Bedtime.

David - Ok. Ok good. (Yawns big)

Claire - Are the animals done?

Sam - Yup.

Sam gets up and picks up Lucky from David’s lap.

Sam - Bed Rufus. Go on. Good boy.

They all get up and head out of the living room and on upstairs to bed.

Tuesday 15th December pm
Scene 61

Sam is settling into his bed. Violet is asleep in the other bed on the far side of the room by the window. Claire is leaning through the bedroom doorway, hanging onto the half closed door.

Claire - If you wake up early, try not to disturb her.

Sam - I won’t, nite Mum.

Claire - See you in the morning.

Wednesday 16th December am
Scene 62

It is very early in the morning. Sam is asleep in his bed but he seems to be having a terrible nightmare. He is whimpering and turning in his sleep. He is shivering but has sweat on his face. His bedclothes are all twisted around him.

The reason for his dark dreams and restless sleep is Rose. Violet is stood silently at the foot of Sam’s bed but it is Rose who is awake and in full control. Rose has focused her will upon Sam and is influencing his thoughts. She is glaring balefully down at him. After a minute or so she turns her head towards the door and walks towards it. Sam starts to settle down almost immediately.

Rose opens the door, steps out into the corridor, closes the bedroom door and walks silently over to Isabel’s bedroom door. She stands there for a while, looking intently at the door. Suddenly, she raises her clenched fist and smashes the door several times and the noise is thunderous.

Rose - Let me in!!

In the bedroom, Isabel sits bolt upright in bed and looks in terror at the bedroom door. There is more thunderous banging and the door seems like it will burst open from the strength of the blows.

Rose - Let me in now!!

Isabel leaps out of bed in terror and opens the bedroom door. Rose is standing there looking very, very menacing.

Isabel - Grandma?!

Rose - You are a wicked girl. You must be punished!

Isabel is shocked and horrified at how her Grandma is behaving.

Isabel - No Grandma! I’m sorry! Please don’t…..please don’t punish me!

Rose - Look what you’ve done.

Isabel looks down at herself. Her wrists and thighs are covered in deep lacerations that are pouring blood.

Isabel - Oh no, not again. I didn’t……mean it. I’m s…..sorry. Please help me.

Rose - So, my Granddaughter likes to cut herself does she? And now she wants help? Oh I’ll help.

Rose suddenly has a very large, razor sharp hunting knife in her hand. She darts forward and slices Isabel throat.

Isabel - (Muffled Scream)

Isabel falls back, clutching at her gushing throat.

Wednesday 16th December am
Scene 63

Isabel is sleeping in bed, although she is tossing and turning and in a worse state than even Sam. Isabel’s bedroom door is open and Rose is standing silently over her staring malevolently. After a while, she turns back towards the bedroom door and walks out of Isabel’s bedroom, closing the door silently behind her.

Wednesday 16th December am
Scene 64

Rose steps back into the corridor and walks along it until she is standing outside David and Claire’s bedroom door. The door is slightly ajar.

David and Claire are sleeping peacefully. There is just enough moonlight in the room to make out Rose’s eye peering into the room through the gap in the doorway. Rose moves off and heads down the stairs. Once at the bottom of the stairs, Rose walks directly over to the cellar door and attempts to open it.

Rufus wakes up and climbs out of his bed. He can see Rose at the cellar door and walks over.

Rose turns and looks at Rufus who immediately stops walking and utters a low growl.

Rose continues to stare at Rufus and he whines quietly then retreats to his bed.

Rose tries the door again but it is solidly locked. She looks up towards David and Claire’s bedroom.

Wednesday 16th December am
Scene 65

Claire and Violet are talking in the kitchen. Violet is sat down having a cup of tea and Claire is putting away some crockery that she has just washed up.

Violet - ……honestly, it was the best night’s sleep I’ve had for a while.

Claire - See, I told you.

Violet - Mmmm. And this tea is delicious.

Claire - I know.

Violet - Where did you get it?

Claire - I used to buy it from a little market shop in the city. I stocked up before we left.

Sam walks into the kitchen looking very tired and very pale. He pauses when he sees Violet.

Claire - Good morning.

Sam hesitantly sits down at the kitchen table.

Claire - Are you alright?

Violet - You look very pale.

Sam - S’alright.

Claire - Do you want some breakfast?

Sam - Yea please. Where’s Dad?

Claire - He left early to do some shopping.

Sam - And Rufus?

Claire - I let him out. Can you check if Izzy wants any breakfast?

Sam - Sure, Izzy!

Claire - Don’t shout! Go up please.

Sam gets up off the kitchen chair and heads back upstairs. He reaches Isabel’s bedroom door and knocks.

Sam - Izzy?

Isabel - Yes?

Sam - Mum wants to know if you want any breakfast?

Isabel - No.

Sam opens the door and steps into the room. Isabel is still in bed and looks even worse than Sam. Sam sits down on the edge of the bed.

Sam - What’s up?

Isabel - Nothing.

Sam - You look really tired.

Isabel - I don’t think I slept very well.

Sam - Me neither. I had some really bad nightmares about Gran.

Isabel - What? Really?

Sam - Yea.

Isabel - So did I. It was so real……and…..horrible. She…..

Sam - Whatever. They were just nightmares.

Isabel - Don’t you think it’s a bit weird we both dreamed about her?

Sam - It’s alright, I’ve just been down. Gran’s fine. It’s not her fault.

Isabel - No. Shall we tell mum?

Sam - Nah. We’ll just sound crazy and worry everyone. Come on.

Isabel - Alright.

Wednesday 16th December am
Scene 66

Sam and Isabel walk into the kitchen. Isabel looks a bit apprehensive.

Claire - Here they are. So do you want breakfast? There’s cereal or croissants or ……

Isabel - I’m not hungry, thanks.

Violet gets up and walks over to Isabel and Sam. Sam looks towards Isabel with encouragement.

Violet - Oh dear, you look terrible too. Claire look at her.

Claire - Hummm?

Claire looks up but isn’t paying attention.

Isabel - I didn’t sleep well. I had ……..bad dreams.

Violet puts her hand on Isabel’s forehead to check her temperature.

Violet - You feel a bit warm. Maybe you’re coming down with something.

Isabel - Maybe.

Suddenly, Violet’s face contorts as Rose takes control of Violet’s body. Her face becomes instantly menacing.

Violet - Then again.

Isabel - Ahhhhh!

Isabel flings herself backwards away from Rose/Violet and crashes into the kitchen wall. Sam steps forward and slaps Rose/Violet’s face.

Sam - Stop!

Claire - Sam! What on earth?!

Claire rushes over as Violet, a look of horror on her face, falls to the floor on her backside. Isabel is sitting against the wall where she fell in total shock.

Claire - Are you ok?

Sam - Sorry I………

Claire - Sam! What were you thinking?!

Violet sits on the floor staring ahead, stunned.

Sam - Gran’s face……I thought she was going to hurt Izzy….

Claire - That’s ridiculous! Both of you, go to your rooms. Now! I don’t know what’s got into everyone!

Sam helps Isabel up off the floor and they both head back upstairs to Isabel’s room.

Claire - Come on Mum. Up you get. That’s it.

Claire leads Violet towards the living room.

Claire - I don’t know what’s come over those two. I’ll get David to give them both a good talking too……….

Violet - No! Don’t, please.

Claire - I won’t stand by and allow…….

Violet - Please Claire. Please. They did nothing wrong. They were scared, that’s all.

Claire - Scared? Scared of what? This is insane. I’ve got half a mind to…….

Violet - I want to know when Peter’s funeral is.

Claire - Look, you’re all upset. Now’s not the best time to discuss it.

Violet - Please Claire.

Claire - We were going to wait about a week, then talk to you about it.

Violet - I need to do it as soon as possible.

Claire - Ok. I’ll get David to contact the undertaker and see what can be done. Now come and sit down.

Claire starts to walk Violet slowly towards the living room.

Wednesday 16th December pm
Scene 67

David arrives back from shopping. He opens the front door loaded down with several bags.

David - Helloooo! I’m back!

Claire walks out of the kitchen and over to David in the hallway.

David - Hi hun. Someone’s gonna love their Christmas present this year. In fact, someone would do anything for the person who got them this particular gift.

