Motivational speaker and author Napoleon Hill notes that ''Self discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts''. If you do not control what you think you cannot control what you do. Simply put, self discipline enables you to think fast and act afterwards. You may argue out the fact that somethings are not within your por wer to exercise control over but that is quite false. Lucius Seneca, a Roman philosopher, observed that ''no evil propensity of the human heart is so powerful that it may not be subdued by discipline''.
It imperative that you put a stop certain habit that take a great deal of your time and energy and take the place of studies. Such habit, which are usually evil, gradually steal away your inheritance as an academic genius and rob you of your As and Bs. It takes the discipline to overcome such things and stick to the right principles that lead to success. By working faithfully four hours a day you may eventually get to boss and work six hours a day. Discipline in even the smallest thing you do count because the little differences in your performance can lead to a large difference in your results. Develop this winning edge today. Get that self command now!.
An identical twin of discipline is diligence. The bible says in Proverb ''Seeth thou a man who diligent in his work, he shall stand before kings.....'' Diligence means working carefully and thoroughly living little or no room for mistakes. Not been lackadaisical and overlooking a lot of things. It means paying a great of attention to the minutest detail and making sure you carefully cover the finest detail on a topic and studying it thoroughly just to be a master over it. A diligent work brings a relaxed and controlled thinking afterwards since you know your facts thoroughly.
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