I Almost Drowned, and I Didn't Tell My Family

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever wondered what it's like to experience a near-death situation?
What thoughts run through a person's head in the moments before you die?
Why did it happen in the first place, and how did I escape?
How has it affected me in the months since my closest call ever?

I'll tell you!

Swim Reaper
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"We are all of us resigned to death: it's life we aren't resigned to." - Graham Greene

I remember that day like it happened yesterday.
The breeze was warm as I stood on the balcony of our 23rd story hotel room last year. The water was turquoise green against a bright blue sky.
It was early in the day, and people were already lining the beach as far as the eye could see. My family had already went down to the beach to soak up the hot sun and work on their tans.

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Being from Indiana, and not one to ever really go shirtless in the sun, I knew that if I decided to go to the beach, there was no way I was going to take my shirt off, because if I did, I knew the consequences of a few hours of hot sun on my pale skin would be quite painful.

I should have went fishing instead

Actually, I had planned to go fishing that very day with my nephew, but he suddenly changed his mind at the last minute and go swimming. I told him to tell everyone that I would be joining them shortly.

From the balcony, I could see a shallow bar of sand that looked to be about twenty yards from shore. There were people standing on it, and the water only appeared to be about knee deep. The waves were much bigger out on that sand bar, and I always liked jumping into the larger waves because it was just more fun than those puny waves nearer the shore. I decided I was going to make my way out to that second bar and enjoy it with all the other people who were already out there. Big mistake.

I put my swim trunks on and headed out the door. It was a good walk to the elevator, at least 2 minutes worth of nonstop walking around the edge of the massive hotel. I pushed the elevator button and waited. And waited. And waited some more.
After 10 minutes I got tired of waiting and opted for the stairs instead. When I stepped foot on the first floor, my legs felt like jello. 23 floors sure does do a number on your legs!

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I walked out of the hotel and straight to the beach to join my family. Several of them were out in the water, but I needed to rest my legs a bit before I went out to join them. After a few minutes I was ready, so I headed down to the water.
The cooling sensation of the water instantly made the weakness in my legs go away. Soon I forgot that I had just walked down 23 flights of stairs.

Bad luck in salt water

I should have known something would go wrong since I was a tourist from Indiana. In fact, this wasn't the first time something had gone wrong while swimming in the ocean. Just two years before this something swam into my leg and hit me hard! To this day I have no idea what it was, but it left me with a large bruise and a cut leg, as you can see in the photo below...

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I told you I was white lol, and that really did hurt big time. It felt like getting hit by a baseball thrown by a major league pitcher!

Anyways, back to my story.

Everyone was having fun in the water, and it seemed like they all had a beer in their hand. When asked if I wanted one I said no, but eventually peer pressure gave in and I opened one for myself. I really didn't feel like drinking out there, so after a few sips I purposely let a wave crash over me and fill the beer can just so I didn't have to drink it.

That was the moment I remembered the sand bar from the balcony.

I looked up the beach and there were still a lot of people out there having fun, and I wanted to join in, so I slowly began to move away from my family members and walk up the beach in the chest-deep water to a spot that didn't look too difficult to swim out to the bar. I had swam the distance before, and I knew I could do it if I took my time and didn't exert myself too much. So I tried it.

It was easy swimming, the waves weren't too large and I was making good progress across the deeper part of the water. I had assumed that the water was no more than shoulder deep or so, and that if I got tired I could simply stop and rest for a minute and then continue on with my swim. Well, about halfway across the deep part, my legs began to get tired extremely quickly. I decided to take a break, so I let my legs sink to touch the bottom, but there was no bottom to touch. The water was much deeper than I thought, and it caused me to panic a bit. I set off swimming towards the bar again but I was having trouble getting my legs to come back up to help propel me. I tried harder, and it completely wore my arms out. I was in trouble.
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I couldn't yell for help, I felt that I would slip underwater if I let the air out of my lungs. I was frantically trying to swim to safety, but I wasn't making it anywhere. Waves were washing over my head, and no one had noticed that I was in trouble. My arms were getting slower, and my legs had all but stopped working......

I thought of my family down the beach having fun

I hadn't told them where I was going, and I didn't ask anyone to go with me. They didn't know that I was fighting for my life a few hundred yards away from them. They couldn't see me. I thought "this can't be happening", and
"I want to be back with them drinking a nasty beer right now instead of fighting for my life!" I thought about my mom and sister back home. And my brother. I refused to believe what was happening to me. It was making me extremely lightheaded. I think it was the disbelief and realization slamming into me from every direction that made me feel so strange, like a warped verson of deja vu, all twisted and dripping with a sobering dose of realizing I was going to die. I hadn't dreamed in a million years that this is how my story was going to end....