Claire - And who is this someone?

David - Someone will have to wait and see.

Claire - If it’s not me, you’re in trouble.

David - Where is everybody?

Claire looks around to check no-one is around.

David - What’s up?

Claire - We’ve got a problem.

David - What now?

Claire - Sam slapped Mum in the face.

David - He did what?

Claire - Not hard.

David - What the…..(mouths fuck)? That’s not like him at all. Is she alright?

Claire - Yes and no. Anyway, I sent them to their rooms then, after seeing to Mum, I went up and spoke to them both. Apparently they both had a nightmare last night involving Mum. They couldn’t remember everything but both the dreams sounded pretty terrible. Then, when they came down for breakfast, Mum was talking to Izzy who suddenly screamed and fell backwards.

David - Violet did?

Claire - No Izzy.

David - That’s when Sam stepped forward and slapped her. They both said her face changed, went all horrible and Sam reacted instinctively to protect Izzy.

David - Wow.

Claire - I know. I don’t know how, but I think they’ve overheard Mum talking about having someone in her head and it’s freaked them out.

David - You’re probably right. Kinda freaks me out.

Claire - It gets worse.

David - No way.

Claire - Yes. Mum’s now totally convinced that there’s a person called Rose inside her head who is trying to take over her body. She wants to have Peter’s funeral as soon as possible because she thinks she’s going to die soon.

David - Bloody hell. What are we going to do?

Claire - I don’t know.

David - Shall we take her back to the hospital?

Claire - I really don’t want to do that. That’s got to be a last resort.

David - Ok. Well we should have the funeral as soon as possible anyway. I’ll get the ball rolling. What about the kids?

Claire - Well, I’ve tried to explain everything again. Sam doesn’t want Gran to move out of his bedroom….he feels really guilty for hitting her. I think they’ll be fine.

David - Ok. We buy time for Violet to heal. For now, how about a walk? I think we could all do with some fresh air to lift our spirits.

Claire - Good idea.

Wednesday 16th December pm
Scene 68

Everyone is in the hall getting their warm walking clothes on. Violet has decided she doesn’t want to go. Sam is putting Rufus’s lead on.

Violet - I’m sorry, I’ve changed my mind.

Claire - But the fresh air will do you good.

Violet - I just don’t feel up to it. I haven’t got the energy.

Claire - Fine, I’ll stay with you then.

Violet - No please, you won’t be long and I’d like to be on my own for a bit.

Claire - David will you take them? I’m not leaving her on her own.

David - Of course not. Come on then, off we go. Back in a few.

The walkers set off enthusiastically.

Wednesday 16th December pm
Scene 69

Violet and Claire have fallen asleep in the living room, Violet in one of the armchairs and Claire on the couch. Violet’s eyes suddenly snap open. She gets up and walks over to Claire and stares down at her. Claire shudders and shifts slightly but Violet breaks off and walks out of the living room and into the kitchen. She stands in the middle, then slowly turns around, looking around as she does.

After a while, she stops turning and walks over to the kitchen unit and opens a draw. There are various bits in the draw but Rose picks up two keys on a key ring. She smiles triumphantly, then turns and walks over to the cellar door. She inserts one of the keys and unlocks the door. She opens the door, peers down the dark steps then closes the door. She leaves it unlocked then walks to the front door and opens it. She checks to see if there is anyone watching then throws the keys into a nearby bush. She returns to the living room where Claire is still sleeping, sits back down in her armchair and closes her eyes. Five seconds later Violet opens her eyes again. She reaches down for her hand bag which is by her feet. From inside the bag, she pulls out an old picture of her and Peter when they were younger. Violet’s eyes are completely healthy in the picture. Her eyes pool with tears.

Violet - I miss you.

Wednesday 16th December pm
Scene 70

Claire is in the kitchen preparing dinner when David, Sam, Isabel and Rufus arrive back from their long walk.

Claire - Hey guys!

Rufus runs through David’s legs but he’s very wet and muddy.

David - Sam! Stop him!

Sam - Rufus! Pheww, that was close.

David - Nice save.

Claire - Did you have a good time?

Sam - Yea. We walked in the woods, said hi to Daisy and played hide and seek. Dad cheated.

David - No I didn’t.

Sam - He kept using Rufus to find us.

Isabel - I’m going to have a shower.

Isabel heads up stairs.

Claire - So your Dad won then?

David - Sure did. (Taps his temple indicating his cleverness, jokingly)

Sam - Whatever. What time’s diner Mum? I’m starving.

Claire - It will be ready in about an hour.

Sam grabs a towel and takes Rufus back outside. Claire goes back into the kitchen and David follows.

David - How’s Mum?

Claire - I’m not sure. She’s gone to bed.

David - Hmmm. The kids seem to have thrown off this morning’s jitters. Let’s see what tomorrow brings hey?

Claire - Do we have any choice? Sam’s in with Izzy tonight though. I’ve already made him up a bed.

David - Mmmmm.

Wednesday 16th December pm
Scene 71

Violet is sitting in her bed in Sam’s bedroom with only a candle for light. Her eyes are unfocused. She is rocking backwards and forwards whilst hitting the sides of her head rapidly with each hand alternately. She is speaking quietly and very rapidly to herself. She taps her temple with a finger as if she’s making difficult calculations.

Violet - Where’s it from? Black black holes. Is it in there? It’s all empty inside and outside and all around Rosey. But it moved, it moved my petal. And I won’t get there. Peter. All gone, one and all, gone and dead, in the head. No choice, no hope. Find the hind to free the bind and bury the dead in kind. And bury the dead and bury its head, the dead inside the mind.

Wednesday 16th December pm
Scene 72

Claire, David, Sam and Isabel are all sitting around the kitchen table finishing dinner. Rufus who is sitting next to Sam occasionally placing his paw on his lap, waiting patiently for the treat he knows is coming, suddenly starts barking and runs over to the front door.

David - Quiet Rufus!

Sam gets up and looks out of the window and sees by the headlights, that someone has pulled up on the road just outside the entrance to their drive.

Sam - Someone’s parked up at the end of the drive. Shall I go see who it is?

David - Go on then. Just tell them we’re in the middle of dinner and we don’t want to buy anything.

Sam - Ok. Come on boy.

Rufus goes with Sam to see who it is.

Wednesday 16th December pm
Scene 73

Sam walks down the gravel drive until he reaches the closed gate, then climbs up and leans his elbows on the top. The vehicle is actually a tractor belonging to Farmer Robert Walker who Sam recently met.

Farmer Walker is looking for something in the back.

Sam - Hi!

Robert - Ahh! There you are. You’ve saved me the walk up.

Sam - No problem. Nice tractor.

Robert - Mmm? Oh yes. She’s a good girl. Very reliable like. Had her for, now let me see……..

Sam - How’s Daisy?

Robert - ….ummm?….Oh she’s fine….daft old girl….. now I got her back in…….

Rufus is sniffing around the tractor near the road.

Sam - Rufus! Come here. Sit.

Robert It’s no bother. Memory’s not what it was. It’s why me wife left me.

Sam - Oh. Did you forget her birthday or something?

Robert - Oh no, I forgot her name in….er…..after…ahem, never mind that. All in the past. At least I remembered you’re milk. Here.

Sam - Fresh milk, thanks.

Robert - Yer lucky. Last two lots went bad.

Sam - Bad? (Looks at it suspiciously)

Robert - Now that there’s good stuff.

Sam - Why did it go bad?

Robert - Don’t know. Started happening a couple of days ago. There’s nothing wrong with the cows, the vet looked at’em. I checked all the pumps………..

Sam - Sorry, I’d better get back as we’re in the middle of dinner.

Robert - No no, you’d best get off.

Sam - Err thanks for the milk.

Robert No bother. Come down to the farm tomorrow morning and you can help collect the eggs. I’ll show you around the farm. Bring the dog.

Sam - Ok, cool. Thanks! Come on Rufus.

Sam collects Rufus then heads back towards the house, but stops to sniff the milk. He pulls a face and decides to pour out the milk and put the bottle in the outside bin. Inside, everyone apart from Violet is sat down at the kitchen table.

Claire - You took your time. Who was it?

Sam - The Farmer.

