The Long Night

in #writing9 years ago

This is a continuation of my last two blog posts as this blog will be a continuous telling of my story.

After walking for what seemed like hours but was probably only minutes we took a turn and headed down into the woods. My mind was reeling. I was afraid of the dark and always slept with the light on. Being in the woods, in the dark, with a stranger, inexplicable terror. We walked a little way down a hill off of the side of the road, aptly named Hurt Rd. I was finally placed on the ground. Standing there in terror I tried not to look around because the woods were so, so scary. The night sounds were terrifying. Those crickets and tree frogs and other southern night sounds that were normally soothing became menacing and mocking.

My captor reminded me again that I had to be quiet and do what he said. He pulled out a sock from somewhere, maybe his pocket. It was a long sock. We used to call them "knee socks". It was a girls sock. He used it to tie my hands behind my back. I was frozen. I couldn't move. It was like I was in a nightmare and was unable to move my limbs. My arms felt useless. I was somehow watching this happening to someone else. He began to remove my pajama bottoms tugging from side to side. I couldn't figure out why he was doing this. What was going on? He seemed very nervous and soon started to unbuckle his belt. He pulled his own pants down.

What happened next is etched in my mind. It could have been much worse. He began to rub himself against me. I know now of course that he was trying to arouse himself. He did this for some time. I was grossed out and completely befuddled. I had no idea what or why this was happening but I knew it was wrong and bad. I knew he took me for this reason and still I couldn't understand. A child barely out of toddlerhood would not, could not understand.

For what seemed like forever he tried to stimulate himself using my body. It didn't work. I think now that he was probably too nervous. Was I his first victim? Maybe. Or maybe I was his first kidnapping victim. I don't know. I will never know.

I have to interject here that while I was typing this I was watching "Crime watch" on TV. As I was typing the sentence, "Or maybe I was his first kidnapping victim" the announcer was announcing tomorrows show about a girl that was kidnapped from her bedroom window....I set it to record. Now I have to stop for today as life has taken over, the husband is home and dinner needs to be dealt with. To be continued...


I hope you come back and finish your story.

I hope you come back to finish your story.