your other story that I readThis is like a sequel to both @iexploit's story and that . Fantastic imaginative work! Alien stories are one genre you like writing about already, so thanks to @iexploit for this prompt? Pity you won't be taking any prizes. 😖
wiping off tears)I liked @headchange's story ending, where the voice told you that Cryptopians were stronger than you thought and right there, they (we) had started rebuilding the city even before the collapse was complete (Super Cryptopians💪). Uhm, you know I'm the emotional one. (
My entry? I apologize I got stumped along the way. While I was still beating myself to get a finished product, the ifc final round results came in and I was just demotivated. A draw looked to me like a conspiracy to finish off the ifc, especially with the current drag on steemit. Couldnt we have used other parameters? Like granted, the round ended as a draw but youhavewings had more votes in the round, and would have won if the last judge had not come in as you said. Someone had to go home with the crown afterall. This has always been said.
You probably put some other things into consideration though and of course others will have their own opinions. These were just my thoughts. And of course, I still believe in the ifc.
Thanks for the nice words about my writing. :) I liked headchange's story as well! I thought she did a great job. Also I think you meant iexplore by the way you typed iexploit a couple times.
No worries about not getting an entry in! Glad you tried. :D
I'm not totally sure what you mean by a conspiracy to finish off the IFC? I think overtime is often welcomed in sport especially in championship games.. Some of my fondest memories growing up were watching overtime games with my father and seeing the competitors play their best with time running out, it was one of the things that made watching sports really enjoyable for me growing up not that I watch sports much anymore other than some UFC from time to time.
To answer your question yes.. I suppose we could have used other parameters to decide like you mentioned. And originally it was suppose to be an odd number of judges but a couple backed out last minute and I was unable to find a replacement in time.
I will do my best to make sure we don't have ties anymore in the finals.. Or.. I may make a post about it and ask what the community thinks as you were not the only one who was concerned about that. There was one other person who also pointed out similar.. So.. I'm thinking it should probably go up for a vote and we should ask the community what they think about ties in the final round.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I value your opinion and I'm glad to hear you still believe in the IFC. :) <3
Oh, sure I meant iexplore, lol!
Ties/overtime are actually very welcome, they do make games exciting, especially highly competive ones where the atmosphere is already tense. However, I was looking at our peculiar situation: currently, activities on steemit have really slowed down, and the ifc is not immunized against it, response rate is low. You know I was following the community tag and was really appalled at the turnout. So I thought there was a high tendency for a draw to further slow things down.
So I definitely do not have any problem with ties/overtime being used at draws, just looking at this peculiar circumstance.
One thing we all agree on anyway is that the championship is still young and growing and so things will be perfected over time. Thank you for welcoming opinions.
Thanks for clarifying and going into more detail. I see your point amd that is a concern. I was worried one of the two might drop out cause they're too busy.. But thankfully that didn't happen. So yeah.. I'm very sympathetic to wanting this to run smoother. Maybe we should allow for one tie and then make it sudden death after.. But.. As usual I think we need to so a vote on something like this.
I will certainly explore this subject more in the future and we will probably do a vote.
And yes! I agree. We were still new and learning. :) I think things will improve a lot! More than we can prolly predict right now.
You're welcome and thank you as well for your straight forwardness and for sharing your point of view!