Claire - What did he want?

Sam - Oh, ummm, he….um….. wanted to give you some fresh milk…but…..errrrr, he forgot it.

Claire - Oh well. Nice thought. Invite him up to the house next time.

Sam - Ok.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 74

Rufus is lying down at the top of the stairs, asleep. He wakes up and watches as Sam’s bedroom door slowly opens and Violet steps out. She looks directly at Rufus. Rufus finds this immediately threatening and runs down the stairs to his bed in the utility room. Violet follows but heads towards the cellar door, opens it and proceeds down the steps into the darkness. After a while, Rufus’s inquisitiveness overcomes his fear, and he cautiously approaches the cellar door.

Rufus - (Woofs a query.)

Immediately there is an ear-splitting shriek. Rufus leaps off his feet in shock and sprints up the stairs barking. The shrieking continues.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 75

David and Claire both sit bolt upright in bed, having been woken by Violet’s ear splitting shrieking. David leaps out of bed when he comes to his senses and realizes he is not dreaming. He runs over to the bedroom door and starts to open it.

David - What the…?! What is that!?

Claire - I don’t know!

He runs over to the bedroom door and starts to open it.

Claire - David, don’t. (Frightened and disorientated, she doesn’t want him to open the door.)

David - I think it’s Violet. Quiet Rufus!

Claire - Wait.

David - I’ve got to find out what’s going on. Rufus. Here boy.

David steps out onto the corridor. Isabel and Sam both poke their heads out of Isabel’s bedroom. The screaming stops.

Isabel - Dad. What’s happening?

David - Quick, both of you in here.

Sam opens his bedroom door on the way to his parent’s bedroom.

Sam - Gran’s not in her bed Dad.

David - I know, stay with Mum until I come back. Rufus, here. (Indicates he want Rufus by his side.)

Rufus runs past David and jumps onto the bed with the others.

David - Sod it.

David walks down the stairs and starts to hear moaning coming from the cellar. He walks to the cellar door.

David Violet? Is that you? Violet?! (Deep breath.) Right.

David decides he has to act and quickly grabs a torch from a draw in the kitchen and rushes down the cellar steps. There is a terrible smell coming from in the cellar which makes David gag and forces him to hold his nose. Violet is near the far wall lying on her back on the ground. There is dirt and filth covering her face and it looks like she has dug a hole, partially uncovering what looks like human remains. Her head is lolling back into the shallow hole and she is moaning and convulsing. David immediately runs over to her.

David - Jesus Christ!! Violet!! Can you hear me!? Claire!!! Claire!!!

It looks as though Violet has been eating the decomposing material and he tries to clear her mouth of the remaining debris. He then picks her up and carries her into the kitchen.

Claire has heard David’s cry for help, but is so frightened that she has only made it halfway down the stairs. When she sees David walk past into the kitchen carrying a still convulsing Violet, she leaps forward into action.

Claire - Mum!

David - Quick help me.

Claire - What happened?

David - I don’t know.

Claire - Lay her down here. Call an ambulance. Eggghherr, what’s this?! (Rotten matter in her mouth)

David - I think she ate something nasty that was buried down there. The smell was revolting.

Claire - Ambulance.

David - Right. Where’s your mobile?

Claire - Charging upstairs. Use the land line! Mum! Can you hear me?

David runs over to the phone. Claire continues to bring Violet around and she begins to respond.

Claire - You’re going to be ok.

David - Done. Right, what do you need?

Claire - Clean cloth, water, blanket and a pillow.

David rushes to gather the items that Claire asked for.

David - Here.

Claire - How long?

David - He said no more than twenty minutes.

Claire - I’ll try to clean her up. This……stuff is horrible.

Lucky climbs through the cat flap and walks into the kitchen at the same time as Rufus who has gathered the courage to come down and find out what’s going on. They walk into the kitchen at the same time and the instant they see Violet, both animals’ hackles raise. They are terrified. Lucky immediately turns around, runs back to the cat flap and out into the night. (Lucky is never coming back.)

Rufus silently crawls into a corner, terrified by Violet, but determined to stay with his family.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 76

Doctor Richard’s car arrives in the drive. He gets out and approaches the front door where the light from the house falls onto his face. He is smiling. He schools his expression, then knocks the door. David answers the door.

Dr Richards - Hello, I’m Dr Richards.

David - David. (shake hands) Please, she’s in here.

Claire - Thank you for coming.

Dr Richards - What’s her name?

Claire - Violet.

The Doctor nods then starts to examine Violet.

Dr Richards - What happened?

David and Claire look at each other, then David starts to relay what happened.

David - We were woken up by screaming. I came down here and realised it was coming from the cellar. I went down and found her lying on her back, moaning and shaking. She’d been eating something she’d dug up from the floor of the cellar. I got most of it out of her mouth, then I carried her up here.

Dr Richards - Ok.

Claire - I tried to make her comfortable.

Dr Richards - You both did very well, the best you could. She’s stable and simply asleep at the moment.

Dr Richards takes a needle and phial of clear liquid out of his bag.

Claire - What’s that?

Dr Richards - I’m administering a broad spectrum antibiotic, given the material she’s ingested. Has she been sick.

Claire - Yes.

Dr Richards - That’s good. Has anything like this happened before?

Claire - No, but we recently lost my Father and Vi had a stroke. She’s only recently woken from a coma. Since she woke up, she’s been having some disturbed sleep and delusions. Then there’s her eyes……

Dr Richards - It’s ok. That’s all I need for now. I need to find out what she’s ingested. Do you mind if I take a look in the cellar?

David - Not at all. Here. (passes him a torch)

Claire - Will she be ok? The Doctor at the hospital said she might take a while to settle, but this…..

Dr Richards - I know it’s hard but try not to worry. All will be well. Just keep her comfortable and call me if she wakes up.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 77

Farmer Robert Walker wakes up with a start. He tries to roll over and go back to sleep but is feeling restless. He gets up and walks to his bathroom, gets a glass of water and sits down on the toilet which faces back at the door. There are no lights on, but moon and starlight pour through the window. There is a large mirror on the wall perpendicular to his position on the toilet. Out of his peripheral vision, he notices that when he takes a sip of water from his glass, there is no corresponding movement in the mirror. It shocks him and he freezes, studying the mirror but without turning his head as if he might give away the fact that he had noticed. He begins to sweat. Very gradually, the face in the mirror starts to grin. He notices the different expression which heightens his fear. After a while the face very slowly turns towards Robert. He is still rooted to the toilet seat, but shuts his eyes. He starts to get up very slowly, then sprints out of the bathroom, down the stairs and out of his front door. He stands in the yard breathing deeply.

Robert - I’m goin’ bloody crackers.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 78

Doctor Richards walks back through the cellar door and into the kitchen. He is carrying something in a plastic bag.

David - What is it?

Dr Richards - Not very pleasant I’m afraid. As far as I can tell, it’s a dead fox.

Claire - A fox?

Dr Richards - You said that you’d recently moved in? (David and Claire nod) Well I’d suggest that someone buried this a few weeks before you moved in. It was wrapped in quite a thick plastic bag, which is probably why you didn’t notice the smell. (David and Claire both look at Rose)

Claire - But why would she…ughu…eat it?

Dr Richards - She was deeply asleep and acting out an extremely vivid dream. Let me throw this out, then we should get her upstairs to bed.

Doctor Richards - walks outside.

Claire - David, maybe we should take her back to the hospital?

David - I think you’re right.

Claire - I can’t believe she put that stuff in her mouth.

David - I know. It’s really…….I don’t want to think about it.

The Doctor comes back in.

Claire - Sorry Doctor, I don’t mean to question your judgement. But don’t you think we should take her to hospital?

Dr Richards - Absolutely, for a very thorough series of checks. However, not until tomorrow. She’s had a bit of a shock to the system but she’s stable now and the best thing for her is to be wrapped up warm in bed.

Claire - Are you sure?

Dr Richards - I understand your concern, really. Trust me though. She’ll be fine until tomorrow.

Claire - Ok. Thank you.

David - Let’s take her up then.

David carries Rose up the stairs. (Violet is dead, her body has been completely possessed by the psyche of Rose, the final straw being the contact with Rose’s decomposing remains). Isabel and Sam are sitting at the top of them.