I owe them my life

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As I was just about to go under and fill my lungs with water, I realized there was a girl about 30 feet away from me paddling out on a body board. I spit water out of my mouth and asked her if she could help me. I think I sounded like a hurt puppy when I asked, you know, almost whimpering. The girl looked at me as if she heard me, and paddled towards me. She stopped about 5 feet from me and smiled, and told me she didn't speak English! She knew I was in trouble, but she was reluctant to help me. I was sinking by then, and the only thing I could do was reach out and grab her board. I didn't pull myself towards her, because the look on her face made me realize she didn't know how to swim. It was extremely difficult for me to hold onto it with one hand at a distance, because my body was done. I told the girl I was sorry, and told her I was going to drown if I let go, but I know she couldn't understand what I was saying.

I looked back toward the sand bar and saw a guy watching us, and then he began paddling toward us on his body board. I figured he was the girl's boyfriend. When he got close I simply said "Can you help me get back to shore? in a worrisome tone. He stopped, said something to the girl in an accent that sounded Russian or Slovenian, then she took his board, and he took hold of the one I was holding onto and said "Come on". I'm so glad he knew some English!

We started back towards shore and he says "you can't swim?". I told him I could, but I was completely exhausted. He told me to paddle with him towards shore, but by then I couldn't. I was grasping the board with both hands while my legs just hung suspended in the water.
We got to within 20 feet of shore and I slowly felt for the bottom with my foot and felt sand. I was emotionally overwhelmed, but I was hiding it behind my sun glasses. I told him I could make it from there, and I thanked him immensely for helping me. He smiled and said ok, then we parted ways. I stood there, staring at the water for what felt like an hour. I wish I had gotten his name or something. They both deserved so much more than a simple 'thank you'. So much more.

I slowly made my way back down the beach to my family. They were having the time of their lives and I didn't want to ruin it for them, so I acted like nothing ever happened. To this day, I still haven't told them. I don't know why I haven't told them. Too embarrassing for me maybe. Or it could be that I want them to think that all of our vacations together have been incident free (other than the son of a bitch whatever-it-was that hit me in the leg out in the water 2 years prior).

The experience changed me

I find myself a lot more thankful for the people I have in my life these days. I stop and enjoy the moments, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem. I love life and I love all of you! And I love the two strangers who saved my life that day on the beach.

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The message in that photo quote isn't always the easiest to live by. Sometimes I find myself right back there in the water again with that same feeling of impending death, but I shake it off and keep going. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives! Always remember that.

Until next time,

God bless, and take care.

Oh, and I'd like to give a shoutout to @kiwideb for everything she's done for me over the last week and a half. Thank you for all of the suggestions and everything.

If you would like some tips on writing, and furthering your blogging skills, follow #dolphinschool at @markrmorrisjr !

Written with StackEdit.


Dang! Glad you survived. I heard a similar story about a guy I knew here in Oregon. He was washed off the rocks by a big wave and taken out to sea. Next time, just go fishing!

Dang right back! Did he make it?? Next time I'm just gonna go fishing.

Yeah, he was saved by someone on a board too! When he was telling me about it, it was like I was seeing a miracle that he was alive.

Man. I'm glad he made it!

Excellent writing very insightful

In my experience the feeling of death coming your way never goes away - it's a memory that never fades. A sobering post @bristowboy - Glad you made it back to shore :)

This was the second time water tried to take me. The first time was much much colder. It involved ice, a flipped boat, and hypothermia. Very close call too. I'll write about it someday

Very powerful indeed. The images and flow of story I read from start to finish. I had my own experiences with beer and swimming but that all was in someone's backyard pool, not the ocean.

I leave near the east coast so often go to the beaches. What scares me the most is at night when you look out over the water you see total darkness. Yet right in front of where I stand on the beach the water seems so weak with its pull and push. Yet the further out I see the more fearsome I new it would be. I never think of do anything other than making sure I am swimming when I am in the ocean.

It is always good to reflect on past experiences. Makes us grateful for the time we have left on this planet. Thanks.

You did good on this. You told the story well to continually keep my attention. I really liked your quote at the end. I had a near death experience after I had my daughter. I got an infection in my blood (sepsis) and almost didnt make it. I actually have it written in my notes for me to make a blog about it one day. Thank you for sharing your story.

The same thing happened to my mom when she had my sister. I'm glad it didn't get you :)

Awesome post, very deep and touching story. I can relate, although not to the drowning part. But to staring death in the face. Glad you pulled through, and have been able to put the story into the context of a valuable life lesson.

Close calls are eye openers for sure. And thank you

Wow, what a story. I'm a crappy swimmer, I mean, I've been close to that a couple times, in a pool, so...Great! You had me right to the end. A couple of things, first, your formatting. A lot of long paragraphs, you might consider breaking them up, dropping in some single, italicized lines. Second, no link to dolphinschool. If you'd like to add a link at the end, I'll consider it for revenue share tonight. Otherwise, excellent job, scary story and yeah, I'm from Oklahoma, so we go to the gulfcoast every couple of years and it's not the same swimming in the ocean as it is anywhere else, for sure. Thanks for sharing this. Great story, really! 25 views and 9 votes so far!

Thanks man. Can you recheck and see if I did the end correctly? I'm not at home right now, so it's a little difficult on the mobile. :)

Great! thanks!

Woah. I got a big upvote on this.

