Muslim women according to Islam

in #writing7 years ago


Hello friend steemian how are you all !!
on this afternoon I will explain a little about Muslim women in Islam. Muslim women in Islam have obligations and rights that must be fulfilled and also obey all the commands and prohibitions of Allah SWT. Women who embrace Islam are often referred to as Muslim women, then how exactly is the Islamic view of Muslim women themselves?

Muslim women according to Islam are women who embrace the religion of Islam and carry out all obligations and commands of Allah SWT contained in the Islamic religion. In a proverb mentioned that Muslim women are world jewelry and he is more noble than an angel in heaven. Being a good muslim woman should be the goal of every woman because Muslim women must be favored by Allah SWT and also the people around him.

It is sometimes not easy to always istiqomah and be a good muslim woman, but all things are worth to cultivate. To be a true muslim woman or shalehah woman according to Islam then she must fulfill all obligations both as a child, wife, mother and other role in life.

Being a true Muslim woman is not as difficult as expected and a true Muslim woman certainly has certain criteria. Some of the criteria that reflect that a woman is a true muslimah are as follows:

- Faithful and devoted to Allah SWT

The first criterion that makes a woman as a true Muslim is to believe and piety to Allah SWT. Muslim women are those who always perform amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar and keep the command of Allah SWT. In terms of faith and devotion, Islam does not distinguish between men and women as mentioned in the word of Allah SWT,

إن المسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات والقانتين والقانتات والصادقين والصادقات والصابرين والصابرات والخاشعين والخاشعات والمتصدقين والمتصدقات والصائمين والصائمات والحافظين فروجهم والحافظات والذاكرين الله كثيرا والذاكرات أعد الله لهم مغفرة وأجرا عظيما

Truly Moslem men and women, faithful men and women, men and women who remain in obedience, righteous men and women, men and women who are patient, men and women who are khusyu ', the charitable sages and men, women and women, men and women who nurtured their honor, men and women who many call (name) Allah, Allah has provided for them forgiveness and a great reward(Al Ahzab, 35)

- Implementing the Obligation as a Muslim

As a true muslimah of course a woman must carry out all obligations as muslim, including the obligatory five-time prayers and fasting ramadhan and other worship required for the Islamic ummah. Muslim women also always try to do sunnah worship is recommended and have many virtues.

- Closed the aurat

A woman is obliged to cover her private parts, this is because woman is a glorified creature of Allah SWT and for woman to be kept away from slander of the opposite sex. Open aurat can cause the opposite sex difficult to maintain the view and plunge in the act of adultery. The command to wear the hijab and close the aurat is mentioned by Allah SWT in the following verse,
يا أيها النبي قل لأزواجك وبناتك ونساء المؤمنين يدنين عليهن من جلابيبهن ذلك أدنى الله غفورا رحيما

O Prophet, say to your wives, your daughters and the wives of the believers: "Let them stretch out their veils all over their bodies". That is so that they are easier to recognize, therefore they are not disturbed. And Allah is the Forgiving, the Most Merciful. (Al Ahzab: 59)

- Have a good morals

Moral is a man of character in a person. Muslim women should have a noble character, say polite words and polite behavior. Muslim women should also have a soft word and do not apply rude to others. In addition women muslimah also must always be patient with what happened and always feel ashamed if doing something not good. As mentioned by Allah SWT in the following words

ولنبلونكم بشيء من الخوف والجوع ونقص من الأموال والأنفس والثمرات وبشر الصابرين

And indeed We will give you a trial, with a little fear, famine, lack of wealth, soul and fruits. And give good news to those who are patient. (al-Baqarah: 155)

- Devoted to parents and husbands

Devoting to parents and husbands is another criterion of a true Muslim woman. A woman should respect and be devoted to a parent and try to help the work and lighten the burden of parents in the home. On the other hand, a Muslim woman must also devote to her husband because a woman who is not filial to her husband is one of the women who hated Allah SWT. In a hadith Rasul SAW said,

الدنيا متاع وخير متاعها المرأة الصالحة, إذا نظرت إليها سرتك, وإذا أمرتها أطاعتك, وإذا غبت عنها حفظتك في نفسها ومالك

"This world is a jewelry and the best jewelry is a woman who shalihah. When you look at it, it pleases you. When you command, he obeys you. And if you travel away from him, he guards himself (for you) and guards your treasure. "

- Have knowledge and able to take care of his family

A woman will be a mother to her children and she must have knowledge that she can teach her children later or use for the benefit of society. Demanding legal knowledge is mandatory therefore, Muslim women also have to study even though it does not have to reach college. Provided that he can take care of the child and his family well, then a woman is able to become a good muslimah of course if memnuhi other criteria.

Such is the view of Islam regarding shalehah women and Muslim women's criteria according to Islam. May be useful.


tnx for this islamic post.