Sam - Is Gran alright?

David - She is now.

Isabel - We were really worried.

Claire - I know, I’m sorry.

Sam - What happened?

Isabel - Yea, why was she screaming like that?

Claire - Well, she fell down the cellar stairs and hurt herself. But the Doctor’s checked her now, and thinks she’ll be alright. (Isabel and Sam both start in with more questions at the same time) No. No more questions tonight. Come on, back to bed both of you.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 79

David, Claire and Doctor Richards walk back down the stairs after everyone is put to bed.

Claire - Thank you for coming.

Dr Richards - Not at all. Would you like me to arrange for transport to the hospital tomorrow?

Claire - Well, we don’t mind driving her…..if that’s ok?

Dr Richards - Of course. I’ll make sure they know you’re coming.

Claire - Thank you.

Dr Richards - My pleasure. Right then, I’ll say goodnight.

David - Goodnight.

Claire - Goodnight.

David - What a night. Bed?

Claire - Bed.

David and Claire go to bed.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 80

Rose is lying on her back in her bed in Sam’s bedroom. She appears to be asleep. Her eyes suddenly snap open. She smiles and raises her arms up and stretches. She gets out of bed and looks down at herself. She turns and spins quietly and is clearly reveling in her acquisition of a new body.

Rose - Incredible. Although, perhaps…….yes, I shall be younger in future. Now for the others.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 81

Sam and Isabel are asleep in their beds in Isabel’s bedroom. They appear to be sleeping soundly, then start to show signs of distress. Rose is in the room with them. She bends down towards Sam and begins whispering in his ear whilst sliding her hand over his stomach and up his chest. He shows signs of extreme discomfort but does not wake up. Rose’s hand continues up to his face where she inserts her thumb roughly into his mouth. He slowly starts to suck her thumb and then goes completely still. Rose then repeats this process with Isabel. Rose leaves Isabel’s bedroom and walks along the corridor and enters Claire and David’s bedroom. She repeats the same process with them both. Once she has finished she walks towards the bedroom door.

Rose - I will break you all. As I broke Violet.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 82

It’s 7 am. The landline handset in the Emery’s home is ringing. Rose appears at the top of the stairs and walks slowly down, then over to the handset. She looks at it for a long while as it continues to ring. She picks up the phone.

Rose - Hello?

Dr Richards - This is Dr Richards. To whom am I speaking?

Rose - You are speaking to Rosemary Shivers. It worked.

Dr Richards - Good God. I don’t believe it.

Rose - I’ve been…..reborn.

Dr Richards - And what of the old woman, Violet?

Rose - As I suspected, she had virtually no protection and once she had ingested part of my physical remains, I felt no resistance at all. I……pushed until there was no room left for her. She’s gone.

Dr Richards - Extraordinary.

Rose - There’s something else.

Dr Richards - What?

Rose - I seem to have retained certain psychic abilities.

Dr Richards - Abilities? What do you mean?

Rose - A consciousness that resides in The Void must protect itself. Many beings there are ancient and full of spite. Mental barriers preventing intrusion, manipulation, the infliction of pain, the infliction of madness are essential to avoiding torment. It’s possible to hide in that vast emptiness, but eventually……well…..if you don’t have the strength or the will, then you will be found and taken. It is a fate best avoided.

Dr Richards - So what are you capable of?

Rose - I’m not sure of the limit. But I can invade and manipulate dreams, animals seem to be affected by my presence, awake or asleep and I can sense a familiar consciousness over considerable distances.

Dr Richards - Fascinating. Well, we’ll need to test everything….establish the limits. Are there any negative effects?

Rose - Not that I’m aware of.

Dr Richards - Good, good. What have you done with the family, I take it you didn’t drug them?

Rose - No. Their minds must be weakened to allow the others entry and my way will be a lot faster than we had originally planned. I’m holding them in a state of unconsciousness. I will invade and weaken each of their minds. I need you here soon. Bring the others.

Dr Richards - Right away.

Rose - Ian.

Dr Richards - Yes?

Rose - You’ve done well.

Dr Richards - Thank you.

Rose puts the phone down.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 83

Sergeant Alderney is again watching Dr Richards home. Suddenly, the front door opens and Dr Richards rushes out and climbs into his car. He drives off the driveway and onto the grass track that leads to the nearby woods. Careful not to be seen, Alex rushes to follow on foot. He gets quickly out of breath but struggles on. He dives to the ground in a bit of a dip then struggles to see where the car has gone. He notices a track going into the woods and waits. After a while Dr Richards appears in the car, roaring up the track and out of the woods. Sergeant Alderney flattens himself to the ground to avoid being seen. The car races off down the drive, out of the gates and left up the road. Sergeant Alderney gets up and looks back toward the woods.

Alex - This is it.

He starts off towards the track.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 84

Dr Richards arrives at the Emery’s house, parks his car, gets out and cautiously approaches the front door. He knocks on the door and is relieved when Rose opens the door.

Rose - Ian.

Dr Richards - Rose. It’s good to see you. I can’t believe…….you did it.

Rose - We did it. And don’t think I’ll forget that.

Dr Richards - Shall I bring them in?

Rose - Not yet. I want to show you something.

Dr Richards - Ok.

Rose - Follow me.

Rose heads towards the stairs, Dr Richards following closely behind. Rose leads Dr Richards to the main upstairs bathroom.

Rose - I need you to understand something. Go in there and wait.

Dr Richards walks into the bathroom and closes the door. He looks around for a while but nothing appears to be happening. He walks over to the sink and looks at himself in the mirror. After a while, he notices a small hole in one of the tiles above the bath. He turns and finds the tile. Upon looking closer, he discovers that there is something behind the hole and starts to try to widen it. As he scrambles to widen the hole, he begins to uncover the object which appears to be an eye.

Dr Richards - What’s this?

Dr Richards worries at the eye in the hole and discovers he is still looking at the mirror and has been scratching and gouging at his own face and eye socket. His own eye implodes and he begins to scream. He falls to his knees.

Rose opens the bathroom door and takes hold of Dr Richard’s head.

Dr Richards - Why have you done this? My face.

Rose - I’ve done nothing.

Dr Richards - But….

Rose - You’re not even here.

Dr Richards - I don't understand?

Rose - You are still sitting in your car.

Dr Richards - In… my car?

Rose - Close your eyes. That’s it. Now open them, open them, open them, open……..

Dr Richards opens his eyes slowly and finds himself sitting in his car. His hands are gripping the steering wheel so tightly, he finds it hard to let go. There is no damage to his face or eyes.

He walks over to the front door of the house and Rose opens it as he draws near.

Dr Richards - You put all that in my head? It was so real.

Rose - I know.

Dr Richards - Fascinating.

Rose - The trouble is, different minds have different strengths, different weaknesses. In fact, now you’ve been exposed, if I were to try the same thing, it might offer more resistance.

Dr Richards - Perhaps I could observe a demonstration, from your side?

Rose - Indeed. For now though, back to work.

Dr Richards - Of course.

Rose - I want you to off-load the others, then go back home and make absolutely sure no evidence remains.

Dr Richards - Right.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 85

Dr Richards heaves the last body into the kitchen. He’s very out of breath. Rose has been busy getting out various kitchen utensils and pots.

Dr Richards - Right. I shouldn’t be long.

Rose briefly looks over her shoulder, then turns her attention back to her work.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 86

Farmer Robert Walker is walking back towards his farmhouse having finished his morning chores. He looks back towards the Emery’s home.

Robert - I should take them some eggs.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 87

Sergeant Alderney has discovered the recently disturbed footpath that leads to the shed and fridge that Dr Richards had been using to store the bodies. He cautiously follows the footpath and finds the shed. He walks around the outside then examines the padlock on the door. He takes a small bag out of his pocket which contains several lock picks. He manages to unlock the padlock and enter the shed.

Inside he takes out a flashlight (the generator has been turned off) and finds the rusty walk-in fridge. He opens the fridge door and looks around. He first notices an unpleasant smell.

Alex - Pffoooo. Ripe. What you were keeping in here?

He finds and examines a discarded body bag. Inside there are traces of hair and other matter. He also examines the hooks and finds traces of blood and small amounts of gore. He quickly scrapes some of the matter into several small sample pots.