Or rather, a TON of upvotes! I'm up to 70. Thank you!

MAN! That is awesome! Well, I guess my plan is working. LOL

This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by your friendly @eastcoaststeem ran by Steemian @chelsea88

I had a similar experience once. I didn't have any thoughts going on in my head at all. It was all wordless survival mode. Glad you are safe!

I'm glad you're safe too!

Great post! Thanks for sharing your story, glad it had a happy ending. Look forward to more stories and more of your amazing photos. Would love to hear some of your storm chasing stories along with the great photos.

Thank you! I'll be sharing more stories, you can bet on it!

I am resteeming your post as part of the Newbie Resteem Initiative #newbieresteemday. We are a group here to help those new to the community by resteeming posts to help get some extra exposure, as well as being here to answer any questions you might have. Check out this link for more details (or ask me.) Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Hey! That's awesome. You might want to check out the project we've got going, with #dolphinschool, a bunch of newbies like @bristowboy, he is part of it as well! Thanks for doing that!

Hi @markmorrisjr, I have and it is great what you are doing. Would it be okay if I direct messaged you on Discord? (if you are on there)

Thank you very much! This is awesome!

You're very welcome @bristowboy . I am also a Curie Creator which is where much of the upvote came from. This was a great post and definitely deserved it.

Well thanks again. It means a lot. Sometimes a person just has to get a trauma out of their system, although I'll never forget it. I just posted a story about getting hit by a tornado a couple years ago here in Southern Indiana. You don't have to upvote it or anything if you don't want to, I'm just used to getting feedback as payment for things :) Opinion and whatnot. It isn't quite as detailed as this one, but it's pretty good I think.

I experience something like that when i was 13 years old!! In my case I screamed for help and thanks god someone helped me.

I should have yelled for help while I had the strength. :( It still bothers me, even when I go to the river to go fishing. I stare out at the water and remember... I'm glad you made it out!

Thank you for sharing this vulnerable piece of your story. It's the strangely beautiful gift of gratitude that comes from facing your own mortality.

I can relate, actually. In my case, it was a rip-tide that nearly pulled me under. Yet the terror and disbelief were the same. I was actually with friends and they both had to help get me back to shore. At one, very sobering point, all three of us were struggling against the strength of the undertow, yet miraculously...we made it out alive.

We were all totally wiped after that, as though we'd run some crazy marathon and had nothing left but spent muscles that refused to work. I can understand why you didn't feel inclined to inform your family. Especially right after it happens, it's difficult to find words, and no amount of explaining will ever make them feel what you felt out there.

My friends and I didn't talk about it much, but I know each of us was somehow changed by it.

Wow, that would have been horrible. I'm glad all 3 of you are okay! It really hangs in the back of your mind and occasionallay pops up vividly in your memory. I had the displeasure of experiencing severe hypothermia during another instance. I was in a boat with my 2 brothers and 2 nephews in the dead of winter in sub freezing weather, and the boat sank out in the lake. There were sheets of ice all around us. My nephews both just froze up and didn't even try to swim. One of my brothers didn't know how to swim. I'm gonna write about it too. We're all still alive. It was hard.

I can't even imagine that! Please do write about it! I'm beginning to suspect you're actually a cat. ;)

Don't say that! It might bring me bad luck! lol. I'm going to try very very hard to not ever be back in one of those situations again. I know sometimes it is out of our hands though. I'm still gonna try! I'll tell the story of that frigid experience soon enough. It really sucked because I had to leave that same day with my aunt and uncle to stay with them in Arkansas for a nice long visit. It ruined part of my trip because I could not step foot out in the cold air for a week. The slightest bit of cold air would make me start shivering uncontrollably. I was back in a boat a couple weeks later holding on for dear life, and the boat had a hole in it! There was a 5 inch fountain of water in the bottom. All part of the story when I write it. :)

Whoa, that is quite a story. I got to the end feeling so thankful you were still with us. And then to see your message to me at the end was very moving. Whatever happens in your Steemit adventure, I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines.

Thank you very much!! Ya know sometimes I wish stories like this were fiction =\ It happens everyday around the world. It's sad. At least I'm still here! It could have been a lot worse.

What a great story! I read it to the end for sure. I have a story, too. But I died on an operating table. I will have to share it one day. But not yet. @lahvista

I'd like to hear about it, when you're ready. I have a friend who died on the operating table as well. He was extremely lucky. So were you! I'm glad you're still here :)

It removes the sense of frantic. Restores an inner feeling of peace and calm. Coupled with other Out of body experiences it changes everything.

My mom had an out of body experience when she was pregnant with my baby sister. They had to rush her 200 miles in an ambulance because the weather was too bad for a helicopter. She had preeclampsia. They had to do an emergency c-section on her. My sister was 2 lbs, 2 oz when she was born. These days she's bigger than I am! I'm glad they both came out of it okay in the end.

Thanks for sharing this! Dying in the middle of an ocean is probably the scariest thought in my mind.

Now that I think about it, I haven't gone swimming since it happened. It is REALLY scary =\