Alex Got you now.

Suddenly, Sergeant Alderney becomes aware of the sound of an engine coming closer. It’s Dr Richards.

Alex - Oh dear.

He scrambles out of the fridge, shuts the fridge door, sprints for the shed door, replaces and locks the padlock and sprints into the woods. Fortunately, Dr Richards was still a reasonable distance away and Alex heads rapidly back towards his car which is parked in a field away from the main gate of Dr Richard’s manor. As he moves away, he notices a bright light coming from behind him in the woods.

Alex - He’s burning it.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 88

Dr Richards is standing in front of his shed holding a can of petrol. The whole shed is ablaze. He smiles then turns and heads off towards his car.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 89

Sergeant Alderney has reached the edge of Dr Richard’s land and climbs a fence to get onto the road near where he’s left his car. He hears Dr Richard’s car again heading towards the gate.

Alex - Come on. Don’t lose it now.

Alex scrambles to get into his car. He wants to follow Dr Richards.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 90

This scene is viewed from the Emery house staircase, into the kitchen.

Rose is in the Emery’s kitchen. The bodies of Tom, Miranda, Ted and Martha are lying on the floor in various states. She has harvested matter from each and is now hunched over one of the kitchen units preparing a bowl of matter for each of the Emery’s. She is humming a beautiful tune as she works. Suddenly, the humming stops and her back stiffens as she stands up. She spins around a large knife in her right hand and looks directly back at the stairs.

Rose - I can feel your eyes. Don’t look at me.

Rose charges terrifyingly towards the stairs.


Just as she nears the stairs, she throws the kitchen knife in the direction of the stairs with venom.

(To the audience, Rose turns and looks directly at them, charges towards them and throws the knife at them.)

The knife makes a meaty ‘thunk’ noise as the knife hits flesh. It is Rufus who has been hit by the knife for watching Rose from the stairs.

Rufus - (Yelps)

Rose - Filthy mut! You should’ve left like the cat.

The knife is buried up to the hilt in Rufus’s side, just in front of his back legs. He tries to crawl back up the stairs but only his front legs are working properly and he isn’t making much headway. Rose turns her back on him and walks back into the kitchen.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 91

Sergeant Alderney is driving in pursuit of Dr Richards, but he’s quite a way ahead and there are only flashes of Dr Richard’s car due to the country roads.

Alex - Come on. Come on!

Alex turns a bend and is suddenly confronted with a car coming in the opposite direction straight at him. He swerves to avoid a collision.

Alex - Shiiiiiit!

Alex’s car rides partway up the bank at the side of the road, narrowly avoiding the other car, and then crashes back down onto the road, spinning 180 degrees and coming to a standstill.

Alex - Wow.

He completes a three point turn and speeds off after Dr Richards. (He is nearing the Emery’s locality.) After making another turn, Alex reaches a T-junction and there’s no sign of the direction Dr Richards has taken.

Alex - Son of a bitch!

Alex decides to turn left and speeds off again. It’s the wrong way.

Thursday 17th December am
Scene 92

Dr Richards arrives at the Emery’s home. He gets out of the car and goes straight into the house as the front door is unlocked.

He looks around the kitchen and Rose is nowhere to be seen. He walks up the stairs, noting the blood on the stairs.

Dr Richards - Rose?!

He looks into Claire and David’s bedroom. They are lying next to each other on their backs, very still and hardly breathing. He also looks in on Sam and Isabel who are in Isabel’s bedroom where Rose has left them. They are as still as their parents.

Dr Richards - If only you could understand the magnificent contribution you are making. Perhaps you may have found some measure of comfort?

He turns away, closes the door and walks back down the stairs. He walks back into the kitchen and calmly spins in a slow circle, taking in the carnage around him. Then he looks up at the door to the cellar and heads over. He opens the door. There is a very faint light coming from below and he walks down into the cellar.

Rose is kneeling on the floor in the middle of the room in front of a small candle. Her clothing is covered with blood and mud. Her eyes are unusually bright and clear.

Rose - Sit.

Dr Richards - Where?

Rose - There. I am about to expend a considerable amount of energy. I must prepare myself.

Dr Richards - Is there anything……..

Rose - Just sit and listen. You know some of the history behind my discovery of The Void, but not all. I never told you about my Father and I want to now. He was a wicked man, an alcoholic, an abuser and a murderer. He was a game keeper on a rundown estate in the middle of nowhere. He made his living from his Master’s land, such as it was. There is only so much you can do with overgrown forests and waterlogged fields. The estate had not always been in such a condition, but the owner was a weak man, a gambler, who squandered his inheritance in the years after his wife had died in childbirth. My Father enjoyed his solitude and freedom, indulging his petty cruelties on the wild animals of the estate. Eventually, he became interested in the Master’s daughter and was determined to have her. He tricked the Master into playing cards and inevitably won enough he was unable to pay. So the Master sold his only daughter to him, into slavery. I know this because in the years after I was born, he would remind her to cause her pain.

At this point the sound of a baby crying can be heard.

Rose - Over the years, his behaviour deteriorated. He would get drunk and angry and beat us, then rape my Mother where I could see. I’m not sure when her mind broke, but I think it was when he started to look at me with lust in his eyes. In the last days she would sit in the kitchen and stare for hours. He murdered her when I was nine. He was drunk and shouting at her but she didn’t respond, he became furious and took off his belt and hit her with it. She just collapsed forward onto the table. He pulled her back up and wrapped his belt around her neck, slowly tightening it until her face turned blue, then black and her tongue swelled out of her mouth. She did nothing to stop it. Pathetic. After she’d gone, he had his way with her. I watched it all from my chair. I think it was then, that I decided I wasn’t going to die like that. I knew that he wanted me, I knew what was coming.

At this point the voice and hum that had tormented Ted Pickle, joins the sound of the crying baby.

Rose - So I tried to pretend that I liked it when he finally came for me in the night. I had a hunting knife which I was going to use to cut his miserable throat. I tried to…….get involved. At first he seemed to like it, but suddenly he became furious and flew into a terrible rage. “YOU DIRTY WHORE! YOU DISGUST ME! WHO TAUGHT YOU THESE THINGS!!” He picked me up off my bed and threw me naked down the stairs. I broke my arms, a leg, some ribs, some teeth and my skull. At the foot of the stairs I slipped away into deep unconsciousness.

Both the crying baby and the strange voice cease.

The same voice then begins again, only this time the hum is muted and the voice is whispering it strange language.

Rose - I was very close to death when I found myself in the endless dark of The Void. Because I was still alive, though barely, my life force shone out like a beacon and attracted some of The Void's inhabitants. They formed out of nothing…..i was suddenly aware of their terrible presence. They viciously probed my mind….a monstrous, irresistible groping of my psyche. It was an excruciating violation. After some time, I began to feel my body. The life within it was trying to pull me back. But the vile creatures clung to me and whispered promises of eternal suffering and madness. I laughed and thought I didn’t care if they kept me because I would rather stay in The Void than continue living at the mercy of my Father. They knew the truth behind my defiance, and full of malevolent glee, they released me, returning to my damaged body. When I awoke, I found myself in bed. My father had placed rough splints on my arms and dirty bandages on my head, then left me to live or die. As I lay in agony for days and weeks, I thought about what had happened. I obsessed over it. But it wasn’t until several years after I’d cut my Father’s throat in his sleep, that I realized the full potential of what had happened to me. Now here we are.

Dr Richards - There is no reason this should have worked.

Rose - Reason can’t explain everything.

Dr Richards - Your conviction that you could come back from The Void was based entirely on speculation derived from agony induced delusions and the corrupted mind of a child.

Rose - Nevertheless……

Dr Richards - Nevertheless, The Void was real and somehow, you’ve discovered the means to get in and out, to cheat death, to achieve…….immortality. You will become a God.

Rose - Foolish child. I am already a God.

Thursday 17th December pm
Scene 93

Sergeant Alderney has pulled his car over and is examining a map of the area, desperately trying to put together where Dr Richards has gone.

Alex - Dam it!

He jumps back in his car and speeds off.

Thursday 17th December pm
Scene 94

Rose and Dr Richards are sat in the cellar. Rose has her eyes closed and appears to be meditating. Dr Richards is equally still, yet he is focused on Rose.

Thursday 17th December pm
Scene 95

Claire and David are still lying on their bed. Their bedroom door is open. It is late but silvery moonlight is streaming through the room. Sam’s voice can be heard faintly calling out.

Sam - Mummy. Mummy. Help me. Please help me. Mummy.

Claire starts to stir and move as if desperately clawing her way out of sleep. She finally opens her eyes, then goes very still. She reaches a hand out towards David then stops when she hears Sam.

Sam - Mummy. Help me.

Claire - Sam?

She jumps up out of bed. She is disoriented and has no idea what is going on. She runs over to David’s side of the bed and starts to shake him.

Claire - David. Wake up. Wake up. Something’s happened. David. Sam needs us. David! (Urgent whispers)

She realizes that David is not going to wake up and creeps over to the bedroom door. She looks across the corridor towards Isabel’s bedroom and then down the stairs. She is hardly breathing.

Sam - Help me.

Claire - Sam! I’m coming baby!

The quiet desperation in Sam’s voice spurs Claire into action and she charges down the stairs to help him. She runs straight through the kitchen (all looks normal) and into the sitting room where she stops because Sam is nowhere to be seen. She turns around to head back out into the kitchen when she notices Rose, sitting in her armchair. Rose has her eyes closed and appears to be asleep. Claire is about to wake her up but stops in the middle of reaching for her. One of Rose’s legs is uncovered and Claire notices a thick mass of pulsating, blackened flesh running up the inside of her leg.

Claire - What is that?

Frightened, and with her instincts screaming at her to get away from Rose, Claire creeps silently out of the sitting room. As she does, Rose’s eyes open but she does not move. Claire keeps looking back to make sure she can see Rose’s head over the back of the armchair. She’s about to get her last look before her line of sight is obscured, but when she looks back, Rose has gone. She stops moving, absolutely terrified.

Sam - Mummy?

Sam’s voice floats up from the cellar. Claire immediately rushes over to the cellar door, which is open.

Claire - Sam? Are you down there? Sam! (Whispered)

Claire quickly looks behind her, (intending to go down into the cellar,) and Rose is standing right behind her.

Claire - Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! (Screams)

Claire falls backwards down the stairs into a crumpled heap at the bottom.

Thursday 17th December pm
Scene 96

Just enough moonlight filters down the cellar stairway to make out Rose who is crouched over the prone figure of Claire. Rose sits down next to Claire and gently lifts her head into her lap and starts to dab away the blood that is seeping from several small cuts to Claire’s face.

Claire - (Moans as she begins to come around.)

Rose - Claire. Are you ok? You were sleepwalking. I called to you but you fell down the stairs.

Claire - Mum? Ouch. My head hurts.

Rose - It’s a nasty bump. I thought you’d killed yourself. Honestly dear. Didn’t you hear me?

Claire - No I…..

Rose - I shouted to you.

Claire - Did you?

Rose - Yes. I tried to stop you, but you fell.

Claire - I remember walking down the stairs. I was looking for something. I went into ….the sitting room. You were asleep in your chair. Sam! I was looking for Sam!

Rose - Easy.

Claire - No! He was calling me. I have to…..

Rose - Stop! You’ve had a nasty fall and you may be damaged.

Claire - But Sam….

Rose - Sam is in bed asleep. I told you, you were sleepwalking.

Claire - No. I was awake. You…..your skirt was open. Your leg….

Rose - Yes Claire? My leg was......?

Claire - I don't know how... You aren’t Violet. You are not my Mother.

Rose - No. Violet’s dead. I’m Rose.

Rose suddenly grips Claire’s head tightly in her hands, then bashes it on the floor, knocking her unconscious.

Rose - And very soon, that won’t be a problem for you.

Thursday 17th December pm
Scene 97

David is standing in the cellar holding a shovel. There is a candle burning nearby so he can see. Rose is standing at the bottom of the stairs looking at him. He looks around confused.

David - What’s going on? What… I doing down here? Violet? What time is it? Violet. What the hell is going on?!

Rose - I have some bad news.

David - What!? What are you talking about!?

Rose - Something has gone wrong with you. I’m afraid you are going to do something terrible.

David - Something terrible? What on earth are you going on about? I’m not going to do anything to………..

Rose - Dig.

As soon as Rose says the word ‘dig,’ David begins to dig a hole in the dirt of cellar floor. He strains against his own limbs with no effect.

David - Eerrrrrggghhhh! What’s happening? Why…..can’t…..I.….stop?

Rose - Because this is what you want David. To dig.

David - No. I……don’t…..want….to….dig.

Rose - Oh but you do. You’ve always wanted to. You are digging for Isabel.

Rose moves one arm from behind her back and Isabel steps around from where she had been concealed.

David - Izzy! Are you…….?

Rose - Quiet!

David is no longer able to speak and continues to dig a large hole, big enough for Isabel to fit inside if she crouched down.

Rose - That’s it. Very good. Now Isabel, get in the hole.

Isabel - No. I don’t want to.

Rose - David. Put her in the hole. You know, the same hole you put her into with your absence. You’re neglect.

David tries desperately to fight the compulsion to obey Rose but cannot fight it. He grabs a hold of Isabel’s arm and drags her to the hole and pushes her in.

Isabel - Dad please. No! Please don't!

Rose - Now bury her.

Isabel - No! No! Please!

David immediately starts to shovel soil onto Isabel. He is crying but cannot stop. Isabel starts to choke and scream. She suddenly jumps up and tries to crawl out of the hole.

Rose - Stop her!

David immediately hits her in the face with the shovel and she falls back into the hole, alive but with her face crushed. Soon she is completely buried.

Rose - I can’t believe you just did that. I say stop her and ‘BANG,’ you smash her little face with the shovel like that. You must really hate her.

David stands next to the hole, tears streaming down his dirty face, his body quivering.

Rose - Speak.

David - Izzy!

David looks as if his head will explode and then his eyes roll back in his head and he collapses on the floor.

Rose - This is too easy. (Chuckles)

Thursday 17th December pm
Scene 98

Isabel is asleep in her bed. She stirs and starts to wake up. The ceiling light is on. She looks around in confusion and rubs her eyes because although it looks like her bedroom, it isn’t. The walls are bare, there is no carpet, no furnishings, no furniture and it is dirty and stained. There is no door. There is only one window but behind it is total blackness. (All it leads to is another room.)

Isabel - I must be dreaming.

She gets under the covers and tries to go back to sleep. It doesn’t work and she gets up impatiently. She walks over to the place where her bedroom door should be and bangs on the wall. Then she pinches herself, trying to wake up.

Isabel - Hello?! I don’t like this!! Hello?!

Nothing happens.

Isabel - Right.

She walks over to the other side of the room and opens the rickety, loose window. She peers into the blackness but there is nothing there. There is no breeze or sense of space either. She gathers her courage then calls out again.

Isabel - Hello?!

The sound is swallowed by the blackness. Suddenly, she gets spooked and tries to shut the window but it won’t close. It is rickety and just bounces back open. She starts to cry and runs back to the bed, burying her head into the pillow. After a while, Rose is suddenly in the room standing over Isabel. She reaches forward and touches her shoulder. She shrieks.

Isabel - Grandma!

Isabel thinks Rose is still her Grandma Violet and collapses into her arms, sobbing.

Rose - There, there. What’s the matter?

Isabel - This isn’t my room. I don’t know how I got here. It’s horrible. I can’t get out!

Rose - Shhhhhhh, there, there.

Isabel - There’s no door….only that horrible window to nowhere.

Rose - I know, I know.

Isabel - But, how did you get in? Please. Let’s go. Let’s go now.

She grab’s Rose’s hand and tries to get her to start taking her out of the room.

Rose - I’m afraid we can’t dear.

Isabel - (One step below panic.) Why not?

Rose - I must leave soon. But… have to stay here.

Isabel - What?! Why?! Please don’t go!

Rose - I must.

Isabel - Please don’t leave me here!

Rose - I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do.

Isabel - Why can’t I come with you?!

Rose - Izzy, I’m so sorry. Nothing can be done because….you’re dead.

Isabel is stunned.

Isabel - Dead?

Rose - I’m afraid so. It’s the reason you’re here. This is your punishment.

Isabel - I don’t understand. I don’t understand.

Rose - When you were alive, you inflicted grievous pain upon yourself and others. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you.

Isabel - But I was confused. I was getting better!

Rose - I truly understand, but then, this wasn’t my choice or anyone else’s. It was yours. When you died, you chose this place because this is what you think you deserve. You even chose your companion. It’s waiting for you through there. I wish you hadn’t chosen this.

Isabel - Oh my God. Stop it! Please! What's in there?!

Rose - I had no idea you harbored such self-loathing. That….thing will ruin you. Everything you were will disappear as you become as deranged as it is.

Isabel - No! No! No!! Get me out! Please!! Please don’t leave me!

Rose - I’m so sorry.

Isabel - No! I’m not dead! I’m alive! I’m alive!

Rose - Goodbye Izzy. We’ll miss you.

Rose walks toward the window and climbs through it, leaving Isabel terrified, crying and kneeling on her bed.

Isabel - Please! No!!

The window swings slowly into the room, opening fully and clacking quietly against the wall. Isabel is speechless with terror and stops crying and breathing immediately. She looks at the gapping black hole out of the corner of her eye. After a while, she hears a heavy wet thud in the other room. She starts panting with terror. The thing in the other room starts to drag itself across the floor, coming closer to the window. It sounds massive. Suddenly, Isabel leaps out of bed, runs over to the window. She tries to slam it shut several times but it keeps popping open. The thing is very close to the window.

Isabel - Aaaaahhhhhhh!

Isabel screams with frustration and fear, running back to the bed. She sits rocking on her heels, hugging her knees.

Isabel is frantic as she hears the thing reach just the other side of the window and pause. It breathing is like a very deep, gurgling rattle. Suddenly the single light in the room begins to flicker and make an unhealthy buzzing sound. Again, Isabel stops breathing in terror. The light suddenly goes out and she is plunged into complete darkness. The thing starts to move again and there is a loud thud as it lands in the room on Isabel’s side of the window. It continues to move towards Isabel’s bed. As it reaches her bedside, Isabel lets out an ear shattering scream. The thing makes horrific thudding, sucking noises and roars, the sound full of the depth of it’s savage hate. After a few seconds, the light flickers back to life. Isabel is lying alone in the room, on her bed. Her eyes have rolled back into her head, and her tongue is hanging out of her mouth with drool running down the side of her face. Her hands and feet are rigid and curled up. She begins to twitch erratically.

Thursday 17th December pm
Scene 99

Sam and Rose are sitting across from each other at a small wooden table in a small room with no doors. She is holding his hands over the table. Sam looks at Rose, then at his hands and snatches them away.

Sam - You aren’t my Grandma.

Rose - No.

Sam - There’s something wrong with you.

As Sam is looking at Rose her face flashes to one that is decomposing.

Rose - I can understand how you might think that. My name is Rose.

Sam - Why do you look like my Gran?

Rose - Because I’ve taken over.

Sam - Is she dead?

Rose - I'm afraid so.

Sam - Why?

Rose - You wouldn’t understand.

Sam - I hate you.

Rose gets up from her seat and starts to walk around behind Sam. She is carrying a baseball bat behind her back.

Rose - Well. I can live with that. I’m going to break your mind Sam. As I’ve broken the minds of your Parents and Sister.

Sam - You’re horrible.

Rose - You have no idea.

Rose suddenly swings the bat with enormous force into the back of Sam’s head. The bat explodes around Sam’s head from the force of the blow but he is left untouched and has not moved.

Rose - Your innocence gives you a measure of protection. And you seem to have some strength of will. But eventually, I will crush you.

Rose walks backwards away from Sam and backwards up the wall up to the ceiling. Then a black oily liquid starts to pour across the floor and fill the room.

Sam - (Screams.)

Rose watches silently as Sam scrambles on top of the table, then tries to tread water in the oily liquid and finally slips under.

Thursday 17th December pm
Scene 100

Sam finds himself in a dark tunnel. He looks around, unsure of what to do or which way to go. After a while he hears a faint noise coming from one direction and sets off towards it. After a while, the noise becomes distinguishable as a voice faintly calling his name.

Claire - Sam. Sam. Sam. Sam. Sam. (Echoed and indistinct)

Sam starts to run towards the sound of the voice and as it gets louder, he begins to recognise who’s voice it is.

Sam - Mum. (Whispered.)

The tunnel Sam is running down opens out suddenly into a very large cavern. He stops running as he enters, taken aback. As he looks around, he notices a small rock basin. Rufus is lying down in it on his side. There is liquid in the basin with what looks like eels swimming about in it. Several of them have buried their heads in Rufus’s body, one of them in his eye socket. Sam runs over to the basin.

Sam - Rufus! Oh no.

Rufus wages his tail pathetically. Tears start to run down Sam’s face and he reaches down and grabs one of the eels. As he does, the others that are attached start to burrow into Rufus, getting further and further inside his body. Sam tries desperately to hold onto the one in his hands, but it is very slippery and he can’t pull it out.

Sam - Rufus! I can’t get them off!

Claire - Sam! Help me!

Claire’s calls become more insistent as Rufus starts to turn rigid and shudder.

Sam - I’m sorry Rufus, it’s Mum.

Sam turns his back on Rufus and runs towards his mother’s voice. As he approaches the middle of the cavern, he sees that Claire has been tied up and suspended high above some razor sharp rocks. She is anchored by barbed wire which is attached to a metal stake in the ground. The stake is beginning to work itself loose.

Sam - Mum!

Claire - Sam! Quickly, you have to help me.

Sam - What shall I do?

Claire - You have to keep that stake in the ground. Hurry! If it comes loose, I’ll fall.

Sam tries to keep the stake in the ground but it continues to work itself free.

Sam - I can’t! It’s coming out!

Claire - Please Sam! You have to!

Sam - I can’t!

Claire - Please! I’ll die!

Sam - No! It’s coming out!

Claire - Sam!

Sam - No!!!

Claire - (Screams)

Claire drops suddenly and in desperation Sam grabs hold of the barbed wire. Claire falls onto the rocks and Sam’s hands are sliced up by the barbed wire. He runs over towards the rocks but looks away when he sees Claire’s destroyed body.

Rose - Ha ha ha ha ha ha. (Disembodied laugh.)

Tears streaming down his face, Sam runs away from the laughing and out of the cavern via a different tunnel.

Thursday 17th December pm
Scene 101

When he can’t run any further, Sam collapses in a heap on the tunnel floor. After a while he hears something coming from further along the corridor. The sound is echoing and distorted. He is hesitant but heads towards the sound. After a while the sound becomes clearer. It is someone crying and the deeper sound of someone talking. He slowly moves closer and eventually recognizes David’s voice.

Isabel - (Crying)

David - Try to be brave. It’ll be alright.

Sam - Dad!

David - Sam? No! Go away!

Sam - Dad! I'm coming!

David - Don’t come in here!!

Sam rushes along the tunnel and into a small cave. In the cave, David is kneeling upright on the floor, naked apart from his boxer-shorts. He has his head and hands in a heavy wooden stock which is also chained to the floor. There is a small table next to him with a glass jug on it, filled with a clear liquid. Slightly further back, Isabel is standing tied to a wooden post.

Sam - Izzy!!

Sam runs straight over to David and tries to hug him, then tries desperately to free him.

Sam - What’s going on? I have to get you out.

David - I don’t…….

Sam - Mum’s dead. I….I couldn’t…..

David - I know. It's ok.

Sam - I tried to save her but…….but…….I hurt my hands.

Sam collapses onto David, unable to break him free.

David - Son. I need you to listen to me.

Sam steps back and looks up.

Sam - You want me to save Izzy?

David - You must do do something for me, or she's going to hurt your sister. Do you understand?

Sam - (Nods)

David - She said that you must help me drink everything in that jug.

Sam - Ok.

David - You have to keep going, whatever happen.

Sam - This water?

David - I don’t think it’s water Sam. Whatever happens, just keep pouring it in my mouth and don’t stop. Alright?

Sam - Ok. I’m scared.

David - I know. Just do it quickly. Come on! Do it!

Sam picks up the jug and begins to pour the contents into David’s open mouth. David tries to swallow as much as possible but almost immediately he tries to scream. The liquid is acid and it starts to eat his flesh and tissue. Somehow he manages to swallow most of the liquid in the jugs as Sam tries to keep pouring it. Then ragged holes appear in his neck and around his mouth as his face and throat start to disintegrate.

Sam - Oh no! Dad! Oh no!

Sam drops the jug, his eyes roll back in his head and he collapses to the floor.

Thursday 17th December pm
Scene 102

Dr Richard’s enters the kitchen carrying Sam, who is unconscious. The rest of the Emery’s have each been tied in a sitting position to a kitchen chair. Their heads are all hanging forward over a bowl of horrific looking matter, the remains prepared by Rose.

Dr Richards carries Sam to the last free space and Rose helps to secure him. Rose is looking haggard yet enthused with fervour.

Dr Richards - What now?

Rose - It’s time.

Dr Richards walks around and injects each of the Emery’s with a drug that puts them into an even deeper state of unconsciousness.

Dr Richards - Ok.

After a minute, Rose takes each of their heads, forces their mouths open and feeds matter from the bowls in front of them into their mouths. She roughly massages their throats to make them swallow. Once she has finished with Sam, who was last, she steps back and watches with Dr Richards. After a minute, the family members begin to convulse, all apart from Sam. David, Claire and Isabel suddenly stop convulsing and slump forward. One by one, the family members sit up and look around. Claire/Miranda is grinning. Isabel/Martha looks around wide-eyed and clutches at the table. David/Ted leaps back off his chair, turns around, vomits all over the floor and collapses. Sam however, remains unconscious with no sign of life. Rose looks at David/Ted with utter distain. He looks as if his time in the void has completely scrambled his mind. She leans over the table to talk to Claire/Miranda.

Rose - Miranda. Did the boy reach The Void?

Claire/Miranda - Not as far as I know. Tom is trapped.

Rose slaps the table hard with anger. She looks at Dr Richards.

Rose - Take him closer.

Dr Richard’s begins to ready another injection. Rose moves Sam’s chair back and stands over him. Then she puts her hands around his neck and begins to strangle him.

Rose - You cannot resist!!

Suddenly there is a loud bang as Farmer Robert Walker blows a hole in the front door with his shotgun. The eggs he has brought up to the house are lying broken on the floor by the kitchen window. He crashes through the damaged door and rushes into the kitchen. He trains the gun immediately onto Rose.

Robert - You. Off the boy.

Rose takes her hands off Sam’s neck and moves slowly away.

Robert - Don’t anybody move or I’ll blow y’r bleedin brains out.

Rose - Why are you here Farmer?

Robert - I’ve come for the boy.

Rose - You shouldn’t involve yourself in things you don’t understand. There could be severe consequences.

Robert - Save yer threats, I ain’t leavin without ‘im.

Robert walks over to the table and edges around to Sam.

Robert - Back up over there. I said Back up!!

Robert fires off one shot and they all back away from the table. He balances the gun in one arm, walks slowly over, and picks Sam up in the other. He then edges back toward the front doorway. Rose and the others continue to stare at him. Claire/Miranda starts to move back towards him edging slowly around to the kitchen table.

Thursday 17th December pm
Scene 103

A car pulls into the Emery’s drive. It is Sergeant Alex Alderney. He speeds up to the house then leaps out. He sees the damage to the door and rushes up to the house, pulling out a sidearm as he goes. He runs into the kitchen and immediately points his gun at Robert.

Alex - Stop!

Claire/Miranda - Please, don’t let him hurt my baby!!

Alex - Everyone! Stay exactly where you are.

Claire/Miranda - He’s taking my Son!

Robert - Sir. I swear. I’m tryin to save ‘im!

Alex - Put the gun down and give the boy to me.

Robert - No. You don’t understand. These….these things aren’t his family. They’re dead people.

Alex - Hand me the boy and I’ll check things out. You have my word.

Robert - Ok. Just keep yer gun on em.

Robert hesitates, then lowers his gun to the floor and starts to hand the boy over to Alex. During the distraction Claire/Miranda has managed to edge around to a knife holder on the kitchen side and has removed one of the knives. Suddenly, she launches herself at Robert and manages to plunge the knife into his thigh. Robert manages to raise his shotgun again and fires. He blows her into the far kitchen unit where she slumps down, dead. Alex starts firing his gun toward Rose, Isabel/Martha and Dr Richards who all quickly duck and dive out of the way.

Alex - Can you walk?

Robert - (Nods)

Alex - Get to the car.

Alex runs to the car with Sam, puts him gently on the back seat, jumps into the car and starts the engine. Robert stumbles after them as quickly as possible. Rose appears in the doorway with Dr Richards. He begins to push past Rose to go after them but Rose stops him.

Rose - No! Leave them. There isn’t time. Tom and Miranda will have to wait.

Rose turns and calls back into the house.

Rose - We’re leaving. Martha, make sure the idiot keeps up with us. Ian, takes us to the house.

Dr Richards, Isabel/Martha and David/Ted follow Rose slowly out of the house, across the garden and into the forest.


Saturday 19th December pm
Scene 104

Alex walks into the hospital and over to reception. He’s carrying flowers.

Alex - Where can I find Mr. Robert Walker please?

Receptionist - He’s in ward two, the second left and straight ahead.

Alex - Thank you.

Alex follows the directions and enters ward two. Robert is awake in bed. His leg is slightly raised and heavily bandaged.

Alex - Hi. Brought you these.

Robert - Um, thanks. How’s the boy?

Alex - Unfortunately, he’s in care. We don't know of any other family who can look after him.

Robert - Poor bugger.

Alex - At least he’s alive. Mainly thanks to you.

Robert - What’ve you found out then?

Alex - The remains of the bodies of the four missing pensioners were in the kitchen, in the bowls, all over the sides, everywhere. Dr.Richards had been storing those bodies in a freezer on his land. It’s likely that he was responsible for their deaths. The body of Rosemary Shivers was discovered in the cellar instead of in her grave where someone else’s cremated remains have been exhumed. There was a dead dog too, had a knife in it.

Robert - Rufus. He loved that dog.

Alex - Dr Richards property and grounds are being thoroughly searched. There’s still no sign of Dr Richards, Isabel Emery, David Emery or Violet Edwards. That’s all I know.

Robert - You know what was goin’ on. Don’t you.

Alex - No, to be honest I still haven’t really got a clue. All I know is that Sam was in mortal danger and we need to find those others.

Robert - What’ll you do now?

Alex - I don’t know. What about you?

Robert - I don’t know either. I want to help that lad.

Alex - Yes. We’ll have to see what we can do for him. I hope you're up on your feet soon.

Thursday 19th December pm
Scene 105

Sam is lying in a cot in a dormitory with other children his age. It’s late and he is having a bad dream. His eyes suddenly snap open and he sit’s up clutching his chest.

Sam - Ahhhhhhhhh.

Luke - Hey Sam. You ok?

Sam - Sorry. It’s nothing. Just a dream.

Luke - Alright.

Sam - Thanks.

Sam lies back down looking up at the ceiling.

Sam - Rose. She’s in my dreams.


#creativewriting #horror #film #filmscripts

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I think it might be better to have longer posts. Feel free to edit / extendi this post you will not lose votes.

What about an option to expand/collapse? It would make very long post much more readable
(Think about all these scenes to be collapsed on default, and you can expand one by one as soon as you are ready to actually read it. This also prevents you to have to scroll 5 minuts to reach the last scenes xD)

It could even work as for a "spoiler" feature.

Cool suggestion bhuz! Thanks!

@dan is it possible to have multiple expand/collapse triggers in one post? That really would be fantastic.

Ok cool, i'll just extend this one to include the whole script :) Thanks dan.

Oh yeah? We no longer lose rewards or votes if we edit a post?

That's a great idea bhuz! Do you know if I can do that with markdown? I'm very new to using it and not sure how to do it.

Afaik, this is not possible with markdown at the moment. It probably has to be implemented directly by steemit.

I have much rose in Bitshares.

Bitshares are nice.